Turning Humans Into Pavlov Dogs

C H U R C H   R E F O R M   S E R I E S

By Biblicism Institute

Classical conditioning (also known as Pavlovian or respondent conditioning) is a learning process in which an innate response to a potent stimulus comes to be elicited in response to a previously neutral stimulus.” — Wikipedia

“A bully pulpit is a position sufficiently conspicuous to provide an opportunity to speak out and be listened to. This term was coined by President Theodore Roosevelt…” — Wikipedia

Bully PulpitHave you ever wondered why politicians adopted and spread propaganda-style the expression Bully Pulpit, a term that reeks of religious connotation?

First, allow us to advance an explanation as to the true meaning of the term Bully Pulpit, not the “terrific platform” meme that was peddled by Theodore Roosevelt and his ilk.

When Christians go to church they are “bullied” to no end by a preacher who stands behind a “pulpit.” The reason it is qualified as bullying is because the preacher single-handedly commandeers Christ’s authority unto himself, as he disregards every gathering or assembly law stipulated by Christ and the Apostles in the bible. See Church Services Are NOT Biblical for an exposé.

Christians have been so “properly conditioned and programmed” by the Bully Pulpit practice that politicians salivated with envy, and could not resist the compulsion to appropriate it for their own end.

Who can blame them?

Let’s face it. Bully-Pulpitism is a very effective brainwashing method.

When believers attend church they are not allowed to speak or express their minds, even when the “preacher” spews out false dogmas. They are trained to passively sit in the pews and to robotically say “Amen.” They are thus perfectly molded to accept anything a mortal and fallible man says as long as he happens to stand behind a “pulpit.”

Consequently, from a spiritual perspective, the Body of Christ suffers a debilitating paralysis. See Church Services Are NOT Biblical for an exposé. However, for government leeches such a method is Nirvana or Elysium; Scoundrel Heaven, if you prefer.

The Pavlov Experiment

“Preachers do it and get away with it,” they properly deduced. “Why not use it for our benefit? Most of the work is already done. All we have to do is get the sheeple to associate us with the word ‘pulpit’ and… Abracadabra!”

Hence, politicians have not only arrogated Bully-Pulpitism, they have perfected it to such a degree that Authoritarianism is becoming the norm almost everywhere.

That’s why Presidents, Congressmen, Politicians, and Public Servants of all stripes act all indignant whenever people question their actions or their stands on the issues.

“How dare the sheeple talk back to us?” they bark. “They’re supposed to stay quiet and acquiesce with just ‘Amen.'”

The political practice of Bully-Pulpitism has become so bad that the People’s Representatives even vote against the will of the people they supposedly represent, not feigning so much as a modicum of care for the wishes of their constituents. Said disposition has even trickled down to cops who have turned savagely wild on those they have sworn to protect and serve.

To further cement the process, these government rascals, in cahoots with  the Medical Community, have engineered a solution for those who dare think for themselves and question “Authority.” See Of Authority and Christians for an exposé.

They classify them as mentally ill.

In reality, such a dubious “scientific” diagnosis should have been expected. It wasn’t long ago that these whorish pseudo-scientists bravely concluded that two-year-olds who naturally act out suffer from Oppositional Defiant Disorder. It must be that behind their own “pulpit” of Make Believe or Make Disease, Anti-Authoritarianism – as a “sickness” – is a natural extension or progression of that invented kiddy disorder.


Bully-Pulpitism originated in the Church. It then extended to the political arena where savvy propagandists made sure it infiltrated every stratum of society. Unfortunately for all, it has turned fully cognitive humans into pitiful Pavlov dogs.

“We must obey God rather than human beings!” Acts 5:9

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When Bad Things Happen

God Is Not Unaware
C H U R C H   R E F O R M   S E R I E S

By Biblicism Institute

“When disaster comes to a city, has not the Lord caused it?” Amos 3: 6

When bad things happen, it is because the Lord purposed it.

“And the Lord said to Satan, ‘Behold, all that Job has is in your hand…'” Job 1:11

In effect, God handed Job over to Satan. As a result, disaster struck his house.

“…another also came and said, ‘Your sons and your daughters were eating and drinking wine in their oldest brother’s house, and behold, a great wind came from across the wilderness and struck the four corners of the house, and it fell on the young people and they died, and I alone have escaped to tell you.’ ” Job 1: 18, 19

“Then Satan… smote Job with sore boils from the sole of his foot to the crown of his head…” Job 2: 7


God doesn’t hand anyone over to the dark forces unless such a one has sinned. And all of us have sinned, so we’re all fair game.

“For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God…” Romans 3: 23

“Surely I was sinful at birth, sinful from the time my mother conceived me.” Psalm 51: 5

Many will say that Job was a righteous man and always made sure his sins and the sins of his family were covered.

“When a period of feasting had run its course, Job would make arrangements for them to be purified. Early in the morning he would sacrifice a burnt offering for each of them, thinking, ‘Perhaps my children have sinned and cursed God in their hearts.’ This was Job’s regular custom.” Job 1: 5

Job's children killed by Satan

Job’s children killed by Satan

Were Job’s children sinning? Of course. So why the use of Perhaps? It was Job thinking, fooling himself, like many parents do today.

So even though the bible doesn’t openly reveal it, deep down Job knew about the unrighteous ways of his children. Parents always know.

Otherwise, what was that obsession or custom Job had in offering a burnt sacrifice for each of them?

It’s also no surprise God allowed them all to be killed.

They were most likely spoiled beyond redemption, with hearts lifted up, souls that ignored their Maker (hence Job offering sacrifices for them instead of them for themselves), and a lifestyle that welcomed excess – causal effects of their father’s unfathomable success, not unlike the sons of the prophet Eli.

“His (Job’s) sons used to hold feasts in their homes…” Job 1:4

“Take care lest you forget the LORD your God by not keeping his commandments and his rules and his statutes, which I command you today, lest, when you have eaten and are full and have built good houses and live in them, and when your herds and flocks multiply and your silver and gold is multiplied and all that you have is multiplied, then your heart be lifted up, and you forget the LORD your God…” Deuteronomy 8: 11 – 14

“Now the sons of Eli were corrupt and did not know the Lord… the two sons of Eli, Hophni and Phinehas, were slain.” 1 Samuel 2:12, 4:11

Job might have been “blameless and upright” (Job 1:1), but he was also sinning in a way only God could see.

“The LORD does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.” 1 Samuel 16: 7

He was conceited and arrogant, a sin that finally surfaced during the handing over.

“Know then that God has wronged me…” Job 19: 6

Really? God wronged Job?

At that point, Job had lost sight of the fact that none of us is righteous on our own. Therefore we cannot be wronged by God. Our righteousness solely comes from God’s election of us as His children, and as such only said choice causes us to become righteous.

When we become Christians, we become righteous through Jesus’s doing, hence neither righteous nor good in our own right.

“God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.” 2 Corinthians 5: 21

Even when we follow His commandments, we are not following our will but His, and therefore whatever good deed we end up doing becomes His since it was set in motion by His law.

“When you do all the things which are commanded you, say, ‘We are unworthy servants; we have done only that which was our duty to do.'” Luke 17:10

So, to set Job the Aramean straight, in addition to handing him over to Satan, God sent a Buzite fellow, a non-Hebrew like Job, purposely named Elihu or “my God is He” – shade of Jesus – to point out Job’s flaw to him.

“Elihu’s wrath aroused because Job justified himself rather than God…” Job 32: 2

Elihu realized there was more than a hint of vanity in Job’s life.

“In this you are not righteous… for God is greater than man.” Job 33:12

Prosperity and success had caused Job to become prideful and self-righteous.

“He was the greatest of all the men of the east.” Job 1: 3

“Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall.” Proverbs 16: 18

Job had become so full of himself that he thought he was on par with God, a Prince who could approach the Almighty on an equal footing.

“Behold, here is my signature; Let the Almighty answer me! And the indictment which my adversary has written, Surely I would carry it on my shoulder, I would bind it to myself like a crown. I would declare to Him the number of my steps; Like a prince I would approach Him.” Job 31: 35-37

He injected the poison of his conceit and self-righteousness in what was his true righteousness, the righteousness of God.

God appears to Job

God appears to Job

But when Jehovah appeared to him, the Glory and Holiness of the Almighty made Job realize how small, insignificant, and wretched he really was.

“My ears had heard of you, but now my eyes have seen you. Therefore I despise myself and repent in dust and ashes.” Job 45: 5,6

As sin takes control of us, it spoils the righteousness we have been handed. It’s the fly in the ointment, the leaven in the lump.

“Dead flies putrefy the perfumer’s ointment…” Ecclesiastes 10: 1

“A little leaven leavens the whole lump.” Galatians 5: 9

Even the Apostle Paul experienced the handing over. But in Paul’s case it was a preemptive strike.

“In order to keep me from becoming conceited, I was given a thorn in my flesh, a messenger of Satan, to torment me.” 2 Corinthians 12: 7

That is why Paul was so strict with Christians of his time. He knew sin needed to be dealt with. And many times the only way to deal with it is for the sinner to be handed over to the dark forces.

“I have decided to deliver such a one to Satan for the destruction of his flesh, so that his spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord Jesus.” 1 Corinthians 5:5

When our flesh is destroyed, our sinful nature is henceforth dashed to pieces like pottery; and God’s iron scepter is made evident in our lives as he keeps us in line, away from the malicious influence of life’s alluring but deadly valley of sin.

“You will break them with a rod of iron; you will dash them to pieces like pottery.” Psalm 2:9

“Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.” Psalm 23:4


When we sin, we basically tell God He’s not our Father.

Consequently, our sinful actions identify us as belonging to a different household, that of the dark forces. So, like the father of the prodigal son, God says, “You want it, you got it.”

Job and his wife

“Why don’t you curse God and die?” Job 2:9 Job’s wife curses him

The handing over may seem harsh, but it is to help us get rid of sin, thus making us perfect.

“Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.” Matthew 5: 48

To be perfect is to rule over sin.

“You must rule over sin.” Genesis 4:7

And how do we rule over it?

1) Constantly judge ourselves and recognize our wrongdoings.

“But if we judged ourselves truly, we would not be judged by God in this way.” 1 Corinthians 11: 31

2) Wholeheartedly repent to God and other offended parties (not to a “catholic priest”). The prodigal son sinned against God and against his father, so he repented accordingly.

“The son said to him, ‘Father, I have sinned against heaven and against you. I am no longer worthy to be called your son.'” Luke 15: 21

3) Follow God’s commandments.

“Whoever has my commands and keeps them is the one who loves me.” John 14: 21

Unfortunately, sin is quite insidious. It is a disease that’s always at the door, always at the ready to entrap.

“But if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your door; it desires to have you, but you must rule over it.” Genesis 4: 7

It sometimes hides itself so deep within our hearts that, like Job, we don’t even realize we’re neck-deep in it.

“The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it?” Jeremiah 17: 9

So God many times resorts to the handing over in order to remove it.

“Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness.” James 1: 2-3

The handing over is a mark of God’s love. He orchestrates it to help those who will learn from it turn their lives around for His glory.

“Endure hardship as discipline; God is treating you as his children. For what children are not disciplined by their father?” Hebrews 12: 7


Bad things don’t happen to good people.

“There is no one righteous, not even one.” Romans 3: 10

Bad things happen to sinners, all of us. But in their wake, if we truly repent, we let go of our unrighteousness or self-righteousness and become the righteousness of God.

“But if our unrighteousness brings out God’s righteousness more clearly, what shall we say? That God is unjust in bringing his wrath on us? May it never be!” Romans 3: 5,6

Once we learn our lesson, and when we’re ready for it, God hands us the pot at the end of the rainbow, containing only the blessings we can handle.

“Now the Lord blessed the latter days of Job more than his beginning.” Job 42: 12

It would do us no good for God to bestow upon us all the blessings in the world and in the process lose our soul.

“And what do you benefit if you gain the whole world but lose your own soul? Is anything worth more than your soul?” Matthew 16: 26


The following questions will surely pop up.

1. Does this mean when someone is killed during an accident or a catastrophe that person was beyond redemption?

The answer is Yes and No.

“I will cut off from you the righteous and the wicked…” Ezekiel 21: 4

Yes, it could be. And No, it could also be this:

“No one understands that the righteous are taken away to be spared from evil.” Isaiah 57: 1

When the righteous are taken away in such a fashion, it simply means that God was done with them, that their mission was accomplished, and that God no longer wanted them to endure the evil in this world. But in the case of Job’s children, it is quite doubtful that they were righteous.

So how can one know which is which?

No one can, except God. He purposely made it thus so there would be no formula to figure Him out.

“God has made the one as well as the other. Therefore, no one can discover anything about their future.” Ecclesiastes 7:14

It’s one of the reasons those who preach church tithing are sinning, because what they’re saying is that tithing is the guaranteed formula to be financially blessed by God. In the end, even Job wasn’t blessed because he tithed. He didn’t tithe. He was blessed because God chose to bless him. And today God acts no differently, especially as the New Covenant changes everything. See Ministry Money and the Tithe Lie.

Even when we’re doing all that God wants us to do, there’s no telling what will transpire in our lives.

“For it is better, if it is God’s will, to suffer for doing good than for doing evil.” 1 Peter 3:17

True faith is the understanding that God does whatever He wants, whenever He wants, however He wants.

“I will have mercy on whom I have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I have compassion.” Romans 9: 15

2. Why does the bible mention the righteous if none is righteous?

When God mentions the righteous, it is to be grasped as those who understand that their righteousness is of God and not of themselves.

Even in Job’s case God knew He could turn Job around, and that in the end he would become the righteousness of God. That’s why He told Satan not to take his life.

And the Lord said unto Satan, Behold, he is in thine hand; but save his life.” Job 2: 6

3. Who created the Devil and why does God use him?

God created the Devil and his demons. God uses them to bring about His ultimate plan and purpose, which is to challenge man’s free will and put through the fire unbelievers, atheists, and Christians alike in order to test their zeal for either the truth of God and Jesus whom He sent or the lies of the evil one and his minions.

4. Doesn’t God violate His own commandment of Thou Shall Not Kill?

What kind of a stupid question is that? 🙂

That commandment is for us who are the Thou or YOU. He didn’t say You and I shall not kill. He said “YOU shall not kill.” Period. Many have a bad habit of either taking bible verses out of context or adding to God’s word.

From the very beginning God told us we would die if we ate of the forbidden fruit. See The Consequences of Sin.

“…for when you eat from it you will certainly die…” Genesis 2: 17

Man saw fit to disobey and chose death. No need to spin it otherwise. And whether we die of old age or in an accident or by any other means before old age is irrelevant. Death is death.

The “inconvenient” means and timing of our demise don’t make death any less a result of our wrongful choice. So don’t be like Job and say God wronged you by not following the Thou Shall NOT Kill command.

We will all die or be killed someday, it’s just a matter of time. Our death – whether we see it as God “killing” us or not, same difference – and its timing thereof are dictated by the Almighty who uses whatever method and schedule He sees fit to bring about our demise, a consequence of our sinful nature.

We were never given any assurance that we would live beyond the instant we emerged out of our mothers’ wombs. From the moment we came into the world, a death appointment has been scheduled. So every day is a gift. Count your blessings.

“For it is God which works in you both to will and to do of [his] good pleasure.” Philippians 2: 13

Some point to the various killings in the Old Testament to somehow “prove” that God always had a blood lust, and that He often commanded the ancient Hebrews to kill in wars.

What they don’t understand is that the Hebrews then were an extension of God’s army on earth. God used them to remove the wicked from the face of the earth. So when they killed on God’s order in specific and directed circumstances – which cannot be transferred to today’s circumstances –  it was God’s doing, not theirs.

“The LORD your God is the one who goes with you, to fight for you…” Deuteronomy 20:4

But, as the prophet Zechariah prophesied, with the advent of Christ everything would change.

” ‘Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit,’ says the LORD Almighty.” Zechariah 4:6

Now it’s no longer by the might of the sword nor by the power of one’s army, but by the Spirit of Christ that things truly change for the better.

“The wrath of man does not produce the righteousness of God.” James 1:20

Ever since Jesus’s birth, death, and resurrection the world has not been the same.

“If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.” 2 Corinthians 5: 17

Those who really know God understand how He operated then and how He operates now, just the way Jesus understood and did not fear those who could kill the body.

“Pilate said to Him, ‘You do not speak to me? Do You not know that I have authority to release You, and I have authority to crucify You?’ Jesus answered, ‘You would have no authority over Me, unless it had been given you from above.’ ” John 19: 10-11

“Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather, be afraid of the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell.” Matthew 10: 28

The only ones who utter such nonsense about the 6th commandment are those who hate God and fail to see that physical death is nothing compared to the eternal death of the soul in hell.

Such a harmful disposition prompts them to spit on the Father’s authority to do as He purposes, and to ignore Jesus’s sacrifice which was offered for the renewal of the world through peace and for the salvation of man’s soul through the New Covenant in His blood.

“But those who fail to find me harm themselves; all who hate me love death.” Proverbs 8: 36

Consequently, remember this:

“Now all has been heard; here is the conclusion of the matter: Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the duty of all mankind.” Ecclesiastes 12: 13

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Speaking In Tongues

C H U R C H   R E F O R M   S E R I E S

By Biblicism Institute

“Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels…” 1 Corinthians 13:1

There’s quite a polemic within the body of Christ regarding the gift of speaking in tongues.


Biblically speaking, to speak or pray in tongues is to speak or pray in a celestial language. When said language or tongue is being spoken, each endowed individual strikes a unique cadence of sound and heavenly words – hence tongues, plural.

On hearing this, they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus. When Paul placed his hands on them, the Holy Spirit came on them, and they spoke in tongues” Acts 19: 4-7

Day of PentecostHowever, at the first Pentecost, speaking in tongues took on a different aspect as well.

Judahite Hebrews, who were born and lived abroad, like the Apostle Paul who was born in Tarsus, Cilicia, were visiting Jerusalem for the Feast of Unleavened Bread and the Feast of Weeks, and heard the disciples speak in their various native dialects.

Now there were staying in Jerusalem God-fearing Judahites from every nation under heaven... Every man heard them speak in his own language. And they were all amazed and marveled, saying one to another, Behold, are not all this which speak Galileans? ” Acts 2: 5 -7

The speaking of foreign languages, as prompted at that time by the Holy Spirit, was for the benefit of these men who were part of the Hebrew House of Ancient Israel.

“Therefore let all the house of Israel know assuredly that God has made this Jesus, whom you crucified, both Lord and Christ.” Acts 2: 36

It was also for the benefit of spreading the Gospel worldwide, especially as many foreigners from around the world constantly traveled to Jerusalem, a major trade center at the time.

“And how hear we every man in our own dialect wherein we were born? Parthians, Medes, and Elamites, and the dwellers in Mesopotamia, and in Judea, and Cappadocia, in Pontus and Asia, Phrygia, and Pamphylia, in Egypt, and the parts of Lybia, about Cyrene, strangers of Rome, Judahites and proselytes, Cretes and Arabians, We do hear them speak in our tongues the wonderful works of God.Acts 2: 8-12

“Those who had been scattered preached the word wherever they went.” Acts 8:4

The Holy Spirit saw the need at that particular junction to supernaturally prompt many of the disciples to speak in various foreign dialects.

The bestowal of said gift (i.e., to speak in a foreign dialect) still occurs today, albeit not supernaturally like at the first Pentecost but as a talent or an aptitude, since many individuals all over the world are now fluent in more than one language. It thus recalibrates the event at the Tower of Babel where God confounded man’s one universal language into various dialects, and caused them not to understand each other.

“Come, let us go down, and there confound their language, that they may not understand one another’s speech.” Genesis 11: 7

Man’s hope at the Tower of Babel was to reach Heaven (Genesis 11:4). Now Heaven reaches down to man in the person of Jesus, using not only the aforementioned gift but a new universal language as well, a heavenly tongue, which itself reaches to the once unreachable Heaven, even unto God Himself.

Christ - el Greco“For one who speaks in a tongue speaks not to men but to God…” 1 Corinthians 14: 2

However, unlike the supernatural outpouring of common languages at the First Pentecost, the heavenly tongue has kept its supernatural endowment, as it is God’s umbilical cord whereby He supplies His children with divine mysteries.

“…one who speaks in a tongue… utters mysteries in the spirit.” 1 Corinthians 14: 2

As such it is mostly for the benefit of oneself in prayer.

“One who speaks in tongues edifies himself…” 1 Corinthians 14:4

“Likewise the Spirit also helps our infirmities: for we know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the Spirit itself makes intercession for us with groans which cannot be uttered.” Romans 8:26

Praying in tongues is something many Christians don’t do for whatever reason, whether out of traditional bias, ignorance, or unbelief. However, it’s one of many spiritual tools or gifts available in the Christian arsenal – just like God created many kinds of fruits and vegetables for all those with different tastes and gustoes.

“Now to each one the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good. To one there is given through the Spirit a message of wisdom, to another a message of knowledge by means of the same Spirit, to another faith by the same Spirit, to another gifts of healing by that one Spirit, to another mighty works, to another prophecy, to another distinguishing between spirits, to another speaking in different kinds of languages, and to still another the interpretation of languages. All these are the work of one and the same Spirit, and he distributes them to each one, just as he determines.” 1 Corinthians 12: 7-11

But the day one desires the gift of speaking in heavenly tongues, which increases wisdom in the things above, all one has to do is ask God who gives to all liberally.

“If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all [men] liberally, and without reproach; and it shall be given him.” James 1:5

When one speaks in a heavenly tongue, something is birthed deep inside the spirit man and one is edified.

“For one who speaks in a tongue speaks not to men but to God; for no one understands him, but he utters mysteries in the spirit.” 1 Corinthians 14: 2

Yet, when we congregate it is better to prophesy in a common language and not speak in tongues.

“But he that prophesieth speaketh unto men to edification, and exhortation, and comfort. He that speaketh in an unknown tongue edifieth himself, but he that prophesieth edifieth the assembly.” 1 Corinthians 14: 4

The one who prophesies in a common language edifies the body of Christ. But that doesn’t mean he is forbidden to pray in tongues when he’s on his own.

“So, my brothers, earnestly desire to prophesy, and do not forbid speaking in tongues.” 1 Corinthians 14: 39

“I thank God that I speak in tongues more than all of you.” 1 Corinthians 14: 18

In a congregational setting speaking in heavenly tongues should only occur with the presence of a gifted someone who can interpret.

“The one who prophesies is greater than the one who speaks in tongues, unless someone interprets, so that the assembly may be built up.” 1 Corinthians 14: 5

Otherwise, it’d be a waste of the congregants’ time if someone is edifying himself at the expense of others who can’t be edified at that moment. See Church Services ARE NOT Biblical.

“Nevertheless, in the assembly I would rather speak five words with my mind in order to instruct others, than ten thousand words in a tongue.” 1 Corinthians 14: 19


Many harbor a bias towards speaking in tongues and fight tooth and nail not to speak it.

They spin the idea that when one speaks to God in a tongue, one actually speaks in one’s native dialect, and therefore others who don’t speak said dialect do not understand what is uttered. But that’s not true. If one speaks one’s own dialect, one’s mind is fruitful, but if one prays in a heavenly tongue, one’s mind is not, but the spirit man is.

David Praying in the Night“For if I pray in a tongue, my spirit prays but my mind is unfruitful.” 1 Corinthians 14: 14

Besides, isn’t it silly to babble in one’s native dialect in a congregation where no one else speaks that language?

And if one suddenly starts speaking in a foreign dialect that he doesn’t understand, prompted by the Holy Spirit like at the first Pentecost, how does he edify himself? He doesn’t. He edifies others who speak that language. But if he speaks in God’s heavenly tongue, he is edified by God Himself as “he utters mysteries in the spirit .

Speaking in tongues, as Christians came to describe it since its advent at Pentecost, is different in scope than speaking in common dialects or languages. It is of angels, while the other is of men. It edifies oneself, while its counterpart edifies others.

“The one who speaks in a tongue builds up himself, but the one who prophesies builds up the assembly.” 1 Corinthians 14:4

To speak in a heavenly tongue is God-given to build us up individually. As with any gift anyone can choose to accept or reject it.

But why would anyone reject a gift from God?

“Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.” James 1: 17

Click here to know how to be baptized in the Holy Spirit and pray in tongues.

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Jesus And The Sword

C H U R C H   R E F O R M   S E R I E S

By Biblicism Institute

Many are under the impression that Jesus Christ was a promoter of violence.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

The reason they think so is because of certain passages in the bible, which they either misunderstand or take out of context.


“Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to this land. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to turn ‘a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law–a man’s enemies will be the members of his own household.’ ” Matthew 10: 34-36

Jesus mocked by the soldiers

Mocking Jesus

The sword Jesus was talking about in those verses was not a physical sword to wage war willy-nilly. That sword was to be the conflict within the Hebrew house over who Jesus was. That’s why immediately after, Jesus said this:

“Anyone who loves their father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; anyone who loves their son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me.” Matthew 10: 37

When a household is divided over who Jesus Christ is, it is a household that cannot stand.

“If a house is divided against itself, that house cannot stand.” Mark 3: 25

Further, Jesus (or God) had a covenant with the Hebrews. They were supposed to love Him and follow His commandments, which they never did.

However, there was a stipulation in the covenant in Deuteronomy 28:

15 “But if you refuse to listen to the Lord your God and do not obey all the commands and decrees I am giving you today, all these curses will come and overwhelm you:

25 “The Lord will cause you to be defeated by your enemies…Your corpses will be food for all the scavenging birds and wild animals, and no one will be there to chase them away.”

So when Jesus brought up the subject of the sword, He was also telling the Hebrews that the curses of the covenant were about to fall on them, because by rejecting Him and refusing to listen to Him they were not fulfilling their end of the bargain.

The curses did fall on them as God allowed Satan, their father, to unleash his war upon them using the Roman Army in 70 AD.

“You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning…” John 8:44

In that sense God “brought the sword” in that specific situation, which was covered under biblical laws and contractual obligations of the Old Covenant.

“I have come to bring fire upon this land, and how I wish it were already kindled!” Luke 12:49

Jesus wanted the fire kindled so He could shut down the Old Covenant and allow free rein to the New.

“The ax lies ready at the root of the trees, and every tree that does not produce good fruit will be cut down and thrown into the fire.” Matthew 3:9

He therefore removed His protection and allowed all the Hebrews to be killed – all who had rejected and crucified Him.

“For those blessed by Him will inherit the land, But those cursed by Him will be cut off.” Psalm 37:22

“Therefore I tell you that the kingdom of God will be taken away from you and given to a people who will produce its fruit. And whoever falls on this stone will be broken to pieces; but on whomever it falls, it will scatter him like dust.” Matthew 21:43-44

Consequently, the Hebrew house did not survive.

“Behold, your house is being left to you desolate!” Matthew 23:38

That desolation was the Apocalypse of 70 AD by the Roman Army that saw the end of the Old Covenant and the total annihilation of the Hebrew race – except for those who became Christians and fled beforehand.

“But when you see Jerusalem surrounded by armies, then recognize that her desolation is near. Then those who are in Judea must flee to the mountains, and those who are in the midst of the city must leave, and those who are in the country must not enter the city.” Luke 21: 20,21

“From the time that the daily sacrifice is abolished and the abomination that causes desolation is set up…” Daniel 12:11


The following verses are strangely used to promote gun ownership, violence, and even war:

“And He said to them, ‘But now, whoever has a money belt is to take it along, likewise also a bag, and whoever has no sword is to sell his coat and buy one…’ They said, ‘Lord, look, here are two swords.’ And He said to them, ‘It is enough.’ ” Luke 22: 36, 38

Obviously, those who misunderstand those verses would also misunderstand the modern expression “batten down the hatches,” which means “prepare for a difficult or dangerous situation.” When somebody uses that expression, does someone actually go and literally batten down the hatches? Of course, not.

In the same vein, Jesus was warning the disciples of dangerous times ahead (again, the Apocalypse of 70 AD). He wasn’t ordering them to literally go and buy a sword. It was just an expression like “batten down the hatches.”

Betrayal of Jesus

Betrayal of Jesus

Still, when the disciples showed Him the two swords, He said “It is enough” or “It is plenty.”

That answer was Jesus setting up the disciples in order to truly demonstrate how anti-violence He was. As it turned out, when one of the disciples struck the servant of the High Priest with one of the swords, Jesus without flinching commanded them to put the weapons away.

” ‘Put your sword back in its place,’ Jesus said to him, ‘for all who draw the sword will die by the sword.’ ” Matthew 26:52

He then helped the one who was struck by miraculously healing his ear, even though the wounded was an enemy who came to arrest Him.

Jesus was God who became flesh, and thus always knew what was about to transpire. He was wont to set things up in order to bring about an event or a discussion.

“He asked them, ‘Who do people say I am?’ ” Mark 8: 27

“Go to the lake and throw out your line. Take the first fish you catch; open its mouth and you will find a four-drachma coin.” Matthew 17: 27

” ‘How do you know me?’ Nathanael asked. Jesus answered, ‘I saw you while you were still under the fig tree before Philip called you.’ ” John 1: 48

Further, Jesus always spoke in parables. The “sword” metaphor of Luke 22:36 can be compared to the “leaven” metaphor, which the disciples also misunderstood.

“Now they had forgotten to bring bread, and they had only one loaf with them in the boat. And he cautioned them, saying, ‘Watch out; beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and the leaven of Herod.’

“And they began discussing with one another the fact that they had no bread. And Jesus, aware of this, said to them, ‘Why are you discussing the fact that you have no bread? Do you not yet perceive or understand? Are your hearts hardened? Having eyes do you not see, and having ears do you not hear? And do you not remember? When I broke the five loaves for the five thousand, how many baskets full of broken pieces did you take up?’ They said to him, ‘Twelve.’ ‘And the seven for the four thousand, how many baskets full of broken pieces did you take up?’ And they said to him, ‘Seven.’

“And he said to them, ‘Do you not yet understand?’ ” Mark 8:14-21


Do you not yet understand that Jesus is anti-violence?

” ‘No more of this!’ And he touched the man’s ear and healed him.” Luke 22:51

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Eden And The Land Of Impostors

C H U R C H   R E F O R M   S E R I E S

By Biblicism Institute

To promote their country – established on the stolen land of Palestine – the Israelis recently launched an advertising campaign dubbed Israel: Land of Creation.

Seriously? Creation of what?

The innuendo is that the six days of creation recorded in the bible took place in Israel. Such barefaced deception is intended to entice gullible Christians into visiting their apartheid and pedophile-haven state.


“So He drove out the man; and He placed at the east of the garden of Eden Cherubims, and a flaming sword which turned every way, to keep the way of the tree of life.” Genesis 3: 24

Earthly Paradise

Earthly Paradise: Garden of Eden

Let’s see if we get the Israeli propaganda right.

God kicked man out of the Garden where He created life, then placed angels with a flaming sword to confuse anyone who’d try to get in, but somehow the Israelis managed to dupe God and His angels and penetrated the area where creation took place. Wow!

And what about the river that watered the Garden?

A river watering the garden flowed from Eden; from there it was separated into four headwaters. The name of the first is the Pishon; it winds through the entire land of Chavilah, where there is gold. (The gold of that land is good; aromatic resin and onyx are also there.) The name of the second river is the Gihon; it winds through the entire land of Cush. The name of the third river is the Tigris (or Hiddekel); it runs along the east side of Ashur. And the fourth river is the Euphrates.” Genesis 2: 10 -14

Eden is where that river originated, and then bifurcated into four headwaters.

Keep in mind that, in the beginning, the earth was one uniformed mass that broke apart not too long after the fountains of the great deep burst open during the great flood.

“Now the earth was formless and empty.” Genesis 1: 2

“…on the same day all the fountains of the great deep burst open…” Genesis 7: 11 (during the great flood)

“Two sons were born to Eber: One was named Peleg, because in his time the earth was divided...” Genesis 10: 25 (after the great flood)

Tigris EuphratesAll indications are that that water source from Eden had its origin in Turkey, not Israel, where two of the world’s biggest rivers – the Tigris and the Euphrates, as mentioned in the bible – have their provenance.

The other two headwaters with their modern names are the Nile (or Gihon in the land of Cush, Africa) and the Volga (or Pishon, which wound through Chavilah’s eastern regions encompassing modern Russia, a land chock-full of gold and a major producer of resin).

The Nile flowed out from Eden’s water source and reached all the way to South America, when that continent was attached at the hip to Africa. As the Nile basted through Ethiopia and cut through Congo via tributaries and underground reservoirs, it ended up feeding the massive Amazon River using the Congo River, the 2nd largest river in the world by discharge after the Amazon – no coincidence there.

Russia's Humongous Gold Mining Industry

Russia’s huge Gold Mining industry

The Volga was the other headwater. The water source bifurcated from Eden in the Middle East through various tributaries and reservoirs, and headed east toward the Caspian Sea, giving Europe (especially Russia) its biggest river, the Volga, which in turn fed a) China’s two greatest rivers – the Yellow River and the Yangtze – that accordingly even today flow West to East (China is also chock-full of gold and the largest producer of resin in the world), and b) the great Danube which itself fed the Great Lakes of North America, whose subterranean arteries pumped full of water all that Continent’s rivers. Thus the whole of earth was irrigated through that one source from Eden, itself fed from the great deep.

But once the fountains of the great deep burst open during the great flood, new subterranean waterways and rivers were formed. New land masses – from the uniformed bulk that cracked – took shape and drifted apart while the planet’s shell broke into tectonic plates. Many inter-connected rivers – like the Nile and the Volga’s connections to Turkey’s water source – lost their hook ups on the surface, which disappeared under massive land shifting, even though most of the important underground arteries stayed intact.


It’s no coincidence that after the flood Noah’s boat landed on Mount Ararat in Turkey, where life started anew and where it originally began in the first place, though no one can pinpoint the exact location of the Garden itself, for obvious reasons.

So don’t fall for Israel being the land of creation. It is a land that is in constant need of water as no massive river originates from there. Their water scarcity is one of the main reasons they’ve tried to destroy South Lebanon with countless wars and genocides. Their idea was to steal it and access the Litani River – just like they stole the Golan Heights from Syria, which provides a third of Israel’s water supply, and just like they’re stealing and occupying the West Bank of Palestine to prevent the Palestinians from using the Jordan River, as the Apartheid occupation forces divert more and more of the Jordan’s water to Israel.

“Cursed is one who kills his neighbor…Let all the people reply, ‘Amen!'” Deuteronomy 27:24


If that insidious Israeli promotional campaign is not about the biblical creation of life, what kind of creation is it referring to then?

Who knows what lies they will come up with to manufacture an explanation.

But one thing is for sure. Israel is the birthplace of Middle Eastern oppression, genocide, land theft, terrorism, and chaos; while its ingrained culture is one of impostorship (by its people pretending to be Hebrews or God’s Chosen People), bloodshed, pilferage, death worship (the Holocaust), and falsehood.

The very presence of these impostors in the land of Palestine is the working of dark spiritual forces, which are trying to destroy the New Covenant of Christ by “resurrecting” the obsolete Old Covenant, using converted pharisaic Jews who are NOT even remotely descendants of the patriarch Abraham.

“To your (Abraham’s) descendants I give this land….” Genesis 15:18

These Fake Hebrews, wagged by demonic fiends who instill in them a diabolical view of who they are and of their supposed purpose on earth, hope to totally muddy up the Christian faith and obscure the truth of the superseded Old Covenant and of Christ’s fulfilled prophecies concerning the total annihilation of the Hebrew people and the destruction of Jerusalem, which took place in 70 A.D.

“In the Jewish reading, the exclusive sacrality [sacredness] of Jerusalem and of Israel calls for the de-sacralization of the nations and the rest of the world. There will be no churches nor mosques, no Christian nor Muslim priests. The world will become a profane desert populated by profaned beasts, the nations, and their shepherds, the Jews,” wrote Israel Shamir in his book Pardes.

“For the land is full of adulterers; it mourns because of the curse. Their pastures have dried up into a wilderness. Their course also is evil, and their might is not right.” Jeremiah 23: 10


There has not been peace in the Middle East the moment non-Hebraic, pharisaic Jews set their sight on Palestine and created Israel in 1948.

The founding of that Apartheid country was forged on lies, especially on the misrepresentation that today’s Jews are Hebrews rightfully taking possession of inherited land, when in fact they’re NOT Hebrews at all – all Hebrews are irrevocably dead, their land inheritance buried along with them.

“The LORD was very angry with Israel, and removed them out of his sight… And the LORD rejected all the seed of Israel, and afflicted them, and delivered them into the hand of spoilers, until he had cast them out of his sight.” 2 Kings 17:18,20

True to form, it continues to be maintained through more lies, as well as being promoted with even greater lies.

No wonder they tried to hoodwink the world into believing they invented Hummus, an Arab food staple that has been part of the Middle East for centuries, way before Yids stole Palestine and moved in the neighborhood.

When will these lies stop?

Probably never. Or until God gets tired of it. See Jews and History: Lies Galore

“He who breathes out lies will perish.” Proverbs 19:9


The Destroyers Of The World

“We Jews, we, the destroyers, will remain the destroyers forever.” – Maurice Samuel

Bolshevik Revolution: The Jewish Bolsheviks, who took over the Russian government in the 1910s, killed 66 million Christians, including 200,000 members of the Christian clergy, and destroyed 40,000 churches.

World War 1: Britain was losing the war against Germany. The Zionists stepped in and manipulated President Wilson to get the US into the war to help them. In return, the Jews asked the British Empire to deed them Palestine to create Israel. Their wish was granted in the form of the Balfour Declaration of 1917, which cost the world 18 million dead.

World War 2: The Zionists fomented that war (just like they’re doing today with Iran and other countries in the Middle East), so that European Jews could feel threatened. The deception worked as European Jews fled in droves to Palestine and took over the homes of Palestinians, who were evicted at gunpoint and then either massacred or driven out of their land into neighboring Arab countries. With enough Jews on the ground, Israel was created in 1948 at a cost of 80 million dead.

World War On Terror: Jewish neocons, in cahoots with their bought-and-paid-for politicians in the US government, perpetrated their act of terrorism on 9/11. Then they conveniently blamed it on Muslims so as to obtain a green light to destroy the Middle East using the armies of the US and NATO and the terrorist groups they finance, with the ultimate view to creating Greater Israel. So far, the death toll is 27 million, including Christians.

World War 3: With Russia protecting Syria and Iran from Israel’s Machiavellian design, will the Zionists succeed in bringing the world once again to the brink of disaster to create Greater Israel? If they do, will it instead bring about their downfall?

Sequitur: As befitting the deceivers and murderers that they are, the Zionist VICTIMIZERS of the world shamelessly camouflage themselves as VICTIMS, with Israel, their monstrous spawn, carrying on their blood-filled legacy. Indeed, apartheid Israel is a scourge, a cancer that needs to be dealt with.

Appeal: Every conscientious individual should implement a personal boycott of Israel and everything made there.

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The Meaning Of Dreams

And The Déjà Vu Phenomenon
C H U R C H   R E F O R M   S E R I E S

By Biblicism Institute

A dream is simply a God-given glimpse of the future, near or far. It’s usually very cryptic and very symbolic, even when it appears to be quite terrene.

“For God speaks in one way, and in two, though man does not perceive it. In a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep falls on men, while they slumber on their beds.” Job 33:14,15


Joseph’s Dream

“Joseph had a dream, and when he told it to his brothers, they hated him all the more. He said to them, ‘Listen to this dream I had:  We were binding sheaves of grain out in the field when suddenly my sheaf rose and stood upright, while your sheaves gathered around mine and bowed down to it.’” Genesis 37: 5-7

Joseph pardons his brothers

Joseph pardons his brothers

The interesting thing about Joseph’s brothers is that they instantly knew what the dream meant, but refused to believe that their brother could have actually been chosen by God.

“His brothers said to him, ‘Do you intend to reign over us? Will you actually rule us?’ And they hated him all the more because of his dream and what he had said.” Genesis 37: 8

Then the dream became real.

“Now Joseph was the governor of the land, the person who sold grain to all its people. So when Joseph’s brothers arrived, they bowed down to him with their faces to the ground.” Genesis 42: 6

In the dream Joseph and his brothers were depicted as “sheaves,” symbolic of the individuals. It was an image of the time they could all grasp.

Pharaoh’s Dreams

Pharaoh had a dream: He was standing by the Nile, when out of the river there came up seven cows, sleek and fat, and they grazed among the reeds. After them, seven other cows, ugly and gaunt, came up out of the Nile and stood beside those on the riverbank.  And the cows that were ugly and gaunt ate up the seven sleek, fat cows. Then Pharaoh woke up.” Genesis 41: 1-4

Joseph and Pharaoh

Joseph interprets Pharaoh’s dreams

That was the first biblically recorded dream of Pharaoh. Then came a second.

He fell asleep again and had a second dream: Seven heads of grain, healthy and good, were growing on a single stalk.  After them, seven other heads of grain sprouted—thin and scorched by the east wind.  The thin heads of grain swallowed up the seven healthy, full heads. Then Pharaoh woke up; it had been a dream.” Genesis 41: 5-7

Just like Joseph and his brothers, Pharaoh knew that these dreams meant something. So he began a frantic search for someone who could explain them.

“So Pharaoh sent for Joseph... Then Joseph said to Pharaoh… God has shown Pharaoh what he is about to do. Seven years of great abundance are coming throughout the land of Egypt, but seven years of famine will follow them. Then all the abundance in Egypt will be forgotten, and the famine will ravage the land. The abundance in the land will not be remembered, because the famine that follows it will be so severe. The reason the dream was given to Pharaoh in two forms is that the matter has been firmly decided by God, and God will do it soon.” Genesis 41: 14, 25, 28-32

The healthy grains and cows were the images that God used in the dreams to depict the good years, while the scorched grain and gaunt cows were chosen for the lean years.

Then the dreams materialized.

The seven years of abundance in Egypt came to an end, and the seven years of famine began, just as Joseph had said. There was famine in all the other lands, but in the whole land of Egypt there was food.” Genesis 41: 53, 54


Before the modern era everyone instinctively knew that a dream was God-given and meant something.

When a person is asleep, God allows the spirit man to steal a glimpse of the future. That glimpse is either very clear, somewhat muddied, or extremely muddied. That’s why we either remember our dreams or they come off ratatouilled.

Oftentimes, when one of our dreams – even a muddied one – is becoming reality, our spirit man is immediately pricked to the dream’s in progress materialization. That prickling has a name. It’s called a déjà vu, French for already seen. And where have we seen it before? In a dream.

Does that mean every single dream is a glimpse of the future? Yes.

Think of it this way. We are God’s computers. He’s the programmer, and every night He uploads the Updates (i.e., new and current data, not passé). Sometimes they’re coded (a message or a road map), and sometimes they’re not (just a straight glimpse of a futuristic event). Often we download the stream with no hitch (very clear dreams), but at other times the stream appears (only appears) to hang up (muddied dreams).

Given that some actually think that science and technology are anathema to the Almighty, the following question will surely pop up: why are we using God and computers in the same metaphor? Such a sad question deserves to be answered with another question. Where do you think mankind gets all his innovative and ingenious ideas from?

“For the LORD gives wisdom; from his mouth come knowledge and understanding.” Proverbs 2:6

“In the hearts of all who are skillful I have put skill.” Exodus 31:6

Since we’re already on the subject of computers, let’s continue with that line of thought and present another metaphor. Let’s compare what a dream and its subsequent materialization look like.

Any time you’re reading a post on this site, you’re likely to see the visual immediately below; or for our metaphor, “the materialization of the dream in the wake-up reality” if you will:

However, here’s the HTML source in its actual text arrangement; or for our metaphor, “the dream sequence” if you will:

As you can see, our dreams are processed in an almost similar fashion: a lot of apparent gibberish that in the end makes perfect sense. In other words, what we see in a dream is not image literal to its actualized counterpart.


Unfortunately, as spurious scientists and self-appointed experts inundated the minds of modern age folks with counterfeit theories (i.e., forged and unproved assumptions or conjectures), they indubitably erected pseudo-intellectual barriers between God and man.

Some of these barriers are their many begrimed understandings of what dreams are. Simply put, they fabricated out of whole cloth views and explanations that are intended to destroy God’s nighttime conversation with His creation.

For instance, the déjà vu phenomenon is interpreted by some to be the “illusion of remembering scenes and events when experienced for the first time” (Webster). How a phenomenon experienced by millions of people can be labeled an illusion is not only disingenuous, it’s sheer idiocy. Unfortunately, that’s the kind of confused and half-baked explanation that comes along when God is dismissed outright.

Others believe said phenomenon to be a quick, momentary throwback to a similar juncture in a previous life. Now if past lives were real, why can’t we remember them with absolute clarity? Especially if we are dearly paying in this life for past life misdeeds – karma, they call it. What is the point in paying for some obscure mistake one is not aware of, or reliving our existence over and over, if we can’t remember the previous ones and the reasons we keep coming back? It doesn’t make any sense.

“It is appointed for men to die once and after this comes judgment.” Hebrews 9:27

Another example is Sigmund Freud’s rubbish theory that dreams are conduits for our urges and impulses. Can you imagine what he would have made of the sheaves in Joseph’s dream if he took a swing at it?

Flail and threshing

The Flail and the Threshing

He would have convoluted the whole thing: “The sheaves represent the threshing that took place with a flail; and the flail is symbolic of…” 😮 Never mind.

What a giant fraudster that man was! And yet the 20th century has been called the Freud century. We kid you not.

According to George Dvorsky, “… the 20th century has often been called Freud’s century… But his legacy is a shaky one. Freud has, for the most part, fallen completely out of favor in academia. Virtually no institution in any discipline would dare use him as a credible source. In 1996, Psychological Science reached the conclusion that ‘[T]here is literally nothing to be said, scientifically or therapeutically, to the advantage of the entire Freudian system or any of its component dogmas.’ As a research paradigm, it’s pretty much dead.”

What a powerful indictment of junk theories!

However, Freud is not alone in his capacity to script fantasies. There is an extremely long list of pretend scientists in almost every field. One “scientist” in particular that glaringly stands out alongside Freud – albeit not in psychology, but in supposed importance – is Albert Einstein, whose name has strangely become synonymous with “genius.”



Nevertheless, we couldn’t find one thing that man invented or came up with that made our lives better or that was not a fraud. NOT ONE THING! Even the equation E=mc^2 that is attributed to him is apparently from an Italian named Olinto De Pretto who published it in the scientific magazine Atte in 1903.

Yet everyone knows who Einstein is. His face and name are plastered on everything that hints at “sheer ingenuity.” Even his so-called “accomplishments,” besides being theories to begin with, were unsupported conjectures that amounted and led to NOTHING, especially his Theory of Relativity (including the GPS & Relativity myth). Nikola Tesla, a real scientific genius, categorized said theory as “the greatest historical aberration of scientific thought.”

Here are some true scientific geniuses and visionaries: Johannes Gutenberg, Nikola Tesla, Isaac Newton, Auguste and Louis Lumiere, Charles Babbage, Reginald Fessenden, Guglielmo Marconi, Thomas Edison, Karl BenzWilhelm Conrad Röntgen, Wright Brothers, Jack Kilby & Robert Noyce, Tim Berners Lee, Alexander Fleming, Louis Pasteur, and Steve Jobs,  just to name a few.

All of them either invented or contributed to the invention of not useless theories but of things that improved our lives and catapulted humanity to a higher level of productivity. Yet none of them is uplifted like Freud and Einstein. Then again unlike Freud and Einstein they were not and are not Jews (some are still alive), so the Jewish-controlled media inflate their own to godlike status – even when they’re fake – in order to propagandize their misappropriated appellation of God’s “Chosen People.” See How the Ashkenazi Jews conquered the West.

Therefore beware of so-called scientists and experts and their unproved theories and conjectures.


Visions are similar to dreams, except we’re awake and usually meditating when they occur.

“How blessed is the man…(whose)…delight is in the law of the LORD, And in His law he meditates day and night.” Psalm 1: 1,2

In addition, a sudden non-meditating vision directed at an individual can be witnessed by others.

“As he neared Damascus on his journey, suddenly a light from heaven flashed around him. He fell to the ground and heard a voice say to him, “Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me…” The men traveling with Saul stood there speechless; they heard the sound but did not see anyone.” Acts 9:3,4,7


A trustworthy Christian brother – who wishes to remain anonymous (like us) and whom we know quite well – has been for over two decades studying and cataloging his dreams and visions.

Not only did this Christian brother help us with this article, he also allowed us to incorporate herein one of his dreams and one of his visions to bolster our understanding of their presaging quality.

Our Brother’s Dream

A couple of years after joining a church, our brother had the following dream:

“I climbed a tall, tower-like church steeple all the way to the last crosspiece. I held on firmly to the last rung to keep me from falling. Suddenly, the last rung came unglued as if it had a mind of its own. I held on tight to the detached rung as I fell in a body of water. I then saw myself swimming across a vast ocean where I spotted an older woman on a small raft who helped pull me out of the water.”

He went on to explain the sequence of events that led to the full materialization of the dream through a period of almost 10 years:

“I was part of a ‘church’ where duty-wise I steadily climbed the ladder all the way to a ‘leadership’ position (i.e., climbing the church steeple). Then God began to open my eyes about the mammonish ‘pastor’ of that place. However, I foolishly chose to ignore the many red flags God waved at me, as well as refusing to leave when over and over He nudged me to.

“The main reason for my reticence was the fact that I really enjoyed the fellowship of the brethren. God then put me on a sickbed for a month where He made it quite clear in my spirit that I had to leave, otherwise I would not be healed. After meditating I finally relented. I then emailed the ‘pastor’ and let him know of my decision to leave the church (i.e., the last rung with a mind of its own came unglued). I was fully healed one week later.

“Not too long after, the mammonish ‘pastor’ sold the entire church property and pocketed over $12 million from the sale. His goal of becoming a millionaire finally came true. (Beware of prosperity teachers! They’re out to prosper themselves.)

“Knowing that I unwittingly took part in his Machiavellian scheme as a member of the leadership left me devastated as I collapsed emotionally (i.e., I held on tight to the detached rung as I fell in a body of water [or tears]). At least God made sure I was not there when the sale went through and its proceed misappropriated. I am grateful that He forced me to jump ship before it capsized. Subsequently, I left the country and visited my aunt in a small Caribbean island where I stayed for a year (i.e., the older lady on the small raft in the middle of the ocean) to recharge and refuel spiritually.”

“You keep track of all my sorrows. You have collected all my tears in your bottle. You have recorded each one in your book… In God I have put my trust, I shall not be afraid. What can man do to me?” Psalm 56: 8,11

Our Brother’s Vision

Our Christian brother explained to us why he finally decided to leave that “church” when he was on his sickbed:

“I was reticent to leave for the reason mentioned earlier, but I also wanted to be obedient to God. Consequently, a battle waged inside me and disturbed my peace. So I had a frank conversation with the Almighty. I basically asked Him to show me whether He was really the one nudging me to leave.

“As I meditated, I had a vision so vivid it’s still etched on my mind: ‘I saw myself walking on a paved road that strangely and speedily became steeper and steeper until I could no longer stay on its sheer vertical slant. I jumped off and landed on a tranquil dirt road that led me to a well.’

“Here’s the meaning of the vision: ‘The man-made paved road represented the man-made ‘church’ I was a part of, which like every other man-made church system elevated a sinful mortal man on an altar above God’s flock – hence its man-made, paved-like quality. I was to jump off because that road was to become not only unbearable but a spiritual abomination, represented in the vision by a hovering vertical road which no dedicated Christian would be able to walk on. The tranquil dirt road I landed on symbolized the God-made road that would lead me to the well of living water, Jesus Himself, with no man hovering above it to pollute His word and disturb the tranquility and peace that He gives.'”

“…your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams.” Acts 2:17

See Church Services Are NOT Biblical.


If you want to fully grasp your dreams (visions included), keep a journal.

“And the Lord answered me: ‘Write the vision; make it plain on tablets…’ ” Habakkuk 2:2

Write them down as soon as your waking mind has got a hold of them, otherwise they’ll slip right through. However, don’t try to decipher them at once or you’ll find yourself all over the map. Let them percolate. Then they will become quite transparent as God readies to materialize them. Your understanding of them will come during or right before or right after their actualization.

“For still the vision awaits its appointed time; it hastens to the end—it will not lie. If it seems slow, wait for it; it will surely come; it will not delay.” Habakkuk 2:3

To decode a dream prior to its materialization is in actuality inconsequential. When God encodes your dream with a hidden message or a road map – as opposed to just a straightforward glimpse of the future – that message (e.g., forgive your brother or sister, careful with so-and-so, etc., which in turn generates “intuition”) or that road map (e.g., idea, invention, breakthrough, plan, etc.) will – unbeknownst to you – penetrate your spirit man in a way that will cause you to heed to said message or road map. In other words, the encoded dream will materialize in your life whether you’re aware of it or not.

“For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.” Hebrews 4:12

Still, as you faithfully catalog your dreams and visions to match the goings-on in your life, God in turn will be faithful to open the eyes of your understanding.

Dreams are always about the future, near or far, not the past. To help you understand them, we have a few tips.

+ Dream Images

God uses familiar images to draw your attention to the upcoming events He wants to share with you. That’s why many times they feel like things you’ve already seen or gone through.

For instance, the setting of the dream that involved Joseph and his brothers was in the field they daily toiled. However, the actual bowing down of the anthropomorphic sheaves (i.e., Joseph’s brothers) took place in Joseph’s Egyptian palace and not in the field. Consequently, everything in your dreams is dramatized with familiar images and characters, even when it’s about a simple phone call, a text, or an email.

+ Dream Examples

If you see yourself kissing someone, it might just be that:

a) you’ll be having a regular conversation with someone on the phone or in person;

“An honest answer is like a kiss on the lips.” Proverbs 24:26

b) you’ll get close to someone as a means of experiencing God’s blessings either in your life or in someone else’s life;

“Then his father Isaac said to him, “Please come close and kiss me, my son.” So he came close and kissed him; and when he smelled the smell of his garments, he blessed him and said, “See, the smell of my son Is like the smell of a field which the LORD has blessed.” Genesis 27:26,27

“The king then kissed Barzillai and blessed him, and he returned to his place.” 2 Samuel 19:39

c) you’ll have to be on your guard if that person considers you an enemy;

“Deceitful are the kisses of an enemy.” Proverbs 27:6

“Jesus said to him, ‘Judas, are you betraying the Son of Man with a kiss?'” Luke 22:48

c) you’ll be watching a couple kiss on TV or in a movie.

You’ll be surprised how much of TV shows, movies, and news makes it into your dreams before you actually watch them. Those nightmares are not because of what you ate or what you watched on TV or at the movies, but because of what you will be watching.

A great amount of your sensual, violent, and scary dreams are directly related to the kind of media you will be consuming, of which you are getting a futuristic glimpse. Many times you’ll see yourself and some of those you know as the “protagonists” in those kinds of dreams – maybe it’s God’s way of saying “you are what you watch.” At other times, they’re connected to the words you’ll speak, the jokes you’ll tell, the anger or frustration you’ll experience, the books/magazines you’ll read, the games you’ll play, the deeds you’ll commit, etc.

Let’s say you get shot in a dream, and you’re frantic and frustrated as you look for someone to help dress your wound; it could very well be that you’ll soon experience a wrong such as theft or fraudulent credit card charges, and you’ll frantically try to redress that wrong while simultaneously throwing your frustration at whoever you’ll be arguing with.

+ Common Dreams

If you see yourself:

a) in the air flying like an angel (without wings) – you’ll probably be driving on a highway or flying in an airplane;

b) naked or wearing only underwear in a public place – you’ll most likely be involved in a situation where you’ll feel vulnerable or exposed; or it could be that you’ll be going either to the beach or the pool wearing swimwear, which is technically underwear; or at one point you’ll be walking around your house naked or in underwear, or something like it.

+ Symbolic Representation

When you dream of:

a) brothers, sisters, cousins, etc. – they are many times symbolic of interchangeable family members with similar characteristics that you’ll soon interact with, or non-family members with similar names and/or professions;

b) dead folks – they are definitely symbolic of people with similar characteristics such as nationality, race, family relation, etc.;

c) actors – they could be symbolic of other actors you are fans of, or people in the entertainment business in general.

+ Patterns

Try to detect patterns; for instance, a dream with a recurring dog. A gentle dog might very well be a project dear to your heart that you’ve been faithfully working on.

However, if the dog is rabid, it might represent someone – or the symbolic composite of various individuals – who’s been repeatedly antagonistic, and whom you might have referred to – in your heart of hearts – as a “dog” or as an “animal.” Nevertheless, if you prefer cats, God might just replace the dog image with a cat. 🙂

+ Mundane Glimpses

Don’t forget that dreams are not only symbolic, but most often than not are about quite mundane things.

A dream in which you squash a cockroach could very well mean that you’ll probably be squashing a spider or blasting ants with bug spray or… squashing a cockroach.

You might also dream of cleaning your bedroom or bathroom, especially if God is trying to hint at something. 😉 Still, even these mundane dreams will be full of symbolism.

+ Layered Episode

At times, diverse future events fuse into one dream. It’s like looking at a stack of transparent pancakes from above.

+ Opposite

Occasionally, the opposite of what you dream materializes instead.

For example, if you literally dreamed that you got a business contract, it could very well be that you won’t get it. In actuality, if you were about to win a business contract, the dream would be very symbolic, like “catching a bird under your bed.”

Those “opposite” dreams often come off ratatouilled, leaving you with just a “feeling” or a “partial glimpse” of the whole futuristic view.

+ Clear As A Bell

On the very rare occasion, God might give you a dream with a very clear view of the future and with no symbolism, to boot.

It’s His way of helping you cope with a major upcoming event. Whatever that event may be, always take it in stride and apply biblical principles. After all, you might be wrong. So be wise.

+ Random Voices

Many times, just when you are falling into a deep sleep or are already in it, a voice wakens you, calling out your name. It is often masked with the familiar vocalization of someone you know, usually a family member or close friend or associate.

“A third time the Lord called, ‘Samuel!’ And Samuel got up and went to Eli and said, ‘Here I am; you called me.’ Then Eli realized that the Lord was calling the boy.” 1 Samuel 3:8

It is God warning you of an impending verbal confrontation with that particular individual. Do your best to take heed to it and keep your anger under control, even though it’ll prove difficult, nigh impossible, to avoid said confrontation.

“’What was it he said to you?’ Eli asked. ‘Do not hide it from me. May God deal with you, be it ever so severely, if you hide from me anything he told you.’ So Samuel told him everything, hiding nothing from him.” 1 Samuel 3:17,18

+ Description

Every detail is important. Therefore, stay faithful to your dreams as you describe them in your journal, especially those dreams you feel are so symbolic they must have some greater significance.

+ Time

Be patient as you endeavor to decipher your dreams. It will take time (or not, depending on your spiritual condition). So don’t get frustrated, it’ll bear fruit.

+ Materialization

Most dreams will materialize right after you dreamt them, some within a few days. Quite a number of them will take months or years before they actualize.

Revisit your journal entries often so you can match them with their real life equivalents, as you look back on the events of your life or as you experience the déjà vus.

+ Your Dreams And Visions

They are for you alone. God will not give you a “message” for someone else. If God wants to tell so-and-so something, He can tell so-and-so Himself. Learn from Joseph. He wanted to give his brothers the “message” that they would soon bow down to him, and so his brothers kidnapped him and sold him into slavery.

+ Enigmas

Many of your dreams will remain lasting enigmas. It’s okay. We can’t win them all. God likes to keep us on our toes. After all, He’s the only omniscient one.


Dreams are visual and audial conversations about the future that God undertakes with His creation.

He uses them to generously fill us with glimpses of the long and winding road that is the rest of our earthly existence. It’s His loving way of alleviating our anxiety about what lies ahead.

Consequently, even when we are oblivious of them, they still leave an undeniable and hopeful imprint on our souls, which somehow relays to us that tomorrow is brimming and waiting.

“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope.” Romans 15:13

So don’t let pseudo-scientists and dream crushers destroy that link which feeds us daily prophecies from God: they are atheists who have learned to hate the spiritual side of our nature.

No matter what they do, they can’t hide from God nor thwart His appointed purpose. Ironically, they themselves are also recipients of said purpose, even of their God-given dreams.

“Can a man hide himself in secret places so that I cannot see him? declares the Lord. Do I not fill heaven and earth? declares the Lord.” Jeremiah 23:24

“He causes His sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous.” Matthew 5:45

If you tenaciously apply yourself to understand your dreams, you’ll become aware and wide-eyed to their materialization, at least to a good number of them. Your faith will then catapult to a whole new level.

“Daniel had understanding in all visions and dreams.” Daniel 1:17

In this era of Jesus’s New Covenant, so can all of us.

“Therefore do not throw away your confidence, which has a great reward.” Hebrews 10:35

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The 11 Commandments

They’re No Longer 10
C H U R C H   R E F O R M   S E R I E S

By Biblicism Institute

MosesGod started His legal system when He gave Moses the 10 commandments.

From Exodus 20 – with our commentary:

Commandment 1:

“You shall have no other gods before me.”

This commandment comes into sharper focus when we understand that Jesus is God who became flesh and dwelt amongst us.

“I and the Father are one.” John 10:30

See The Trinity Doctrine is NOT in the Bible.

Commandment 2:

“You shall not make for yourself an image in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below. You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me, but showing love to a thousand generations of those who love me and keep my commandments.”

Many Christians take this commandment as if God forbade the sculpture or painting of His likeness. That’s not the intent of the 2nd commandment at all. What God was saying was that we must not take the sculptures or paintings of things in heaven, like the sun many once revered, or the earth beneath, like the calf the ancient Hebrews worshiped in the wilderness, or in the waters below, like Dagon the fish-god the Amorites adored, and bow down to them.

By the same token, we must not take the painting or sculpture of the likeness of Jesus and bow down to it either, as if that sculpture or painting were Jesus Himself.

Still, God did not forbid the depictions of Himself or angels or things on earth or in the waters as art. God Himself asked for sculptures of cherubim to be placed not only on the ark of the covenant, but on the walls of the Temple (Old Testament) as well.

“You shall put the mercy seat on top of the ark, and in the ark you shall put the testimony which I will give to you. There I will meet with you; and from above the mercy seat, from between the two cherubim which are upon the ark of the testimony, I will speak to you about all that I will give you in commandment for the sons of Israel.” Exodus 25: 21-22

“On the walls all around the temple, in both the inner and outer rooms, he carved cherubim, palm trees and open flowers.” 2 Chronicles 3:11

God is everything: a scientist, an engineer, a musician, an artist, etc.  He has freely distributed these gifts of His to all under heaven with the express purpose that we use them.

“In the hearts of all who are skillful I have put skill.” Exodus 31: 6

Commandment 3:

“You shall not misuse the name of the Lord your God, for the Lord will not hold anyone guiltless who misuses his name.”

The way people take God’s name in vain or misuse it is by:

1) attributing to Him things He neither said nor commanded – like the erroneous tenets of church tithing and church services, and the mistaken belief that modern-day Israel is the fulfillment of God’s prophetic word in the bible;

“For by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned.” Matthew 12:37

2) swearing by God when mere mortals are generally skittish and fickle, not to mention sinful and definitely not omniscient or omnipotent; that’s why Jesus reiterated the 3rd commandment in the following manner:

“But I say to you, make no oath at all, either by heaven, for it is the throne of God, or by the earth, for it is the footstool of His feet, or by Jerusalem, for it is the city of the great King. Nor shall you make an oath by your head, for you cannot make one hair white or black. But let your statement be, ‘Yes, yes ‘ or ‘No, no’; anything beyond these is of evil.” Matthew 5: 34-37

See Pray for the Peace of which Jerusalem?

Commandment 4:

“Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. Six days you shall labor and do all your work, 10 but the seventh day is a Sabbath to the Lord your God. On it you shall not do any work, neither you, nor your son or daughter, nor your male or female servant, nor your animals, nor any foreigner residing in your towns. 11 For in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, but he rested on the seventh day. Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy.”

The Sabbath is for man and not man for the Sabbath. In other words, God gave the Sabbath to man as a gift so he can rest. Jesus Himself had to put this in perspective.

“And Jesus said to them, ‘Have you never read what David did when he was in need and he and his companions became hungry; how he entered the house of God in the time of Abiathar the high priest, and ate the consecrated bread, which is not lawful for anyone to eat except the priests, and he also gave it to those who were with him?’ Jesus said to them, ‘The Sabbath was made for man, and not man for the Sabbath.’ ” Mark 2: 25-27

The Sabbath might be a day of rest, but if there’s a need that we must take care of, the Sabbath is not to be worshiped to the point of ignoring that need.

However, employers are not gods and therefore must respect the fact that their employees have the God-given right to their day of rest, whenever that day may be following the six days of work.

In general – as a society, not necessarily as a biblical rule – we have come to establish that our 6 days of work are broken down thus: 5 days dedicated to satisfy the demands of our employers or our own businesses and 1 day to satiate the obligations of our households, or if in financial strait or seasonally busy that 6th day is instead geared towards our employers or our businesses.

Commandment 5:

12 “Honor your father and your mother, so that you may live long in the land the Lord your God is giving you.”

Commandments 1 to 3 focus on God. Commandment 4 focuses on the individual.  Commandment 5 focuses on fathers and mothers. Commandments 6 to 10 focus on others. That’s the order God chose. As can be clearly seen, government and religious “leaders” did not even make it.

In addition, God singled out the 5th Commandment by attaching a promise to it, thus emphasizing its importance.

“‘Honor your father and mother’ (this is the first commandment with a promise).” Ephesians 6:2

“Honor your father and your mother, as the LORD your God has commanded you, that your days may be prolonged and that it may go well with you.” Deuteronomy 5:16

Commandment 6:

13 “You shall not murder.”

This is another commandment that is pretty straightforward, one that Jesus reiterated with a warning to all – Christians or not:

” ‘You shall not murder’ and ‘Whoever commits murder shall be liable to the court.’ ” Matthew 5:21

Murder is usually the result of a hatred so powerful it can’t be controlled.

“You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I say to you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, so that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven; for He causes His sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. For if you love those who love you, what reward do you have? Do not even the tax collectors do the same?” Matthew 5: 43-46

See All Wars are evil. Period.

Commandment 7:

14 “You shall not commit adultery.”

Preachers” have messed up the meaning of adultery, and the catastrophic result has been that many Christians are now living in adulterous relationships.

See Of Fornication, Divorce, and Adultery.

Commandment 8:

15 “You shall not steal.”

And yet so many “Christians” are helping modern-day Israel steal land that does not belong to them, especially since Jews are not even the Israelites of the Bible.

“Do not trust in oppression and do not vainly hope in robbery…” Psalm 62:10

See How the Ashkenazi Jews conquered the West.

Commandment 9:

16 “You shall not give false testimony against your neighbor.”

False testimony is not only forbidden in a court of law, but in gossips and rumors as well.

“Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.” Ephesians 4:29

See The Heart Adjustment.

Commandment 10:

17 “You shall not covet your neighbor’s house. You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, or his male or female servant, his ox or donkey, or anything that belongs to your neighbor.”

If you catch yourself noticing that the grass is greener on the other side of the fence, beware.

“I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all this through Christ who gives me strength.” Philippians 4: 11-13

See Has God Planned BIG Things for our Lives?


The above 10 commandments were given to Moses by God, but when God became flesh and dwelt amongst us He added another one.

Commandment 11:

Jesus and the poor“A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another, even as I have loved you, that you also love one another.” John 13:34

If we live our lives truly loving one another – Commandment 11 – we actually end up fulfilling commandments 4 to 10. Furthermore, by loving one another we actually love God Himself because in following His command to love one another we show that we love Him, the one true God, and thus fulfill Commandments 1 to 3. Consequently, we fulfill all 11 commandments when we genuinely love one another. That’s why Jesus summarized the laws thus:

“Hearing that Jesus had silenced the Sadducees, the Pharisees got together. One of them, an expert in the law, tested him with this question: ‘Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?’ Jesus replied: ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.” Matthew 22: 34-40

The Apostle Paul understood how these two commandments fuse together as one and put it this way:

“For the entire law is fulfilled in keeping this one command: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.'” Galatians 5:14

The Apostle John summarized it thus:

“Whoever claims to love God yet hates his brother or sister is a liar. For whoever does not love their brother and sister, whom they have seen, cannot love God, whom they have not seen.” 1 John 4:20

It is so much more difficult to love our siblings and those within our family. It’s been thus from the very beginning since Cain killed his brother Abel. We expect them to conform to our disposition when God actually expects us to conform to theirs by making allowance for their faults.

“Peter came to Jesus and asked, ‘Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother who sins against me? Up to seven times?’ Jesus answered, ‘I tell you, not seven times, but seventy-seven times.’ ” Matthew 18: 21,22

“Make allowance for each other’s faults, and forgive anyone who offends you. Remember, the Lord forgave you, so you must forgive others.” Colossians 3:13

No genuine need in our family is to be rejected.

“If anyone has material possessions and sees a brother or sister in need but has no pity on them, how can the love of God be in that person?” 1 John 3:17

Let us make sure our hearts are conditioned to accept and not reject those who are in need.

“Give to the one who asks you, and do not turn away from the one who wants to borrow from you.” Matthew 5: 42

Beware lest we camouflage our hardheartedness with excuses and unforgivingness. God will not be mocked.

Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, this he will also reap.” Galatians 6: 7

Love is not a goosebumpsy feeling or emotion. To love is to actually do the things we’ve been commanded to do, no matter how hard they may be.

See Who Should Christians Give their Money to?


All enduring biblical laws are now sub-laws to the 11th Commandment.

They delineate and detail its intrinsic content in order to help us succeed in applying the Greatest Commandment of all.

God gave them to us so we can obey them. Those who choose to ignore them do so to their own detriment. See Of Legalism and Christians.

“If you love Me, you will keep My commandments.” John 14:15

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Where Is Satan Now?

A Concise Explanation Of The Book Of Revelation, The End Of The Age, And The End Of The World
C H U R C H   R E F O R M   S E R I E S

By Biblicism Institute

Satan in the Abyss

Satan in the Abyss by Vigovsky

Satan is currently chained and imprisoned in the bottomless pit.

“Then I saw an angel coming down from heaven, holding the key of the abyss and a great chain in his hand. And he laid hold of the dragon, the serpent of old, who is the devil and Satan, and bound him for a thousand years; and he threw him into the abyss, and shut it and sealed it over him, so that he would not deceive the nations any longer, until the thousand years were completed…” Revelation 20:1-3

The abyss is a horrific place, even for demons.

“For Jesus had commanded the unclean spirit to come out of the man… And Jesus asked him, ‘What is your name?’ And he said, ‘Legion’; for many demons had entered him. They implored Him not to command them to go away into the abyss.” Luke 8:29,30


After Christ rose from the dead and went up to heaven in 30 A.D., He patiently waited 40 years for the disobedient Hebrews to accept Him as Messiah. The reason He waited was because the Hebrews were:

“…beloved for the sake of the fathers; for the gifts and the calling of God are irrevocable. For just as you once were disobedient to God, but now have been shown mercy because of their disobedience, so these also now have been disobedient, that because of the mercy shown to you they also may now be shown mercy. For God has shut up all in disobedience so that He may show mercy to all.” Romans 11: 28-31

But, in 70 A.D., Christ unleashed hell upon the disobedient ones. He opened the abyss and allowed its resident demons to escape in order to devour them (through war).

“Then the fifth angel sounded, and I saw a star from heaven which had fallen to the earth; and the key of the bottomless pit was given to him. He opened the bottomless pit, and smoke went up out of the pit, like the smoke of a great furnace; and the sun and the air were darkened by the smoke of the pit. Then out of the smoke came locusts upon the earth, and power was given them, as the scorpions of the earth have power. They were told not to hurt the grass of the earth, nor any green thing, nor any tree, but only the men who do not have the seal of God on their foreheads.” Revelation 9: 1-4

4 Horsemen

The 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse of 70 A.D.

All the chalices (and seals) in Revelation were curses God poured on the disobedient Hebrews who refused to acknowledge Him. The trumpets that blasted their introductions along with the four Horsemen were all designed for those Judahite Hebrews who crucified the Lord. However, those who accepted Him fled Judah/Judea before the beginning of sorrows and of the Apocalypse in 70 A.D.

“But when you see Jerusalem surrounded by armies, then recognize that her desolation is near. Then those who are in Judea must flee to the mountains, and those who are in the midst of the city must leave, and those who are in the country must not enter the city.” Luke 21: 20,21

Soon after Pentecost, Christians took Jesus’s warning very seriously. They started selling everything they had with an eye towards leaving Judah or Judea.

“They began selling their property and possessions and were sharing them with all, as anyone might have need.” Acts 2:45

Those Christian Hebrews who escaped the infernal LAST DAYS of the Old Covenant embodied 1) “all Israel shall be saved” of Romans 11:26 and 2) the grass of the earth… (the) green thing… (the) tree of Revelation 9:4 that were not to be hurt.

Consequently, those Christian Hebrews were the ones who did not have the mark of the beast. Their symbolic number in Revelation is 144,000 (12 tribes squared/Father & Son x 1000/many or 12² x 1000). Those with the mark of the beast were annihilated.

In other words, there are NO LOST TRIBES of Israel roaming about. They’re all DEAD. Besides, if they’re lost, why don’t they pick up a cell phone and call someone. After all, this is the 21st century. 🙂

The Apocalypse of 70 A.D. was the day of reckoning for those who killed the Messiah, and the end of the age of the Old Covenant and of Satan’s dominion upon the earth.

“I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Matthew 28:20

The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers…” 2 Corinthians 4:4

While God poured the chalices of His wrath on the disobedient Hebrews and shut down the Old Covenant, the whole earth felt the ripples of the dying Old Order and experienced the birth pangs of the New Order or the New Age as the physical war spread.

“You will be hearing of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not frightened, for those things must take place, but that is not yet the end. For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, and in various places there will be famines and earthquakes. But all these things are merely the beginning of birth pangs.

“Then they will deliver you to be persecuted, and will kill you, and you will be hated by all nations because of My name. At that time many will fall away and will betray one another and hate one another.

“Many false prophets will arise and will mislead many. Because lawlessness is increased, most people’s love will grow cold. But the one who endures to the end, he will be saved. This gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all the nations, and then the end will come.” Matthew 24: 6 – 14

That end was not the end of the world, but the end of the Old Covenant with Satan the Serpent as god of this world.

Once that age or that order came to an end, Christ zoomed in on that sly devil and had him bound and thrown into the abyss.


So he would deceive the nations no more the way he deceived the Hebrews and the world.

“The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel that displays the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.” 2 Corinthians 4:4

However, only Satan was bound and thrown into the bottomless pit. The locusts or demons that were released therefrom are still rummaging about, like chickens without heads or in this instance without their head Satan. In other words, their capacity to wreak havoc and their deceptive prowess are limited, but to the spiritually naked (i.e. those without Christ) they still pack a punch, albeit not as impactful as before.

“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” Ephesians 6:12

Satan’s incarceration is for a thousand-year period – not a literal thousand, just like the thousand in the following verse is not literal either.

“For every beast of the forest is Mine, The cattle on a thousand hills.” Psalm 50:10

The word thousand in these instances means many or a great amount. The cattle on the thousand and first and second and third hills do not belong to someone else, they still belong to God.

With that same understanding, Satan is bound for a thousand-year time as Christ reigns as King over the earth through the New Order or the New Age, and no one but God knows when that unlimited period will end.

When it does, God will release Satan for a little while.

“…he threw him into the abyss, and shut it and sealed it over him, so that he would not deceive the nations any longer, until the thousand years were completed; after these things he must be released for a short time.” Revelation 20: 3

Upon his discharge the following will take place.

“When the thousand years are completed, Satan will be released from his prison, and will come out to deceive the nations which are in the four corners of the earth, Gog and Magog, to gather them together for the war; the number of them is like the sand of the seashore. And they came up on the broad plain of the earth and surrounded the camp of the saints and the beloved city, and fire came down from heaven and devoured them.” Revelation 20: 7-9

The beloved city is the spiritual New Jerusalem, not the physical Old One. It is comprised of the Saints of God or Christians.

“I saw the Holy City, the new Jerusalem…” Revelation 21:2

Christ will intervene in that final spiritual war by “raining fire from heaven” to destroy the enemies of His Bride, the Church Assembly, and by shutting down the course of history, thus bringing about the end of the world. This is how Jesus described it.

“…at the time of harvest I will say to the reapers, ‘First gather together the tares and bind them in bundles to burn them, but gather the wheat into my barn.’ ” Matthew 13:30

The tares will be gathered first. Not the Saints.

“Then we who are alive and remain will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and so we shall always be with the Lord.” 1 Thessalonians 4:17

“We will not all sleep, but we will all be changed — in an instant, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, the dead will be raised imperishable, and we will be changed.” 1 Corinthians 15: 21,22

Then finally:

“… the devil who deceived them (will be) thrown into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are also; and they will be tormented day and night forever and ever.” Revelation 20: 7-10

Satan’s angels, along with those not found in Jesus’s Book of Life and those who supposedly follow Christ but reject His commands, will also partake of the eternal fire.

“Then He will also say to those on His left, ‘Depart from Me, accursed ones, into the eternal fire which has been prepared for the devil and his angels…’ ” Matthew 25:41

[See How to Become a true Christian and avoid that eternal anguish.]

Those who follow Christ and obey His commands will be rewarded.

“Then the King will say to those on His right, ‘Come, you who are blessed of My Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world.’ ” Matthew 25: 34

And then Christ will start everything over.

“Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth; for the first heaven and the first earth passed away, and there is no longer any sea.” Revelation 21:1

No longer any sea is symbolic for no longer any abyss, the pit wherefrom came the demons.

“The dragon stood on the shore of the sea. And I saw a beast coming out of the sea.” Revelation 13:1

Therefore, there will be no more demonic and destructive forces in the new earth to contend with.

“Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth.” Matthew 5:5

Crushing Satan

Crushing Satan by Guido Reni


Satan is currently in jail, just like an incarcerated mafia don whose goons are running amok in the streets.

That is why the Apostle Paul penned the following.

“The God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet.” Romans 16: 20

That crushing was the expected binding of Satan who was subsequently thrown into the abyss.

“And Jesus said to them, ‘I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven.’ ” Luke 10:18

Following Satan’s crushing defeat, Christ’s millennial started in earnest and is now in play. Meanwhile a certain manifestation of the new Heaven and the new Earth, in preparation for their prophesied upcoming transformation, is already being exhibited: the Earth is now under new management, with Jesus reigning over it in Heaven through his new chosen people, true Christians, who daily do His heavenly will on earth.

“To Him be dominion forever and ever. Amen.” 1 Peter 5:11

“Great and marvelous are Your works, O Lord God, the Almighty; Righteous and true are Your ways, King of the nations!” Revelation 14:3

“But you are a chosen people…” 1 Peter 2:9

Bringing His dominion to bear, Christ is at work, preparing and PERFECTING a special group of people, His chosen, a multitude from every generation and every nation under heaven that will inherit the New PERFECT Earth He will bring forth, along with their New PERFECT Heavenly Bodies.

“I looked, and behold, a great multitude which no one could count, from every nation and all tribes and peoples and tongues, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, clothed in white robes, and palm branches were in their hands.” Revelation 7:9

“And he carried me away in the Spirit to a mountain great and high, and showed me the Holy City, Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God. It shone with the glory of God… The nations will walk by its light…The glory and honor of the nations will be brought into it.” Revelation 21:10,11,24,26

“There are also bodies in the heavens and bodies on the earth. The glory of the heavenly bodies is different from the glory of the earthly bodies… It is the same way with the resurrection of the dead. Our earthly bodies are planted in the ground when we die, but they will be raised to live forever.” 1 Corinthians 15:40,42


The Apocalypse of 70 A.D., The Prophet Daniel, And The Apostle John

The entire New Testament – including the Book of Revelation – was written prior to 70 A.D. and must be read with that context in mind in order to understand many of its passages.

“Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together… and so much the more, as you see the day approaching.” Hebrews 10:25

“I think that in view of the present distress…” 1 Corinthians 7:25

Daniel’s prophecies, which were precursors and confirmations of John’s prophecies in Revelation, also pertained to 70 A.D. and not to a prophetic distant future that has yet to happen.

They foretold the destruction of Jerusalem which God subsequently delivered up to the Emperor of the Gentiles (i.e., the Roman Emperor) during a period that lasted 42 months = 1,260 days = 3½ years = Middle of 7 = Time (1), Times (2), and Half a time (½), and reached its full consummation in 70 A.D.

In the middle of the ‘seven’ he will put an end to sacrifice and offering. And at the temple he will set up an abomination that causes desolation, until the end that is decreed is poured out on him.” Daniel 9:27

They shall be given into his hand until a time and times and half a time.” Daniel 7:25

“They will be killed by the sword when all of them are made captives by the Gentiles. And Jerusalem will be trodden down by the Gentiles until the time of the Gentiles is fulfilled.” Luke 21:24

It was a period of wrath and judgment due to apostasy: earthly and wicked Jerusalem had become a spiritual abomination, or Babylon.

“And upon her forehead was a name written, MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH.” Revelation 17:5

The Apostle John’s prophetic and apocalyptic warning was similar to Daniel’s.

I was given a reed like a measuring rod and was told, ‘Go and measure the temple of God and the altar, with its worshipers. But exclude the outer court; do not measure it, because it has been given to the Gentiles. They will trample on the holy city for 42 months.  And I will appoint my two witnesses, and they will prophesy for 1,260 days, clothed in sackcloth.’ They are ‘the two olive trees’ and the two lampstands, and ‘they stand before the Lord of the earth.'” Revelation 11:1-4

The two Witnesses are spoken of in terms of the two great witnesses of the Old Testament, Moses and Elijah – the Law and the Prophets.

“The law and the prophets were until John: since that time the kingdom of God is preached, and every man presseth into it.” Luke 16:16

Prior to the final destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple, the animal sacrifices, performed daily by the Judahites, were abolished by Rome, which then had the image or statue of its Emperor Caligula (Gaius) set up to be worshiped in the very temple which was later desolated by its army in 70 A.D., along with Jerusalem. Emperor Vespasian’s ruthless son, Titus, led the war that year, and for his achievement was awarded a triumph: the Arch of Titus.

“From the time that the daily sacrifice is abolished and the abomination that causes desolation is set up...” Daniel 12:11

The Apostle John actually called the Emperor of Rome the beast.

The beast was captured, and with it the false prophet who had performed the signs on its behalf. With these signs he had deluded those who had received the mark of the beast and worshiped its image.” Revelation 19:20

He also gave the beast the number 666.

“Let the person who has insight calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man. That number is 666.” Revelation 13:18

The significance of the number 6 rests in the fact that man was created on the 6th day. Therefore 6 is the number of man. And triple 6 or 666 is man puffing himself up from 6 to the third degree, 1 degree more than God’s duality of Father and Son: such was the Emperor of Rome’s hubris in positioning his might above God’s and above his created status.

That’s why the Caesar was nicknamed the Anti-Christ by Christians everywhere, because he was the agent of Satan the Dragon, placed himself above Jehovah and His anointed Jesus, and persecuted Christians throughout his empire.

“…every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God…” 2 Corinthians 10:5

Thus the Prophet Daniel and the Apostle John served as two prophetic witnesses of the Apocalypse of 70 A.D.

“Every matter must be established by the testimony of two or three witnesses.” 2 Corinthians 13:1

Every prophecy in the bible has already been fulfilled, except for those concerning the end of the world as explained in the body of the article above.

In addition, the Word JUDAHITE, not JEW, is in the Bible. The word JEW is a mistranslation and causes quite the confusion about the Book of Revelation, especially since Jews are NOT the Hebrews of the bible – all the Hebrews are irrevocably dead. Therefore, the bible is not talking about the Jews nor about modern-day Israel, but about the Judahite Hebrews of old.

“God is not the author of confusion…” 1 Corinthians 14:33


The Dating Of The Book Of Revelation

[This is an excerpt from Dr. Kenneth L. Gentry, Jr.’s article The Book of Revelation and Eschatology]

I hold that Revelation was produced prior to the death of Nero in June, A.D. 68, and even before the formal engagement of the Judean War by Vespasian in Spring, A.D. 67. My position is that Revelation was written in A.D. 65 or 66. This would be after the outbreak of the Neronic persecution in November, 64, and before the engagement of Vespasian’s forces in Spring of 67. […]

Flavius Josephus, the Judahite contemporary of John, clearly points out that Julius Caesar was the first emperor of Rome and that he was followed in succession by Augustus, Tiberius, Gaius, Claudius, and Nero (Antiquities 18; 19). We discover this enumeration also in other near contemporaries of John: 4 Ezra 11 and 12; Sibylline Oracles, books 5 and 8; Barnabas, Epistle 4; Suetonius, Lives of the Twelve Caesars; and Dio Cassius’ Roman History 5.

The text of Revelation says of the seven kings “five have fallen.” The first five emperors are dead, when John writes. But the verse goes on to say “one is.” That is, the sixth one is then reigning even as John wrote. That would be Nero Caesar, who assumed imperial power upon the death of Claudius in October, A.D. 54, and remained emperor until June, A.D. 68.

John continues: “The other is not yet come; and when he comes, he must continue a short space.” When the Roman Civil Wars broke out in rebellion against him, Nero committed suicide on June 8, A.D. 68. The seventh king was “not yet come.” That would be Galba, who assumed power in June, A.D. 68. But he was only to continue a “short space.” His reign lasted but six months, until January 15, A.D. 69.

Thus, we see that while John wrote, Nero was still alive and Galba was looming in the near future. Revelation could not have been written after June, A.D. 68, according to the internal political evidence. Read more here.

P.S. Satan may be in the Abyss, but his legacy continues. See The Star Of David? and Judaism or Pharisaism.

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Of Adoption And Surrogacy

C H U R C H   R E F O R M   S E R I E S

By Biblicism Institute

Adoption and Surrogacy in the bible are very scarce, so scarce in fact that there are no stipulated laws about them. They’re always choices made by biblical figures who were either desperate or had to help those in despair.

And desperation is not a way of life God wants us to rely on because it is the loss of hope, a debilitating state whereby we take our eyes off God Himself, the God of hope.

“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope.” Romans 15:13


Adoption is a noble and sacrificial deed that many people choose to make. However, it has become so prevalent in this modern world that we feel obligated to broach the subject.

Crying Boy

Crying Boy

Though there are instances where adoption is a necessity or even a selfless act by those who undertake it, it is however something we must work hard to relegate to the smallest and infinitesimal quotient, as opposed to the brisk business it has become today, especially given the way many adoptions are currently being processed.

In a perfect world, every child would be brought up by their real parents. In fact, it is the way that God Himself intended it from the very beginning.

“For I have chosen him, that he may command his children and his household after him to keep the way of the Lord by doing righteousness and justice…” Genesis 18:9

However, there are harsh circumstances that push people to either adopt or give up their children. And by harsh we mean harsh.

Let’s check these biblical circumstances.

Moses rescued from the Nile

Moses rescued from the Nile

Moses had to be given up, otherwise he would have been slaughtered. Yet, her mother, under a false identity, was the one who ended up taking care of him anyway. Therefore family was involved in his upbringing. But when Moses realized he was adopted by the Egyptians, it did not turn out good for them.

Esther is the only other biblical figure who was adopted, but she was not a baby when Mordecai took her in, and he only did so because her parents had died. Thus, Mordecai, a cousin, a family member, was the one who took care of her. Still, she never called him “daddy,” even though she afforded him the respect due a parent.

“He was bringing up Hadassah, that is Esther, the daughter of his uncle, for she had neither father nor mother. The young woman had a beautiful figure and was lovely to look at, and when her father and her mother died, Mordecai took her as his own daughter.” Esther 2:7

Consequently, the bible shows us only one reason why “breathing” parents should permanently give up their children for others to care for – if they’re about to be slaughtered.

And the only example the bible gives us as a reason for anyone to adopt a child as one’s own is if that child is family and his parents have passed away (i.e., the child is an orphan). Accordingly, that child knows that those who adopt him are not his “parents,” though he still gives them the same respect as if they were. In other words, the adopted child knows the truth from the get go.

Adopting an orphan is the biblical duty of the extended family.

“But if someone doesn’t provide for their own family, and especially for a member of their household, they have denied the faith. They are worse than those who have no faith.” 1 Timothy 5:8

That is why Christian families are commanded to take care of orphans.

However, if these children have no extended families, then an orphanage ministry can be set up, with a system of checks and balances to prevent depravation and abuse, and with the following goals: to provide food, shelter, clothing, education, mentoring, health care, and spiritual guidance.

Christian families are biblically commanded to visit these orphans and help them financially and relationally in their upbringing.

“Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.” James 1:27

The Greek word for visit is EPISKEPTOMAI which means to inspect, to go to see, to relieve, to visit. Thus to visit an orphan is to care for them, to protect them by making sure no harm is done to them, to relieve or soothe their needs, and to surround them with new “extended” families with each visit.

If certain families wish to bring in some of these children in their homes to be cared for, it’d be up to those at the orphanage ministry who are caring for them to prayerfully and carefully consider such requests.

Though there are no biblical directives that allow or disallow such a move, the bible in its totality, however, favors the adoption of an orphan by members of the orphan’s extended family or household. Releasing children to the care of total strangers is always a risky proposition, as there are many unscrupulous people and even weirdos out there.

Even Abram/Abraham, when he was childless, was rebuked by God as he was thinking of leaving his inheritance to one who was not of his blood.

“But Abram said, ‘O Lord God, what will you give me, for I continue childless, and the heir of my house is Eliezer of Damascus?’ And Abram said, ‘Behold, you have given me no offspring, and a servant in my household will be my heir.’ And behold, the word of the Lord came to him: ‘This man shall not be your heir; your very own son shall be your heir.’ ” Genesis 15: 2-4

People must understand that even if they get to adopt orphaned children, they are not and can never become their “real” parents. Many push these kids to call them “mommy” and “daddy,” which is basically a lie.

In these situations, the worst cases are the children adopted as babies. When they grow up and discover that those they’ve been calling “mommy” and “daddy” their whole lives are not their “real” parents, the majority of them usually become emotionally unstable and launch a search for their biological parents. Such a reaction is quite natural and to be expected; it is one that God intentionally designed in order to draw our attention to the importance He places on blood family.

Even Jesus, as a boy, knew who His real Father was. See how He indirectly rebuked His mother:

“His mother said to Him, ‘Son, why have You treated us this way? Behold, Your father and I have been anxiously looking for You.’ And He said to them, ‘Why is it that you were looking for Me? Did you not know that I had to be in My Father’s house?’ ” Luke 2:48-49

However, many Christians use the following verse as if God had it carved for adoption purposes:

“To redeem those who were under the law, so that we might receive adoption as sons.” Galatians 4:5

These Christians have a bad habit of taking something God says in one circumstance and arbitrarily applying it to another (like old testament tithing vs church tithing or Ancient Israel vs the modern state of Israel). It’s exactly like comparing apples with oranges.

Just because God adopts all of us Christians into His family is not a general command for Christians to go out there and start adopting left and right. The circumstances that made God “adopt” us are different.

From the very beginning God created all of us to be His own children; but then we rebelled, and sin separated us from Him as we became by our actions subservient children of the Devil.

“But your iniquities have made a separation between you and your God, and your sins have hidden his face from you so that he does not hear.” Isaiah 59:2

So God had to “adopt” us back into the fold through the sacrifice of His son Jesus the Christ.

“To all who did receive him (Jesus), who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God…” John 1:12

The word adopt comes from two Latin words: ad (towards) and optare (to choose). Therefore God moved TOWARDS CHOOSING to take us back as His own. The Greek word in the bible for adoption is itself HUITHESIS, which means the placing as sons.

As sinners we were misplaced and under the sway of the evil one, but with Christ we have been established once and for all as the Sons of God we were created and predestined to be from the very beginning.

“He predestined us to be placed as sons through Jesus Christ, according to the purpose of his will…” Ephesians 1:5

Further, the way many organizations (some Christian ones included) are pushing the adoption process entices many feeble and financially-challenged parents-to-be to give up their babies (who are not orphans), so they can be adopted by well-to-do folks.

When one adopts a non-orphan child, one forever takes that child away from those who were destined to be his parents.

The mission of these organizations should not be to pull families apart, but to keep them together. That’s why their goals should be:

1) help orphans find their extended families, and care for those with none;

2) support parents and parents-to-be who can’t financially take care of their children.

Unfortunately, many of these organizations or agencies have actually constructed themselves as businesses disguised as non-profits, whose fuel is the wholesale adoption by strangers of newly born babies and toddlers.

An average adoption costs anywhere between $5,000.00 when one does it personally and up to $40,000.00 when an agency is hired. Ergo, most of these agencies are nothing but businesses.

Usually the reason people lean towards letting go of their babies – the preferred option of adoptive parents – is because of dire financial circumstances. So why not use these moneys and help these folks become parents to their offspring as God intended?

More often than not these organizations end up facilitating (willfully or not) the giving up of these young creatures to be adopted by total inconnus. To put it bluntly, they are actually ripping these children from their God-assigned parents.

Instead, if financial help were provided to these individuals, God’s command to care for the poor would be fulfilled, and their despair would instantly be replaced with hope as they would get to keep their children. That way the God of hope would shine through.

“We are therefore Christ’s ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us.” 2 Corinthians 5:20

To facilitate children to stay with their biological parents or family is the better course of action and the more natural one. However, by making it easy for people to give up their babies, mothers (and fathers) are thus “encouraged” to let go of their own flesh and blood.

“Is it not to share your food with the hungry and to provide the poor wanderer with shelter– when you see the naked, to clothe them, and not to turn away from your own flesh and blood?” Isaiah 58:7

Again, there are circumstances which call for adoption, and if they are not within the bible’s parameters, we can always rely on the Holy Spirit’s guidance to help with such an important decision, while keeping in mind the understanding that the word of God provides.


Abraham and Hagar

Abraham sends Hagar and Ishmael away

The first surrogate mother in the bible is Hagar. She was the maidservant of Abraham’s wife, Sarah.

When Sarah realized she couldn’t get pregnant she panicked and sent her husband to sleep with Hagar who got pregnant and gave birth to Ishmael. But when Sarah herself got pregnant, she regretted that fateful decision and forced Abraham to send Hagar and her child away.

The other two famous surrogate mothers of the bible are Bilhah and Zilpah, maidservants of Jacob’s wives Rachel and Leah.

When Rachel couldn’t bear children, out of frustration she sent Jacob to sleep with her maidservant Bilhah. To compete with her sister Rachel, Leah, Jacob’s first wife, also sent her maidservant Zilpah to sleep with her husband. The four women ended up giving Jacob twelve sons who later became the twelve tribes of Ancient Israel. See Can a man have many wives?

These surrogate mothers – especially the last two – were used by healthy women who were impatient and could not wait on God. Their frustration proved futile since later on they ended up getting pregnant.

Surrogacy, the old fashioned way, may be a viable option for women who can never have children (i.e., women whose biological clocks have run out, or are plagued with birth defects, or are sterile for various medical reasons, etc.).

However, the drawbacks in today’s western society can be numerous, especially for the surrogate mother – not to mention the remote possibility of it ever happening. Still, it could happen, and unless the arrangement is legally binding, it may create some nasty surprises.

In other words, it may engender conflicts that not only affect the children themselves, but those who are involved as well. Its negative effects, if materialized, could actually be more widespread than those of adoption since the different mothers may end up hating each other; the strife would then extend to the fathers and the children they fathered, along with their birth mothers.

That is why surrogacy, western style, has become not just a legally-binding and contractual affair, but also a clinical and medical experience that may wind up costing up to $150,000.

Men deposit their sperms which are used to fertilize surrogate mothers’ eggs. These eggs are then implanted inside the wives or inside the surrogate mothers themselves, following legal paperwork.

In the same manner, many single women, and even some married ones with supposedly impotent husbands, also use sperm banks to buy anonymous donors’ sperms in order to fertilize their own eggs.

Such procedures are so impersonal and so detached from basic human behavior and emotions that they usually leave the participants feeling probed, hopeless, and impotent; worse, it leaves the spawned children, who later discover the truth, desperately searching for nondescript fathers or mothers they may never locate.

The psychological, emotional, and spiritual impacts of such procedures leave behind a trail of wounded and lost souls frantically searching for their origins.


Adoption and Surrogacy are not solutions the bible dwells on because they are not God’s perfect problem-solving methods, though in the very rare occasions they may be, especially when it comes to biblical adoption as previously described.

In general, God’s perfect solution for couples facing either dilemma is faith. God wants us to believe that He is the God of hope who can make the impossible happen, and that is usually why He allows these problems to surface in the first place.

“You are the God who performs miracles; you display your power among the peoples.” Psalm 77:14

“And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.” Hebrews 11:6

He wants us to rely on Him, within the confines of His established and created physiological rules. For example, a ninety-year old woman cannot expect to ever get pregnant, even though Sarah was around the same age when she got pregnant for Abraham.

There is a difference.

God personally appeared to Abraham and told him that one day Sarah would get pregnant. Now if your wife is 90 years old and you want her or she wants to get pregnant, God had better show up at your doorstep – personally and “physically” – to tell you it will happen, otherwise your faith will be in vain. But if your wife is a healthy thirty-year old who can’t get pregnant, then you’d both better get on your knees and pray and have faith.

Still, the bible does provide solutions for single women who are having difficulty getting married and would like to have children, and for men who want children their wives are neither willing to breed nor capable of giving them. Click here to read it.

“‘For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,’ declares the LORD.” Isaiah 55:8

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How Atheists Do God’s Will

C H U R C H   R E F O R M   S E R I E S

By Biblicism Institute

“For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse. For even though they knew God, they did not honor Him as God or give thanks, but they became futile in their speculations, and their foolish heart was darkened. Professing to be wise, they became fools.” Romans 1:20-22

The Rage Against GodThose who say they don’t believe in God, or withhold their commitment to our great Lord in Heaven (the Atheists and the Agnostics or the A-s), do His will every day.

They invariably display a hostile attitude towards such will, even though they allow it to govern their lives.

Consequently, they come off as double-minded and quite unstable in their beliefs. It’s a mental affliction psychiatrists call dissociative identity disorder.

However, we simply call it foolishness, though it is quite tinged with far more than intellectual hypocrisy.


From the very beginning of creation God commanded the following:

“Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it, and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over every living thing that moves on the earth.” Genesis 1:28

The A-s gladly follow through on God’s commandment as their own multiplication contributes to filling the earth.

They also work for a living and in the process toil in their various fields of expertise in order to subdue the planet.

A great many fish, hunt, and train animals and therefore exercise dominion over the fish, the birds, and every living thing.

The only way for the A-s to be true to their beliefs would be to avoid doing all of the above.

However, there is one big problem. Even if they wanted to be faithful to what they profess, they couldn’t. For one thing, they need to eat or they’ll die. And second, in order to eat they have to work.

But why does life have to be that way?

Because God said so.

“By the sweat of your brow you will eat your food…” Genesis 3:19

“if any would not work, neither should he eat.” 2 Thessalonians 3: 10

Hence they’re caught in a quandary.

To work by “the sweat of one’s brow” is not a choice. It is a necessity that was “imposed” upon us, an exigency that became more than an obligation, a condition of life that simply removed man’s freedom to do as he pleases.

In other words, the work ideal of the Garden of Eden was transformed by God into a difficult and constant fight for survival, and no one, absolutely no one can change that. Those who try to change it end up with terrible afflictions: the poor with homelessness and all its consequences, and the very rich with quirks, addictions, and psychological, spiritual, and/or moral decrepitude.

Further, the desire to pro-create is stronger than anything man or woman can resist. It comes in the form of powerful sexual urges, which God Himself instilled in us for that very purpose, that of making babies.

The AtheistsOf course, the A-s did come up with some nifty ways to circumvent procreation: condoms, abortion pills, surgical abortion, tubal ligation, vasectomy, etc., not to mention the poor man’s birth control of pulling out before climaxing.

And yet, in spite of all these, we have more people on earth today than at any other time in history. As a matter of fact, world population never decreases, it continually increases decade after decade.

The desire to have children is ingrained in mankind because God spoke it. So, birth control or not, children will pop up all over the place, and that’s because if there’s one thing man can’t shake is God’s commands. They stick like glue, like white on rice… feel free to add your own metaphor. In other words, when God speaks we jump, whether we believe or not or pretend that we don’t.

Another important way the A-s follow God’s commands is through the Judicial System. Throughout the world man’s idea of justice tries to mirror God’s very own because if it didn’t, it wouldn’t be Justice, it’d be Injustice.

“Learn to do good; Seek justice, Reprove the ruthless, Defend the orphan, Plead for the widow.” Isaiah 1:17

“Justice, and only justice, you shall pursue, that you may live and possess the land which the LORD your God is giving you” Deuteronomy 16:20

” ‘You shall not murder’ and ‘Whoever commits murder shall be liable to the court.’ ” Matthew 5:21

Many A-s circumvent God’s ideal of justice by rebelling against it. They kill, steal, and rape when they know they shouldn’t, while their very own rich, powerful, and influential pervert the justice due others to get their way.

From Mao Zedong to Meginstu Haile Mariam, from Kim Il Su to Pol Pot, from Hideki Tojo to Stalin, these A-s killed over 110 million people – not to mention antiquity rulers like Pharaoh and Caesar who actually thought themselves gods and annihilated multitudes.

“All those who hate Me love death.” Proverbs 8:36

Others do it all in the dark, away from prying eyes and ears, because they know that in doing these things they’re in the wrong. Hence their scruple reacts to God’s commands.

“Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that their deeds will be exposed.” John 3:20

Everyone is born with a deep-seated and inherent sense of what true justice is, a knowledge that was birthed in our spirit when God spoke it. When we go against it the alarm in our soul rings and causes our conscience to be pricked. While many choose to ignore or deaden said alert doesn’t mean it wasn’t there to begin with.

No true Christian who follows the teachings of Christ would ever harm anyone. If lawbreakers, murderers, and mass murderers – politicians or not – pay lip service to the Lord, it’s just to mask who they really are: A-s pretending to be Christians.


No GodThe A-s strangely assume that those who believe in God believe in a fairy tale.

It’s a postulation they arrogantly consider themselves qualified to make, as if they have mastered the totality of knowledge of life and the universe – an intellectual hypocrisy they deem to be nowhere near as bad as the supposed fallacy of the believers’ blind faith.

Yet, they sanctimoniously use said blind faith in their own God Complex or their Know-it-all Syndrome to appoint themselves as the new gods and unseat the true God whom they pompously declare to be either dead or non-existent.

It’s their equivalent of a coup d’état.

Hence they rebuff everything that has to do with the Almighty. They have developed a fantasy – in many cases a hatred – that can only be explained thus:

“The fool says in his heart, ‘There is no God.’ ” Psalm 14:1

They actually fool themselves to believe there’s no God by adhering to cockamamy theories like the Theory of Evolution (see how we destroy that nonsense here) and the Big (bada-bing-bada) Bang Theory, which they want humanity to believe are facts when in reality they’re just that, theories (i.e., unproved assumptions or conjectures).

Let’s humor them for a quick moment.

If the A-s‘ ancestors were animals, where do A-s get their sense of justice, morality, and ethics? After all, animals don’t work for a living, they eat each other, and they self, meaning within their own species they sexually jump one another regardless of whether they’re related or not. In other words, why aren’t the A-s more concerned about enforcing these laws of the jungle instead of worrying about true justice, steadfast morality, and staunch ethics as demanded by God? That would be more logical, wouldn’t it? Oh… they are also trying to do those things? Hmm… it’s that dissociative disorder… well, our bad! 🙂

Further, if Big Bangs were capable of creating things, scientists could go in a lab and apply that Big (bada-bing-bada) Bang Theory (on a much smaller scale, of course), not only to prove its validity but to watch as new tiny universes and creatures burst into existence. Besides, didn’t Steve Hawking come up with a formula for that nonsense? The M-Theory? So what are they waiting for? They could actually turn its application into a lucrative business. Big-Banged tiny universes teemed with tiny creatures could be sold at Walmart where we’d be the first in line to purchase them. We would rule them with a rod of iron, and if those tiny creatures were to theorize that no one created them, we would teach them a lesson and smite them dead. 😉

Atheism is a religion whether the A-s want to acknowledge it or not. It’s a faith that declares the self to be god and encourages the hatred of the true God and His creation.


There are more ways by which the A-s follow God’s will while their dissociative disorder is in full display.

1. Breathing. They conveniently use the breath that God places in them without even saying, “Thank you, God.” How beastly! See Life, Death and the Afterlife.

“The breath of the Almighty gives me life.” Job 33:4

2. Clothing. They wear clothes when they should be running around naked like animals. Worse, like sinning-Adam they even feel shame and hide when they don’t cover themselves. And how did they come up with that “silly” idea to wear clothes in the first place?

“‘I heard you in the garden, and I was afraid because I was naked; so I hid…’ The Lord God made garments of skin for Adam and his wife and clothed them.” Genesis 3:10,21

3. Hygiene. Every time they shower, shave, flush the toilet, and wash their clothes they should remember God, but they don’t.

“The one to be cleansed shall then wash his clothes and shave off all his hair and bathe in water and be clean.” Leviticus 14:8

“You shall have a place outside the camp, and you shall go out to it. And you shall have a trowel with your tools, and when you sit down outside, you shall dig a hole with it and turn back and cover up your excrement.” Deuteronomy 23:12,13

4. Exercising charity. Imagine what the world would be like with the laws of the jungle instead of Christian charity. See The Heart Adjustment.

“One who is gracious to a poor man lends to the LORD, And He will repay him for his good deed.” Proverbs 19:17

5. Authoritative system. It brings order where there is chaos. God-given authority replaces the might-make-right rule of the beasts. See Of Authority and Christians.

“For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God.” Romans 13:11

6. Marriage between man and woman. God instituted it as the foundation of human civilization, and without it there would be no worthwhile continuation of society. Many A-s use it in their own lives while they simultaneously advocate the antitheses of marriage: free “love” and the abomination that is called homosexual “marriage.” See The Biblical Marriage Blueprint.

“Take wives and have sons and daughters; take wives for your sons, and give your daughters in marriage, that they may bear sons and daughters; multiply there, and do not decrease.” Jeremiah 29:6

7. Caring for animals. It was never a liberal atheistic concept. Christian civilization brought about the humane treatment of animals, as opposed to the laws of the jungle that dictate otherwise.

“Whoever is righteous has regard for the life of his beast, but the mercy of the wicked is cruel.” Proverbs 12:10

8. Sound Money. When we as a society (A-s included) made sure money was soundly based on God’s principles of accurate weights and measures, we had stability. But then a group of God-hating, money-loving bunch introduced fiat money or paper money in order to get rich quick. So now it’s all going to hell in a bank basket. See When Money is the Problem.

“The LORD detests dishonest scales, but accurate weights find favor with him.” Proverbs 11:1

9. Succumbing to Diseases. Sooner or later everyone succumbs to sicknesses because everyone (A-s included) at one point or another sins and fails to diligently listen to the voice of the Lord. So whether one believes or not that one is being disobedient to God, the consequences become real anyway. Therefore God’s will is done in every person’s life, atheists and otherwise. See Of Healing and Miracles.

“Surely I was sinful at birth, sinful from the time my mother conceived me.” Psalm 51:5

“If you will diligently listen to the voice of the Lord your God, and do that which is right in his eyes, and give ear to his commandments and keep all his statutes, I will put none of the diseases on you… for I am the Lord, your healer.” Exodus 15:26

10. Succumbing to Death. Say A-s, try and stop this God-appointed bad boy with your God Complex or with a bada-bing-bada-whoops-there-it-is theory. See The Consequences of Sin.

“And the dust returns to the earth as it was, and the spirit returns to God who gave it.” Ecclesiastes 12:7


Jesus knockingWe could go on, but by now we believe you’ve got the gist.

So go ahead A-s, keep doing God’s will. We quite understand when you say you don’t believe or choose not to believe in God. After all, actions speak louder than words. 😉

By the way, while you’re partially implementing His volition, why not acknowledge Him and fully perform His will? Because if you don’t, there will be consequences. See The Consequences of Sin.

Therefore, come full circle and return to your Heavenly Father’s loving arms – you know, the One who actually formed you in your mother’s womb – and become a Christian today. See How to Become a Christian.

“For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well. My frame was not hidden from you, when I was being made in secret, intricately woven in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my unformed substance; in your book were written, every one of them, the days that were formed for me, when as yet there was none of them.” Psalm 39: 13-16

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Of Nagging Women And Angry Men

C H U R C H   R E F O R M   S E R I E S

By Biblicism Institute

The actress/scriptwriter Nia Vardalos in the movie My Big Fat Greek Wedding wrote the following line: “The man may be the head of the household, but the woman is the neck, and she can turn the head whichever way she pleases.”

It may be a funny one-liner, but it’s a dangerous one.


Entertainment and media have a great influence on many people. That one-liner has wormed its way into our society’s consciousness using a comedic wrapper to make it palatable, as well as reinforcing a notion that many women are already inclined to develop.

Some preachers even use it to make their audience laugh, but in truth it’s no laughing matter.


“But I want you to understand that Christ is the head of every man, and the man is the head of a woman, and God is the head of Christ.” 1 Corinthians 11:3

Adam and Eve 2The head of woman is man, not Jesus. The head of an unmarried woman is her father, or the elder brother if dad is deceased. The head of a married woman is her husband, or whomever the husband puts in charge after his passing, usually the elder son who has the right of the firstborn.

“He shall acknowledge… the firstborn (male), by giving him a double portion of all that he hath: for he is the beginning of his strength; the right of the firstborn is his.” Deuteronomy 21:17

From the very beginning, in the Garden of Eden, the woman managed to usurp the man’s authoritative role, and the result has been the catastrophic state of sin we currently find ourselves in.

The Serpent knew what he was doing when he approached the woman.

“And he said to the woman, ‘Indeed, has God said, ‘You shall not eat from any tree of the garden’?’ ‘ ” Genesis 3:1

The most cunning of all creatures, he discerned that woman was the weaker vessel and therefore not built to withstand his attacks, and that man for all his bravado could not long endure a woman’s pleading eyes. He was certain that man’s ingrained chivalry would get the best of him.

He was right.

Eve fell and then induced Adam to fall. Quite the bull’s-eye on both counts for the Serpent! In other words, he caused Eve to become the neck that turned Adam’s head, and voilà!

Since then women everywhere, way before Nia Vardalos penned that “funny one-liner,” have been trying to “neck around” their husbands or have actually been doing precisely that.

The consequences of such a disposition are disastrous.

Women who embrace said frame of mind end up being these nagging and manipulative creatures that drive their husbands crazy or angry.

Many of these men bottle up their anger until one day they explode and divorce their wives. Some morph into these feeble, castrated individuals who are trapped and cannot move forward, while others are in a permanent state of resentment as they continually butt heads with their wives.

When God says that man is the head, He means it.

Wives, respect and obey your husbands…” 1 Peter 2: 1

Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord.” Ephesians 5: 22


Feminism has conditioned most women, even many Christian ones, to rebuff the above-mentioned biblical laws. To masquerade their unbecoming behavior, these women usually use the following nonsensical statements about their husbands – with our rebuttal.

  • But he’s doing the wrong thing. Rebuttal: Then advise him.
  • But he doesn’t listen. Rebuttal: Then the onus is on him, not on you.
  • But he’s leading our family to disaster. Rebuttal: Then why did you marry him?
  • But I thought I could change him. Rebuttal: Did you, now? Is the bride of Christ the one who changes to accommodate Him, or is it the other way around?
  • But he’s gonna fail if I don’t take over. Rebuttal: Then let him fail. There’s nothing wrong with failure. Failure sobers a man up and gives him wisdom. Moses failed to convince Pharaoh over and over until his persuasive argument won the day.
  • But he’s gonna bring shame to me and my family. Rebuttal: Ah-ha! It’s your ego, then. Shade of Eve.
  • But he can’t make up his mind. Rebuttal: Then wait until he can.
  • But he’s lazy. Rebuttal: Then why did you marry him?
  • But I didn’t know. Rebuttal: Did you follow The Biblical Marriage Blueprint?
  • But I thought I could change him. Rebuttal: Aren’t we going in circle here?

A woman can help her husband, advise him, encourage him, build him up when he’s down, etc.; but, in the end, final decisions are up to him. God is the one who put him in charge, and therefore he’ll have to answer to Him.

When a woman takes upon herself the man’s responsibilities, she assumes duties that were not assigned to her, and sooner or later the result will be a frustrated wife who’ll end up disrespecting, even despising her husband.

Job’s wife is a great example of how a woman can step out of her supportive role and be putty in the devil’s hand. She could not see God’s purpose in Job’s trials, so instead of comforting and showing respect to her husband she cursed him (and God) instead.

“Why don’t you curse God and die?” Job 2:9

Likewise, most women prefer to nag and nag until they get what they want, not unlike female characters in many movies who insolently mouth off at their husbands or at their fathers. Such a devastating sinful trait will drive a family to ruin, just like Eve drove her family out of the Garden.

“It is better to live in a corner of the housetop than in a house shared with a quarrelsome wife.” Proverbs 21:9

“It is better to live in a desert land than with a quarrelsome and fretful woman.” Proverbs 21:19

“A continual dripping on a rainy day and a quarrelsome wife are alike; to restrain her is to restrain the wind or to grasp oil in one’s right hand.” Proverbs 27: 15-16

Women like these grind down a man’s self-esteem. They are the reason many run away from their wives and into the arms of those who indulge and respect their God-appointed position.

“Your adornment must not be merely external– braiding the hair, and wearing gold jewelry, or putting on dresses; but let it be the hidden person of the heart, with the imperishable quality of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is precious in the sight of God. For in this way in former times the holy women also, who hoped in God, used to adorn themselves, being submissive to their own husbands.” 1 Peter 3: 3-5


Now, to you guys. Be men, godly men! Not sissies, nor brutes.

Husbands must work hard and provide for their families in every aspect: financial, spiritual, emotional, in knowledge, in wisdom, in decision-making, etc. In other words, they must become real men, leaders of their homes.

“But if someone doesn’t provide for their own family…They are worse than those who have no faith.” 1 Timothy 5:8

“Husbands ought to love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself.” Ephesians 5:28

“Fathers, do not anger your children, but rear them in the discipline and in the teaching of Our Lord.” Ephesians 6: 4

Some husbands actually cause their wives to become the necks that turn their heads, and then they wax all hot and bothered, even angry.

There’s nothing uglier than a man who’s not a man, meaning a man who does not fulfill his responsibilities. If that’s you, then it’s about time you took back your role as head of your family and applied God’s principles to turn your situation around.

But, in so doing, remember to exercise loving firmness and patient understanding, especially if your wife has already settled in the neck-turning-the-head role.

“Husbands, dwell with your wives with understanding, giving honor unto the wife as unto the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life, that your prayers be not hindered.” 1 Peter 3:7


Adam and EveWhat if Adam had put his foot down and told Eve to behave?

What if he had said, “Now listen, darling. God said it’s a no-no to eat of the forbidden fruit. Now throw it away because I’ll have none of it. Quickly go and ask God to forgive you!”

Do you think we’d all be in different circumstances right now?

In short, guys, be biblical men!

And you, ladies, be biblical women!

Your lives will be better for it.

“But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves.” James 1:22

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The Consequences Of Sin

C H U R C H   R E F O R M   S E R I E S

By Biblicism Institute

“Sin is crouching at the door. Its desire is for you, but you must rule over it.” Genesis 4:7

Sin is disobedience to God’s commandments, a cancer that destroys body and soul.

Yet, everybody sins. The consequences are many.

1. Death of Body and Soul

Forgiven - Jesus


In the Garden of Eden, Adam disobeyed God and ate of the forbidden fruit. That simple sin of disobedience caused his soul, or spirit man, to become foul and corrupted, dead to God. From that point on, he was also scheduled to physically die, even though originally God did not intend such a fate for mankind.

“From any tree of the garden you may eat freely; but from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat from it you will surely die.” Genesis 2: 16,17

“For the one who sows to his own flesh will from the flesh reap corruption…” Galatians 6:7

“The soul who sins shall die.” Ezekiel 18:20

2. Separation from God

Sin causes us to be separated from God.

“But your iniquities have made a separation between you and your God, and your sins have hidden his face from you so that he does not hear.” Isaiah 59:2

A Holy God wants nothing to do with spoiled, unholy sinners.

“For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God…” Romans 3:23

3. Sickness and Accident

a) Sin worms its way through our body and homes in to destroy it with various sicknesses.

“There is no soundness in my flesh because of your indignation; there is no health in my bones because of my sin.” Psalm 38:3

“She does not want to repent of her sexual immorality. Behold, I will throw her on a bed of sickness…” Revelation 2:21,22

“There is none to uphold your cause, no medicine for your wound, no healing for you.” Jeremiah 30:13

b) Sin triggers God to remove His protection from accidents.

“Or do you suppose that those eighteen on whom the tower in Siloam fell and killed them were worse sinners than all the men who live in Jerusalem?” Luke 13:4

4. Lawlessness

Sin turns us into rebellious workers of iniquities who fight against God’s laws. See Of Legalism and Christians

“Everyone who makes a practice of sinning also practices lawlessness; sin is lawlessness.” 1 John 3:4

“And then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.’ ” Matthew 7:23

“And they shall go out and look on the dead bodies of the men who have rebelled against Me. For their worm shall not die, their fire shall not be quenched, and they shall be an abhorrence to all flesh.” Isaiah 66:24

5. Hardship

Sin engenders asperity and adversity.

“By the sweat of your brow you will eat your food…” Genesis 3:19

“…the years the locusts have eaten…” Joel 2:25

6. Lack of Understanding and Wisdom

Sin clouds our judgment and spoils our understanding.

“…fools despise wisdom and instruction.” Proverbs 1:7

“Hearing they do not hear, nor do they understand.” Matthew 13:13

7. Demon Possession

Sin opens the door for demons to dwell in our spirits.

“And someone from the crowd answered him, ‘Teacher, I brought my son to you, for he has a spirit that makes him mute. And whenever it seizes him, it throws him down, and he foams and grinds his teeth and becomes rigid. So I asked your disciples to cast it out, and they were not able.’ ” Mark 9: 17,18

“When the unclean spirit has gone out of a person, it passes through waterless places seeking rest, but finds none. Then it says, ‘I will return to my house from which I came.’ And when it comes, it finds the house empty, swept, and put in order. Then it goes and brings with it seven other spirits more evil than itself, and they enter and dwell there, and the last state of that person is worse than the first. So also will it be with this evil generation.”Matthew 12: 43-45

8. Perversion

Sin spurs our minds to rottenness; thus our speech and actions reflect perversity such as strife, ungodly talk, crushing of the spirit/soul, greed, and unbelief.

“Who with perversity in his heart continually devises evil, Who spreads strife.” Proverbs 6:14

“A soothing tongue is a tree of life, But perversion in it crushes the spirit.” Proverbs 15:4

“Jesus answered and said, ‘You unbelieving and perverted generation, how long shall I be with you? How long shall I put up with you?’ ” Matthew 17:17

9. Depravation

Sin hatches debased impulses which then produce depravement such as drunkenness, drug addiction, fornication, adultery, and homosexuality, thereby polluting our bodies.

“Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality, nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. And such were some of you. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.” 1 Corinthians 6: 9-11

“For this reason God gave them up to dishonorable passions. For their women exchanged natural relations for those that are contrary to nature; and the men likewise gave up natural relations with women and were consumed with passion for one another, men committing shameless acts with men and receiving in themselves the due penalty for their error. And since they did not see fit to acknowledge God, God gave them up to a debased mind to do what ought not to be done.” Romans 1: 26-28

10. Undermining The Family

Sin cooks up dire consequences for ourselves and our immediate families.

“He will by no means leave the guilty unpunished, visiting the iniquity of fathers on the children and on the grandchildren to the third and fourth generations.” Exodus 34:7

That’s why parents, especially fathers, need to be quite circumspect about the way they live and act, because any deviation from God’s expectations will boomerang not only on them but on their children as well.

11. Eternal Fire

Sin destines us to Hell and Eternal Fire.

“And if your foot causes you to sin, cut it off. It is better for you to enter life lame than with two feet to be thrown into hell.” Mark 9:45

“Then he will say to those on his left, ‘Depart from me, you cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels.’ ” Matthew 25:41

“And these will go away into eternal punishment, but the righteous into eternal life.” Matthew 25:46

“They will suffer the punishment of eternal destruction, away from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of his might…” 2 Thessalonians 1:9


God wishes for no one to perish in the everlasting fire.

“God desires all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.” 1 Timothy 2:4

We can be saved by receiving Christ in our life. See How to Become a Christian

Forgotten Sin - Jesus


“Jesus said to him, ‘I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.’ ” John 14:6

“For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Romans 6:23

When we receive Christ, it is not a license to go on sinning.

“If I had cherished iniquity in my heart, the Lord would not have listened.” Psalm 66:18

“Do not be deceived: God is not mocked, for whatever one sows, that will he also reap. For the one who sows to his own flesh will from the flesh reap corruption, but the one who sows to the Spirit will from the Spirit reap eternal life.” Galatians 6: 7,8

If anyone thinks himself cunning by accepting Christ and yet refuses to do His will, just keep this verse in mind:

“Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. On that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?’ And then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.’ ” Matthew 7: 21-23

Therefore, we must keep Christ’s commandments in our hearts and apply them to our lives.

“And by this we know that we have come to know him, if we keep his commandments. Whoever says ‘I know him’ but does not keep his commandments is a liar, and the truth is not in him, but whoever keeps his word, in him truly the love of God is perfected…”John 2: 1-29


Though salvation in Christ purges sins from our souls in order to spare us the eternal fire, it does not however relieve us of their temporal or earthly outcomes such as hardship, sickness, and physical death.

We Christians must accept the consequences of our actions, even the aftermath of those that took place prior to becoming saved. In so doing, we deny ourselves and carry our cross for the Lord.

“Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me.” Matthew 6:24

For example:

i. If a single, non-Christian woman fornicates, ends up pregnant, and then turns to the Lord, she must accept the fact that her condition is a consequence of her action, and therefore must care for the baby and not abort or kill her child. See Of Fornication, Divorce and Adultery

“Children are a heritage from the Lord…” Psalm 127:3

ii. If a murderer turns Christian, he must grasp the severity of his actions. Consequently, when the legal system throws the book at him, he must yield.

” ‘You shall not murder’ and ‘Whoever commits murder shall be liable to the court.’ ” Matthew 5:21

iii. If a divorcé/divorcée was not a Christian when he/she got divorced, once he/she becomes a Christian, he/she must come to terms with the fact that he/she cannot remarry – unless said divorce occurred because of the wife’s fornication, then the divorcé (not the divorcée) can remarry. Otherwise, he/she will commit adultery. See Of Fornication, Divorce and Adultery

Adam, Eve, and God

God kicks Adam & Eve out of the Garden

“And I say unto you, Whosoever shall put away his wife, except [it be] for fornication, and shall marry another, committeth adultery: and whoso marrieth her which is put away doth commit adultery.” Matthew 19:9

The temporal consequences of sins cannot be avoided – just like Adam and Eve could not avoid being thrown out of the Garden following their disobedience.

However, though they can’t be warded off, the consequences can be overcome.

a) Christians are commanded to endure hardship because in enduring we conquer it.

“Endure hardship as discipline; God is treating you as his children. For what children are not disciplined by their father? If you are not disciplined—and everyone undergoes discipline—then you are not legitimate, not true sons and daughters at all… All discipline for the moment seems not to be joyful, but sorrowful; yet to those who have been trained by it, afterwards it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness. Therefore, strengthen the hands that are weak and the knees that are feeble, and make straight paths for your feet, so that the limb which is lame may not be put out of joint, but rather be healed. Make every effort to… be holy; without holiness no one will see the Lord.” Hebrews 12:7,8,12-14

“Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or danger, or sword? As it is written, ‘For your sake we are being killed all the day long; we are regarded as sheep to be slaughtered.’ No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.” Romans 8:35,36

b) Concerning sicknesses, the prayer that heals usually follows a confession of sins. For more details see Of Healing and Miracles.

“Therefore confess your sins to one another, and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous man has great power in its effects. And the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up; and if he have committed sins, they shall be forgiven him.” James 5:14-15

c) As for accidents, Christ Himself becomes our protector. Ultimately, as with any other temporal consequence, whatever God decides we must submit to His will.

“He will establish you and guard you against the evil one.” 2 Thessalonians 3:3

“For it is better, if it is God’s will, to suffer for doing good than for doing evil.” 1 Peter 3:17

d) Lack of wisdom and understanding can be surmounted when we become part of Christ’s family.

“If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him” James 1:5

“The unfolding of your words gives light; it gives understanding to the simple.” Psalms 119:130

Study to show yourself approved unto God, a workman that needs not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth” 2 Timothy 2:15

e) Demon Possession, separation from God, lawlessness, perversion, depravation, and sinful compromising of our family are now subdued in Christ.

And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils…” Mark 16:17

“If Christ is in you, though the body is dead because of sin, yet the spirit is alive because of righteousness.” Romans 8:10

“No one who is born of God will continue to sin, because God’s seed remains in them; they cannot go on sinning, because they have been born of God.” 1 John 3:9

“But I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh. For the desires of the flesh are against the Spirit, and the desires of the Spirit are against the flesh, for these are opposed to each other, to keep you from doing the things you want to do. But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the law. Now the works of the flesh are evident: sexual immorality, impurity, sensuality, idolatry, sorcery, enmity, strife, jealousy, fits of anger, rivalries, dissensions, divisions, and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like. I warn you, as I did before, that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God.” Galatians 5: 16-21

“Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved, you and your household.” Acts 16:13

The only consequence that is full proof and cannot be remedied is death, the final end of all men. Our physical bodies will someday die whether we want to or not. It’s the ultimate consequence of our sins. But even in death we Christians have hope.

“…the appearing of our Savior Christ Jesus, who abolished death and brought life and immortality to light through the gospel…” 2 Timothy 1:10

The temporal consequences of our sins will catch up with us even after becoming Christians. Nevertheless, our obedience to God’s commands will cause our lives to become new.

“Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature; the old things passed away; behold, new things have come.” 2 Corinthians 5:17

How do new things come when we are born again?

“Anyone who has been stealing must steal no longer, but must work, doing something useful with their own hands, that they may have something to share with those in need.” Ephesians 4:28

Things become new by living a life that is totally different than the one prior to salvation. Therefore, our actions as Christians (i.e., following God’s laws) prove our salvation. See Of Legalism and Christians

“As the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without deeds is dead.” James 2:26

“Whoever says ‘I know him’ but does not keep his commandments is a liar, and the truth is not in him, but whoever keeps his word, in him truly the love of God is perfected.”  1 John 2:4

However, when we as Christians end up sinning because of weaknesses of the flesh, those sins will unfortunately generate more consequences even when we wholeheartedly repent and sincerely ask God for forgiveness, and said forgiveness is granted.

“My little children, I am writing these things to you so that you may not sin. But if anyone does sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous. He is the propitiation for our sins, and not for ours only but also for the sins of the whole world.” 1 John: 1,2

“Jesus found him in the temple and said to him, ‘See, you are well! Sin no more, that nothing worse may happen to you.‘ ” John 5:14

“If we deliberately keep on sinning after we have received the knowledge of the truth, no sacrifice for sins is left, but only a fearful expectation of judgment…” Hebrews 10:26,27

Therefore, beware!

“Work out your salvation with fear and trembling.” Philippians 2:12


Christianity is the only faith on earth that brings into sharp focus not only the temporal consequences of sin, but the eternal ones as well. That alone should tell the doubters that it is the only true faith.


Think about it.

Do we teach our children that actions have consequences? Yes. Do we ourselves follow that same rule? Absolutely, we call it accountability – an understanding that is also the foundation of every judicial system on earth. And where do we get that from? God.

As a result, if we can recognize that our actions here in this life have consequences, how much more should we ponder on the consequences of our sins in the next life? After all, we are spiritual beings.

Fortunately, there is a solution that cancels out the eternal consequences of our sins. In fact, it’s the only solution. It is Jesus.

“He is the propitiation for our sins, and not for ours only but also for the sins of the whole world.” 1 John 2:2

Hell's Fire

Hell’s Eternal Fire

With Christ, instead of eternal fire, eternal bliss in the Father’s house awaits.

“In my Father’s house are many rooms. If it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you? ” John 14:2

But there are those who say that other religions beside Christianity provide solutions as well.

No, they don’t.

First, they don’t define sin like Christianity does. In the Christian Bible there’s not one sin that is discarded as innocuous. The Word of God zooms in on every single one of them starting from the first sin of disobedience to the very last one of rejecting Jesus the Christ.

Second, for sins to be forgiven there needs to be a propitiation. Sins have consequences and the sinner must pay. In other words, in the spiritual realm as in the physical realm the consequences will not go away. Just like the physical body ultimately dies because of sin, the soul that controls the body must also die.

“The soul who sins shall die.” Ezekiel 18:20

Our sins have to be accounted and atoned for. And that atonement can either be we sinners in the eternal fire or Christ on the cross.

“He Himself bore our sins in His body on the cross, so that we might die to sin and live to righteousness; for by His wounds you were healed.” 1 Peter 2:24

No other faith or religion offers a propitiating solution for the eternal consequences of sin, and most of them do not stress the aftermath for rejecting the watered down solutions they offer. Those flaws are inherent in every religion except Christianity.

Why do you think that is?

Because the satanic forces are master deceivers and the authors of all false doctrines and religions. They want to drag as many people with them as they can when they burn.

Then He will also say to those on His left, ‘Depart from Me, accursed ones, into the eternal fire which has been prepared for the devil and his angels…’ ” Matthew 25:41


Walk with Jesus

Walk with Him

No other faith or religion takes the consequences of sin as seriously as Christianity.

No other faith provides temporal and eternal solutions.

Only Christianity offers a specific plan of salvation that delivers us from the earthly bondage and the eternal consequences of sin.

“God presented Christ as a sacrifice of atonement, through the shedding of his blood–to be received by faith.” Romans 3:25

So if you are not a Christian, don’t delay.

Become one today and experience the Joy of the Lord’s salvation while willingly carrying your cross. See How to Become a Christian

“Cast all your care on Him, because He cares about you.” 1 Peter 5:7

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Can A Man Have Many Wives?

C H U R C H   R E F O R M   S E R I E S

By Biblicism Institute


King Solomon and his many wives receive Queen of Sheba

Are you ready for a biblical answer? Are you really ready?

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The Trinity Doctrine Is NOT In The Bible

C H U R C H   R E F O R M   S E R I E S

By Biblicism Institute

“So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.” Genesis 1:27

What does that verse really mean?

It means that there is a duality inherent in God, Father and Son. Therefore God created that same duality in mankind, male and female. That duality is itself God’s image in mankind.

“Then God said, ‘Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness…’ ” Genesis 1:26

When Philip asked Jesus to show him the Father, here’s how Jesus answered:

“Philip said to Him, ‘Lord, show us the Father, and it is enough for us.’ Jesus said to him, ‘Have I been so long with you, and yet you have not come to know Me, Philip? He who has seen Me has seen the Father; how can you say, ‘Show us the Father?’ ‘ ” John 8:9

There was no mention of the Holy Spirit. That’s because God is a duality of one, Father and Son.

“I and the Father are one.” John 10:30

Nowhere in the bible does Jesus or anyone say that The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are one. However, the Holy Spirit carries the power of the duality.

Creation of Light

Creation of Light by Michelangelo

“…stay in the city until you have been clothed with power from on high.” Luke 24:49

“…the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters. And God said, ‘Let there be light,’ and there was light.” Genesis 1: 2-4

God speaks and the Spirit executes.


Before Jesus left earth, He told the disciples that after His departure He would ask the Father to send the Helper.

“I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may be with you always.” John 14:16

While Jesus was here, He was the one helping the disciples. But upon the Holy Spirit’s arrival, the Spirit would become that other helper. However, as Philip clearly demonstrated, everyone wanted to see and deal with the Father. They got to do just that. Jesus was the Father’s physical manifestation, both one and the same.

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God… And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us.” John 1: 1,14

“For in him dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily.” Colossians 2:9

As Jesus was readying the disciples for the Helper, they became melancholic. They had become accustomed to dealing directly with the Big Boss Himself, the Father. So why a Helper now? Why change a good thing?

“Because I have said these things to you, sorrow has filled your heart. But I tell you the truth, it is to your advantage that I go away; for if I do not go away, the Helper will not come to you; but if I go, I will send Him to you.” John 16: 6,7

For example, imagine that everyday you are dealing personally with the President of the Company where you work, but one fine day you are told that you’ll no longer be doing so, and that from now on you’ll have to deal with his helper or personal assistant. You’d feel somewhat cheated, wouldn’t you? Well, Jesus knew the disciples would be in such a frame of mind, so He sternly warned them not to blaspheme or speak irreverently of the Helper just because he wasn’t the Father.

“And everyone who speaks a word against the Son of Man, it will be forgiven him; but he who blasphemes against the Holy Spirit, it will not be forgiven him.” Luke 12:10

Before the advent of the Holy Spirit heavenly help was given through angels like Gabriel or Michael.

“The angel said to him, ‘I am Gabriel. I stand in the presence of God, and I have been sent to speak to you and to tell you this good news.’ ” Luke 1:19

“But the prince of the kingdom of Persia withstood me one and twenty days: but, lo, Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me; and I remained there with the kings of Persia.” Daniel 10:13

However, this time around, thanks to the New Covenant in Christ’s blood, God was about to unleash His most powerful weapon, the Spirit, for the benefit of all believers.


Ezekiel got a glimpse of the Spirit.

Ezekiel Chapter 1:

Ezekiel's Vision

Ezekiel’s Vision by Raphael c. 1518

I looked, and I saw a windstorm coming out of the north—an immense cloud with flashing lightning and surrounded by brilliant light. The center of the fire looked like glowing metal, and in the fire was what looked like four living creatures. In appearance their form was human, but each of them had four faces and four wings. Their legs were straight; their feet were like those of a calf and gleamed like burnished bronze. Under their wings on their four sides they had human hands. All four of them had faces and wings, and the wings of one touched the wings of another. Each one went straight ahead; they did not turn as they moved.

10 Their faces looked like this: Each of the four had the face of a human being, and on the right side each had the face of a lion, and on the left the face of an ox; each also had the face of an eagle. 11 Such were their faces. They each had two wings spreading out upward, each wing touching that of the creature on either side; and each had two other wings covering its body. 12 Each one went straight ahead. Wherever the Spirit would go, they would go, without turning as they went. 13 The appearance of the living creatures was like burning coals of fire or like torches. Fire moved back and forth among the creatures; it was bright, and lightning flashed out of it. 14 The creatures sped back and forth like flashes of lightning.

15 As I looked at the living creatures, I saw a wheel on the ground beside each creature with its four faces. 16 This was the appearance and structure of the wheels: They sparkled like topaz, and all four looked alike. Each appeared to be made like a wheel intersecting a wheel. 17 As they moved, they would go in any one of the four directions the creatures faced; the wheels did not change direction as the creatures went. 18 Their rims were high and awesome, and all four rims were full of eyes all around.

19 When the living creatures moved, the wheels beside them moved; and when the living creatures rose from the ground, the wheels also rose. 20 Wherever the Spirit would go, they would go, and the wheels would rise along with them, because the Spirit of the living creatures was in the wheels. 21 When the creatures moved, they also moved; when the creatures stood still, they also stood still; and when the creatures rose from the ground, the wheels rose along with them, because the Spirit of the living creatures was in the wheels.

The Spirit is a mind-blowing sight, almost frightfully so. He projects an awesome display of power via four living creatures and their dazzling embodiments.

First, Ezekiel noticed that wherever the Spirit would go, the four living creatures would go. But then he zoomed in on the wheels which moved the creatures about. And if the creatures went wherever the Spirit went and the wheels moved the creatures about, ergo the wheels were moved by the Spirit. As a result, the Spirit was in the wheels and was working the wheels, just like a driver behind the wheels of his car.

Ezekiel used the subsequent wording in his first observation of the movement of the Spirit and the four living creatures: Wherever the Spirit would go, they [creatures] would go. However when he noticed that the wheels moved the creatures about, he used the same structure: When the living creatures moved, the wheels beside them moved. And finally he understood that the Spirit was in the wheels, so he wrapped both of these observations together in one sentence: Wherever the Spirit would go, they would go, and the wheels would rise along with them, because the Spirit of the living creatures was in the wheels. Said conclusion was repeated twice in order to make sure we understand it.


As can be clearly observed, the Spirit is a quaternity, whereas God is a duality. He’s a quaternity because he is personified as four living creatures, so designed in order to watch over the believers (as in all four rims were full of eyes all around) in the four corners of the earth.

“…the nations in the four corners of the earth…” Revelation 20:8

“I saw four angels standing at the four corners of the earth, holding back the four winds of the earth…” Revelation 7:1

Another obvious manifestation of the Spirit is Fire.

The center of the fire looked like glowing metal, and in the fire was what looked like four living creatures… The appearance of the living creatures was like burning coals of fire or like torches. Fire moved back and forth among the creatures; it was bright, and lightning flashed out of it.” Ezekiel 1:4-5,13



As the disciples waited in Jerusalem, the promised Holy Spirit finally arrived on Pentecost.

“For John truly baptized with water; but ye shall be baptized with the Holy Ghost not many days hence.” Acts 1:5

God made sure the unveiling of the Holy Spirit was festively celebratory. He exhibited in our physical world one of the Spirit’s heavenly characteristics, Fire. Said Fire has the ability and power to regulate and alter things on earth. The proof of it was quite conspicuous and in full display that day.

“Then, what looked like flames or tongues of fire appeared and settled on each of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit was giving them utterance.” Acts 2:3,4

Since then all believers have been able to be so baptized in order to receive the gift of Fire from the Holy Spirit, albeit the spark would subsequently be made to only kindle inside the spirit man without the original Pentecostal outer display of artifice.

On hearing this, they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus. When Paul placed his hands on them, the Holy Spirit came on them, and they spoke in tongues and prophesied. There were about twelve men in all.” Acts 19: 4-7

The original physical manifestation of the flames of Fire on Pentecost was also intended to purposefully set apart the Holy Spirit from Angels in the minds of the disciples. After all, Angels are also Spirits from God or Spirit Angels of God or Holy Angels of God.

“But when He, the Spirit of Truth, comes, He will guide you into all the truth; for He will not speak on His own initiative, but whatever He hears, He will speak; and He will disclose to you what is to come. He will glorify Me, for He will take of Mine and will disclose it to you. All things that the Father has are Mine; therefore I said that He takes of Mine and will disclose it to you.” John 16: 13-15

Thus these things John spoke of are the Father’s and the Son’s. They belong to the two of them, not to the three of them. And the Spirit, not “on His own initiative,” is allowed to take of Christ’s to give to us.

And what does the Spirit take of Christ to give to us? The Fire of God.

“Now Mount Sinai was wrapped in smoke because the Lord had descended on it in fire…” Exodus 19:18

“And at evening it was over the tabernacle like the appearance of fire until morning.” Numbers 9:15

“I baptize you with water for repentance, but he who is coming after me is mightier than I, whose sandals I am not worthy to carry. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and Fire.” Matthew 3:11

The Fire of God is the very presence of God, and it contains His essence which is His Word. And every Word of God is Truth.

“For the word of the LORD is right and true.” Psalm 33:4

Therefore the Fire of the Word of God became flesh in Jesus the Christ, Himself the Truth.

“I am the Truth!” John 14:6

The Spirit of Truth, as Jesus called Him, is a Spirit who belongs to the Truth, and as such has been tasked to carry the Fire of God’s Word of Truth, which He embodies, and to deliver it to the believers.

” ‘Is not my word like fire,’ declares the LORD.” Jeremiah 23:29

“The appearance of the living creatures was like burning coals of fire or like torches.” Ezekiel 1:5

Thus the Spirit dispenses the Holy Fire of God’s Truth (Jesus) by placing it (Him) inside the believers.

“Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and that you are not your own?” 1 Corinthians 6:19

“If Christ is in you, though the body is dead because of sin, yet the spirit is alive because of righteousness.” Romans 8:10

However, the Spirit doesn’t just convoy and supply the Fire and then leaves. He is with the believers always, and as such maintains and cultivates the Fire within them to the point of total consumption.

“For our God is a consuming fire.” Hebrews 12: 29

“The fire itself will test the quality of each man’s work.” 1 Corinthians 3:13

“…another Helper, that he may abide with you always…” John 14:16

That’s why the Apostle Paul warned thus:

“Do not quench the Spirit.” 1 Thessalonians 5:19


“For there are three that bear witness in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Spirit: and these three agree as one. For there are three that bear witness in earth: the Spirit and the water and the blood;  these three agree throughout as one.” 1 John 5:7,8 (Biblicism Institute Translation)

In every bible version, the above verses (especially verse 7) are wrongly translated from the Greek.

“For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one. For there are three that bear record in earth: the Spirit and the water and the blood; and these three agree in one.” 1 John 5:7,8 (KJV)

Notice that in verse 7 (KJV), the Greek word eisi is translated as are, but in verse 8, that same word eisi is translated as agree.

Why did the translators feel the need to create such a glaring discrepancy? Because they assumed (wrongly) that the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are one, and that their “oneness” would somehow explain their agreement.

Additionally, let’s follow John’s train of thought.

For there are three that bear record in heaven….

For there are three that bear record in earth

John was establishing a record of testimony. To bear record or to bear witness is to testify. And what is God’s law concerning testimony?

“At the mouth of two witnesses, or three witnesses…” Deuteronomy 17:6

“Every matter must be established by the testimony of two or three witnesses.” 2 Corinthians 13:1

Therefore the essence of those verses was to establish a testimony or a record by 3 witnesses: 3 in heaven and 3 in earth. The goal of a testimony with many witnesses is to demonstrate that all of them are in agreement.

In verse 7, the translators (of KJV and others) tried hard to construct a non-existent trinity because they realized there were no other verses in the bible that pointed to it. Not one verse in the whole bible directs us to believe that the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are one and the same. So they felt it was their opportunity to somehow rectify a “wrong” in order to validate their presupposition.

If we leave their translation as is, it would only point to a false unity of the Father, the Word, and the Holy Spirit as a trinity (three persons as they believe) and not to their agreement as befitting witnesses, which John was trying to convey.

Unfortunately for the trinity theory, if the testimony of the 3 witnesses in Heaven put forth by John is to be valid, the record must indicate that they are in agreement just like the 3 witnesses on earth are properly recorded to be in agreement in verse 8.

“Every matter must be established by the testimony of two or three witnesses.” 2 Corinthians 13:1

Here are 3 testimonies by 3 witnesses concerning God the Father and God the Son as a duality of one.

“The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel (which means ‘God with us’).” Matthew 1:23 (Apostle Matthew)

“For in Him (Jesus) dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily.” Colossians 2:9 (Apostle Paul)

“In the beginning was the Word… And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us.” John 1: 1,14 (Apostle John)

“I and the Father are one.” John 10:30 (Apostle John quoting Jesus Himself)

However, no such testimony of 3 witnesses exists to validate the trinity theory.


The bible is quite clear on how God and Christ are “physically” and authoritatively positioned in Heaven vis-a-vis the Spirit.

“And between the throne and the four living creatures… I saw a Lamb standing.” Revelation 5:6

First, the Apostle John witnessed that God the Father was seated on His throne (Revelation 5), while Jesus the Lamb was temporarily standing between the throne and the Spirit (the quaternity).

Then, as John was allowed to glimpse further ahead at the renewal of all things, He saw Jesus on the throne with the Father, something Jesus Himself prophesied.

“Jesus said to them, ‘Truly I tell you, at the renewal of all things, when the Son of Man sits on his glorious throne…’ ” Matthew 19:28

Here’s what John saw.

“For the Lamb at the center of the throne will be their shepherd; he will lead them to springs of living water. And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes.” Revelation 7:17

“The throne of God and of the Lamb will be in the city, and his servants will serve him.” Revelation 22:3

Jesus is seated on the throne with the Father, but the Spirit is not on the throne.

Ezekiel saw that last part (i.e., the figure of a man on the throne) while John saw the whole drama unfolding starting from before Christ sat down. This is what Ezekiel witnessed:

“Above the vault over their heads [of the quaternity of the Spirit] was what looked like a throne of lapis lazuli, and high above on the throne was a figure like that of a man.” Ezekiel 1:26

Again, Jesus is seen on the throne, but the Spirit is not on the throne.

“I also overcame and sat down with My Father on His throne.” Revelation 3:21

There exists only one throne for the Father and the Son, not two thrones. And that throne is always above the quaternity of the Spirit, both in the Old and the New Testaments. Therefore God the duality, Father and Son, is distinct from the Spirit. Further, God the duality – as witnessed by Ezekiel and John – became fully integrated as one when Jesus sat on the Throne with His Father.

“The LORD our God, the LORD is one.” Deuteronomy 6:4


How can we reconcile all of the above with the following verse?

“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit…” Matthew 28:19

The Apostle Paul gives us the answer.

“…the Holy Spirit of promise, who is given as a pledge of our inheritance, with a view to the redemption of God’s own possession, to the praise of His glory.” Ephesians 1:14

The Holy Spirit is thus the gift that seals our salvation on the day of redemption. He is the one who keeps the Fire burning until the day when we cash in our inheritance.

“And do not bring sorrow to God’s Holy Spirit by the way you live. Remember, he has identified you as his own, guaranteeing that you will be saved on the day of redemption.” Ephesians 4:30

When we are baptized in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, we are baptized into a covenant that stipulates the following: we become part of the Father’s family because of salvation in the Son purchased with His blood, and in turn we are given a pledge of our eternal inheritance, with said pledge being the Spirit Himself (with His gift of the Holy Fire of God), the guarantor of our redemption.

Consequently, if we curse and blaspheme that pledge, we blaspheme and spit on the very One who’s helping us apply all of God’s enduring laws as we work out our salvation with fear and trembling (Philippians 2:12), and with a view to claiming our inheritance which Christ paid for with His Life. Hence for such irreverence there is no forgiveness. The Apostle John called it the sin unto death.

“If anyone sees his brother committing a sin not leading to death, he shall ask and God will for him give life to those who commit sin not leading to death. There is a sin leading to death; I do not say that he should make request for this.” 1 John 5:16

Therefore, that baptism command from the Lord Jesus is a procedural covenant that is to be understood and implemented by all people of the world. The baptism itself is performed in the name of Jesus.

“Peter replied, ‘Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.'” Acts 2:38

On hearing this, they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus.” Acts 19:4


There’s a duality inherent in God, not a trinity. It is Father and Son. It is a duality of one.

“I and the Father are one.” John 10:30


How The Holy Spirit Helps

1) He causes us to become like Christ by getting us to produce the fruit of the Spirit.

“The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.” Galatians 5: 22-23

Faithfulness is to God’s commandments.

“If you love me, keep my commands.” John 14:15

2) He intercedes on our behalf. The way He does that is by causing us to pray in tongues. To the skeptics, praying in tongues may sound like gibberish, but it’s not. It’s a heavenly language.

“Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels…” 1 Corinthians 13:1

“Likewise the Spirit also helps our infirmities: for we know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the Spirit itself makes intercession for us with groans which cannot be uttered.” Romans 8:26

“One who speaks in tongues edifies himself…” 1 Corinthians 14:4

3) He teaches us and guides us.

...the Holy Spirit .. will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you.” John 14:26

He enlightens the word of God (i.e., the Bible) for us, making it go beyond intellectual assent, and causing it to coalesce deep inside our spirit man (i.e., He teaches us). Then He reminds us of it, warning us when we’re about to do something that God forbids, or egging us on when God wants us to step into whatever service (the Duties Of Ministry and the Everyday Life Ministry) He has prepared for us.

“For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.” Ephesians 2:10

The Holy Spirit mostly reminds us of God’s written word because God doesn’t want the unscrupulous to attribute to Him things He never said. For example, if someone dares say that following the lead of the Holy Spirit they have come to realize that God no longer considers fornication to be a sin, then we would immediately know that they are lying because according to God’s laws fornication IS a sin. Consequently, the Holy Spirit and God’s written word form a system of checks and balances.

The more we study the word, the more the Holy Spirit helps us cleave to the truth. The more we live out God’s commandments, the more sensitive we become to His guidance, the more cleansed our mind, the more attuned our soul, and the more fruitful our work.

When we allow the Holy Spirit to help in said manners, we are thus walking by the Spirit.

“But I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh. For the desires of the flesh are against the Spirit, and the desires of the Spirit are against the flesh, for these are opposed to each other, to keep you from doing the things you want to do. But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the law. Now the works of the flesh are evident: sexual immorality, impurity, sensuality, idolatry, sorcery, enmity, strife, jealousy, fits of anger, rivalries, dissensions, divisions, and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like. I warn you, as I did before, that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God.” Galatians 5: 16-21

However, when we do not walk by the Spirit, we fulfill the desires of the flesh. And unfortunately, when we gratify these passions we must be ready to suffer the various consequences of sin.

“Without holiness no one will see the Lord.” Hebrews 12: 14

See How to Become a Christian to know how to be baptized in the Holy Spirit.


Duality Of One

God’s duality of one (Father and Son) is imprinted in mankind’s body: 2 eyebrows, 2 eyes, 2 nostrils, 2 lips, 2 cheeks, 2 shoulders, 2 arms, 2 hands, 2 hips, 2 knees, 2 legs, 2 feet = 1 body, 1 head, 1 brain, 1 mouth.

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When Prophecies Echo

C H U R C H   R E F O R M   S E R I E S

By Biblicism Institute

When God speaks, His words are alive.

When God speaks, it is prophecy.

When God speaks, it echoes throughout the universe.

Expulsion from the Garden of Eden

Expulsion from the Garden of Eden


“For as the rain and the snow come down from heaven, And do not return there without watering the earth And making it bear and sprout, And furnishing seed to the sower and bread to the eater; so will my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.” Isaiah 55:11

God’s word is like a seed.

A seed does not look like much, yet when it grows it produces a trunk, stems, leaves, flowers and/or fruits with more seeds. Thus the result of planting that one tiny seed becomes the very real multiplication of manifestations.

A seed is impregnated with data God designed. Said data only materialize after the seed is planted and goes through its growth cycles.

In much the same way, when God says something it may appear to be only one simple thing, yet it is coded with data that are not noticeable at first, until it begins to display various manifestations throughout creation.

For instance, from the very beginning God spoke these words in the Garden of Eden:

“The LORD God said to the serpent, ‘Because you have done this, Cursed are you more than all cattle, And more than every beast of the field; On your belly you will go, And dust you will eat All the days of your life; And I will put enmity Between you and the woman, And between your seed and her seed; He shall bruise you on the head, And you shall bruise him on the heel.’ ” Genesis 3: 14,15

These prophecies are so loaded with meanings that it’s very difficult to even know where to begin. Let’s try anyway while keeping it simple.

1. The Serpent

In the natural world.  The serpent allowed Satan to take control of it, therefore it was cursed. In cursing the serpent, God’s words are still echoing today.

Snake & BirdThat’s why 90% of all people on earth have a visceral fear of snakes – a fear unlike any other. It echoes back to the Garden of Eden.

Those who are not afraid have a healthy respect for them because they know what snakes are capable of. Actually, such a favorable disposition is itself fear, but fear somewhat conquered and camouflaged as respect.

Further, with said curse the serpent lost its legs.

On your belly you will go…” Genesis 3:14

Still, this is how Discovery puts it: “Snakes used to have legs, and now new research suggests snakes lost their legs by growing them more slowly or for a shorter period of time until the legs eventually disappeared.”

Why are scientists so baffled by this when God Himself cursed the serpent so?

Discovery continues: “The research, outlined in the latest issue of the Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, strengthens the belief that snakes evolved from a lizard that either burrowed on land or swam in the ocean.”

These pseudo-scientists refuse to believe that God is the one who caused the serpent’s legs to disappear. That’s because they don’t want to acknowledge His existence or recognize the veracity of His words and the incontestability of their echoes. Instead, they prefer to rely on unproven theories and conjectures, like the cockamamy Theory of Evolution.

Finally, when God said that the serpent would eat dust all the days of its life… well, it still does. Carl Wieland explains:

“There is an organ in the roof of a snake’s mouth called ‘Jacobson’s organ’. This helps the snake to smell in addition to its nose. Its darting, forked tongue samples bits of dust by picking them up on the points of the fork, which it then presents to its matching pair of sensory organs inside its mouth. Once it has ‘smelt’ them in this way, the tongue must be cleaned so the process can be repeated immediately. Therefore serpents really do lick dust and eat it.”

In the spiritual world.  Satan was also cursed. As a result, he was destined to fall.

“And He said to them, ‘I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven.’ ” Luke 10:18

From that point on Satan never ceased to be known as the Serpent, the poor beast he took control of in order to seduce Eve. Again, more echoes!

“…the serpent of old who is called the devil and Satan…” Revelation 12:9

2. The battle of the seeds

Satan’s seed was to be the Pharisees, his followers. They were the ones who pushed for the trial and crucifixion of the Lord Jesus Christ.

“You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.” John 8: 44

Madonna and Child

Botticelli’s Madonna and Child

The woman’s seed was to be Jesus, born of the woman Mary.

Now keep in mind that a woman has no seed. Mary is the only woman since the beginning of creation who became pregnant without the use of a man’s seed. God implanted the divine seed in her. As a result, that seed became hers, just like a man’s seed is his.

“The angel answered, ‘The Holy Spirit will come on you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. So the holy one to be born will be called the Son of God.’” Luke 1:35

3. The Enmity and the Bruising

Satan caused the woman in the Garden to induce God’s first son Adam to fall. So God used another woman, Mary, to bring forth His second son, Jesus, who this time was to battle Satan in order to bring about his fall.

“The Son of God appeared for this purpose, to destroy the works of the devil.” 1 John 3:8

During their clash Satan managed to bruise Christ’s heel. He did so by killing Him on the cross, but that was not the end of the story.

Christ in Hades

Christ’s descent into Hades

Jesus’s Spirit went down into Hades, Satan’s territory.

“He went and preached unto the spirits in prison.” 1 Peter 3:19

As Christ took over Satan’s domain, the Serpent was bruised on the head. In other words, the Devil was defeated with a crushing blow.

“Now the ruler of this world will be cast out.” John 12:31

Then Jesus resurrected with power and in victory.

“I died, and behold I am alive forevermore, and I have the keys of Death and Hades.” Revelation 1:18

Therefore Jesus’s death on the cross was just a slight contusion to the heel.


“Give ear, O heavens, and I will speak, and let the earth hear the words of my mouth.” Deuteronomy 32:1

The words from Genesis 3:14,15 that God spoke in the Garden of Eden began their echoes or ripple effects the moment they were uttered.

Just like a seed with its set of data, they contained within them God’s entire plan of salvation for mankind. A plan that would bear fruit 4000 years later in the person of Jesus.

Here are some major echoes or ripple effects from those words that left their marks before Jesus would even appear.

1. Echoes on earth

Hawaiian Sacrifice

Hawaiian human sacrifice

Various cultures experienced distinct ripple effects, especially in their pagan religions.

Most of them had some sort of human sacrifice as part of their rituals. Sometimes they would require a virgin and at other times a baby or a child. It was their way of appeasing their gods.

What they actually felt was the echo of God’s prophecy that would ultimately bring about the sacrifice of a chosen one who would arrive on earth as a baby by way of a virgin mother. He would then become the sacrificial atonement for man’s sins.

53 Young Women

Mass sacrifice of 53 young women in Cahokia

However, they couldn’t decipher the true essence and the true meaning of said echo.

“For God speaks in one way, and in two, though man does not perceive it.” Job 33:14

It was like a thick dark cloud that hung over them, equivalent to a bad omen.

“Where there is no guidance, a people falls…” Proverbs 11:14

Satan saw this as his opportunity to encroach. It was his cue to do what he does best. He perverted the meaning of the bits and pieces of the ripple these people managed to grasp, and the end result was their demonic sacrifices that accompanied their pagan rituals.

Child sacrificed to Moloch

Child sacrificed to Moloch

Remember, Satan is an expert at twisting God’s word to embroil gullible people, especially those who are willing to serve him. He’s been a master deceiver since the Garden of Eden.

“Now the serpent was more crafty than any of the wild animals the LORD God had made. He said to the woman, ‘Did God really say, ‘You must not eat from any tree in the garden?’ ‘ ” Genesis 3:1

These cultures also caught further echoes – from even more prophecies – that later on would make them appear to be even more “similar” to the Christian faith.

Nevertheless, many seem to believe that it’s the other way around, and that Christianity is the one that displays similarities to pagan religions. In other words, they fool themselves into believing that Christianity plagiarized its Jesus figure from the religions of the heathens.

Some of the names they mention to back their accusation are Mythras, Horus, and Zoroaster, just to name a few. Those who bring these charges conveniently sidestep the fact that the names they mention only came about after the Garden of Eden prophecy. What they also overlook is that none of the ones they mention managed to change the world the way Jesus did.

By and large, these so-called plagiaristic similarities that Christianity is accused of are so very insignificant that they’re not worth arguing about. Many of them are actually lies, with some blown way out of proportion. Even those that are “facts” are simply the ripples/echoes of God’s prophecy that wormed their way into those pagan religions.

2. Echoes in the heavens

Star of Bethlehem

Star of Bethlehem

The stars also felt the echo and obediently aligned themselves to announce the birth of Christ by the Virgin.

“And there was a great wonder [sign] in heaven; a woman clothed with the Sun, and the Moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars: and she being with child cried, travailing in birth, and pained to be delivered.” Revelation 12: 1,2

Dr Ernest Martin, history and theology professor, explains the ripple effect in the stars this way:

“The only time in the year that the Sun could be in a position to ‘clothe’ the celestial woman called Virgo … is when the Sun is located between about 150 and 170 degrees along the ecliptic. This ‘clothing’ of the woman by the Sun occurs for a 20-day period each year……In 3BC., the Sun would have entered this celestial region about August 27 and exited from it about September 15.

“In the year 3BC, these two factors came to precise agreement for about half an hour, as observed from Palestine, in the twilight period of September 11th. The relationship began about 6:15 p.m. (sunset), and lasted until around 7:45p.m. (moonset). This is the only day in the whole year that the astronomical phenomenon described in the twelfth chapter of Revelation could take place.

“This also shows one other important point. The Moon was in crescent phase. It was a New Moon day, the start of a new lunar month.”

The Star that shone over Bethlehem also felt the echo and had no choice but to clamor the birth of the Savior.

“After Jesus was born in Bethlehem in Judah, in the time of King Herod, wise men from the East came to Jerusalem saying, ‘Where is the one who is born king of the Judahites? For we saw his star when it rose and have come to worship him.’ ” Matthew 2: 1,2

The Open Scroll explains:

“The appearance of a new bright star in the head of Coma would have spoken loudly to the Magi.


The Comah Constellation

“The ancient name of the constellation Coma is spelled ‘Comah.’ It is a Hebrew word which means ‘the desired,’ or ‘longed for.’ The word is found translated that way in Haggai.

” ‘I will shake all nations, and the desired of all nations will come, and I will fill this house with glory,’ says the Lord almighty.” Haggai 2:7

“The association with Jesus is obvious!

“About this constellation, an Arabian astronomer named Albumazar (eighth century AD) is quoted as saying: ‘There arises in the first Decan (which means: ‘part,’ or, ‘associated constellation’) as the Persians, Chaldeans, and Egyptians, and the two Hermes and Ascalius teach, a young woman, whose Persian name denotes a pure virgin, sitting on a throne, nourishing an infant boy, having a Hebrew name, that some nations called IHESU, with the signification IEZA, which in Greek is called Christos. The boy in the virgin’s lap is widely recognized as symbolic of Christos – the anointed, the Messiah!’ “


When God speaks, His words are active.

When God speaks, it reverberates.

When God speaks, creation reacts.

“For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.” Hebrews 4:12

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Is Mary The Mother Of God?

C H U R C H   R E F O R M   S E R I E S

By Biblicism Institute

Mary was chosen by God the Father to carry His son Jesus.

“The angel went to her and said, ‘Greetings, you who are highly favored (or full of grace)! The Lord is with you.’ ” Luke 1:28

The Nativity

The Nativity

Just because the Angel described Mary as “highly favored” or “full of grace” doesn’t make said representation anymore special than the hundreds of times the word favor or grace is used in the bible to describe other favored or graced ones.

“For you bless the righteous, O Lord; you cover him with favor as with a shield.” Psalm 5:12

“For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God…” Ephesians 2:8

The reproductive seed that was placed inside Mary was not human. It was divine.

“The angel answered, ‘The Holy Spirit will come on you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. So the holy one to be born will be called the Son of God.'” Luke 1:35

Therefore, unlike all other humans born on this earth, Jesus was both man and God.

“…the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve…” Matthew 20:28

“And we know that the Son of God is come…” 1 John 5:20


Jesus never called Mary “mother.

Woman, why do you involve me?” Jesus replied. “My hour has not yet come.” John 2:4

“When Jesus saw his mother standing there beside the disciple he loved (i.e. John), He said to His mother, ‘Woman, behold, your son!’ ” John 19:26

That’s because Mary was the mother of the man in Jesus but not of the God in Him. The God in Jesus took precedence over His flesh. That’s why Jesus did not fear those who could kill His body but had no power over the God in Him.

“Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the spirit. Rather, be afraid of the One who can destroy both spirit and body in hell.” Matthew 10:28

However, the combination of the two parts of Him – human body and divine spirit – made Jesus Lord.

“Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit. And she cried out with a loud voice and said, ‘Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb! And how has it happened to me, that the mother of my Lord would come to me?’ ” Luke 1: 41-43

Even though Mary was the biological mother of the Lord Jesus, she was not the Mother of God.

“God is the head of Christ.” 1 Corinthians 11:3

The Mother of God expression is not found in the bible no matter how much Elizabeth’s words “the mother of my Lord” are spun. The unfortunate use of that expression “Mother of God” somehow conveys that Mary is the one who brought God into existence in the Universe, when God is the one who created Mary in the first place. How she can be His mother is silly, to say the least, and places Mary above God Himself.

Those who utter such blasphemy are in fact twisting and adding to the confined and limited reality of Mary’s birth giving experience. What they are really selling is that when Mary gave birth to Jesus the man (and Jesus the God in Him), she actually brought God into existence (when God already existed).

It’s like saying that every mother who brings a child into this world is the one who creates and places the breath of God (or the spirit man) inside the child. Biological parents are not the authors of their children’s spirit men, much like Mary was not the author of Jesus the Spirit God. Women deliver the package, but they do not create it, especially the spirit part.

“It was You who formed my internal organs, fashioning me within my mother’s womb.” Psalm 139:13

“…and the dust returns to the ground it came from, and the spirit returns to God who gave it.” Ecclesiastes 12:7

Man’s biological nature will rot and disappear, but the spirit man created by God will endure forever.


After Jesus rose from the dead, He was wearing a new body. Not even His disciples could recognize Him, unless He opened their eyes.

“At this, she turned around and saw Jesus standing there, but she did not realize that it was Jesus.” John 20:14

“Then their eyes were opened and they recognized him, and he disappeared from their sight.” Luke 24:31

“There are also bodies in the heavens and bodies on the earth. The glory of the heavenly bodies is different from the glory of the earthly bodies… It is the same way with the resurrection of the dead. Our earthly bodies are planted in the ground when we die, but they will be raised to live forever.” 1 Corinthians 15: 40,42

Consequently, the earthly biological side Mary passed to Jesus was immediately gone upon His resurrection. But given that Jesus was crafted from the very beginning with the Divine seed when He was born, He kept His paternal and heavenly side which bore the mark of His crucifixion.

“As he spoke, he showed them the wounds in his hands and his side. They were filled with joy when they saw the Lord!” John 20:20

After His resurrection Jesus was and is now fully clothed with a heavenly body that is wholly and solely crafted by the Father Himself. It is a body that is independent of mankind’s current nature, and no longer endures the weaknesses of the flesh.


Many Catholics and others wrongfully call Mary Our Mother because of the following passage.

When Jesus saw his mother and the disciple whom he loved standing nearby, he said to his mother, Woman, behold, your son!’  Then he said to the disciple, “Behold, your mother!” And from that hour the disciple took her to his own home.” John 19:26,27

The reason Jesus said that to John, the disciple whom He loved, was so John could take care of Mary in her old age as if she were John’s own mother.

Jesus did not utter those words to mean that Mary was John’s literal mother, and nor are those words to be interpreted to mean that Mary had suddenly become the mother of us all. Jesus was talking to John not to us. That’s why immediately after, John wrote: And from that hour the disciple took her to his own home.” John took her in to care for her. Period.

As per Old Testament’s laws the firstborn male was responsible to care for his parents, since he was given a double portion of inheritance. It was the right of the firstborn. And Jesus was Mary’s firstborn. So He made arrangement with John because He knew He wouldn’t be around to take care of her.

“He shall acknowledge… the firstborn, by giving him a double portion of all that he hath: for he is the beginning of his strength; the right of the firstborn is his.” Deuteronomy 21:17

In addition, many Catholics and others wrongfully pray to Mary (and to many other “Saints“) as if she (they) could intercede or mediate on their behalf (click here to understand the meaning of the word “Saint” in the bible).

Biblically, we are commanded to only pray to God the Father, in the name of Jesus.

“This, then, is how you should pray: ‘Our Father in heaven…'” Matthew 6:9

“Whatever you ask in my name, this I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son.” John 14: 13

“For there is one God and one mediator between God and mankind, the man Christ Jesus…” 1 Timothy 2:5

The Assumption of Mary

The wrongly assumed Assumption of Mary

All who consider Mary to be divine (she’s not) believe she ascended to heaven without experiencing death, an event they call the Assumption.

However, there is no biblical record of such an astounding event.

Enoch and Elijah were both taken up to Heaven without suffering death, and yet the bible does not fail to mention such miraculous faits accomplis.

“Enoch walked with God; then he was no more, because God took him away.”Genesis 5:24

Suddenly a chariot of fire and horses of fire appeared and separated the two of them, and Elijah went up to heaven in a whirlwind.” 2 Kings 2:11

Further, Mary never stayed a virgin. She had other children, Jesus’s half-brothers and half-sisters.

“Isn’t this the carpenter’s son? Isn’t his mother’s name Mary, and aren’t his brothers James, Joseph, Simon and Judas? Aren’t all his sisters with us?” Matthew 13:55

All those who harbor such unbiblical beliefs towards Mary need to wake up, adhere to the Word of God, and believe these man-made fables no more.


Mary was chosen by God to carry the infant Jesus.

That doesn’t make her any more special than all other true Christians who carry within them the Fire of the Holy Spirit. And those are themselves impregnated with Christ, much like Mary was.

“Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and that you are not your own?” 1 Corinthians 6:19

Carrying God within is the very great mystery of Christianity.

“If Christ is in you, though the body is dead because of sin, yet the spirit is alive because of righteousness.” Romans 8:10

How mere mortals can bear the divine inside their sinfully polluted bodies is the mark that a merciful God, in His unfathomable and abounding love, considers all equally worthy of the fullness of His grace.

In fact, such a gift is the guarantee of mankind’s eternal salvation and of his victory over sin and death.

“But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.” 1 Corinthians 15:27


The Word Of God

No church organization is omniscient and infallible, including the Catholic church. See CHURCH REFORM for all the things the “Church” has gotten wrong.

Biblically, the church is the general assembly of all Christians.

“If I delay, you may know how one ought to behave with the family of God, which is the assembly of the living God, a pillar and buttress of the truth.” 1 Timothy 3:15

The pillar is not more important than the truth. The role of the assembly is to carry forth the truth of the word of God as given by God. That’s why HE gifted us HIS word or His truth, which the Apostles set down in writing and can now be found in the BIBLE.

“All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness.” 2 Timothy 3: 16

ONLY GOD is omniscient and infallible, and only His WORD is the final arbiter of the TRUTH. Therefore:

1) When choosing a bible, never buy one with commentaries. Let God Himself open the eyes of your understanding.

“The eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that ye may know what is the hope of his calling, and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints…” Ephesians 1:18

2) Be weary of those who use a single verse out of the bible to make a point, especially an intricate one. Anyone can use such a technique to validate whatever propagandist idea they’re selling.

Verses throughout the bible are not only immersed in context but interconnected as well, making the bible a living biosphere of divine thoughts and articulated words.

“For the word of God is alive and active.” Hebrews 4:12

At times, that interconnection makes many verses appear truncated and/or cryptic, which in turn could lead to misinterpretations. God purposely made it thus in order to conceal what He is saying. It’s His way of nudging us to investigate and connect His thoughts on the matter, which are scattered throughout the bible.

“It is the glory of God to conceal a matter and the glory of kings to investigate a matter.” Proverbs 25:2

We Christians are those “kings” in the above verse.

“But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.” 1 Peter 2:9

Kings <=> Royal Priesthood <=> Christians.

Can you see now the concealment and the connection?

3) The entire New Testament – including the Book of Revelation – was written prior to the Apocalypse of 70 AD and must be read with that context in mind in order to understand many of its passages.

“Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together… and so much the more, as you see the day approaching.” Hebrews 10:25

“I think that in view of the present distress…” 1 Corinthians 7:25

In addition, every prophecy in the bible has already been fulfilled, except for those concerning the end of the world. The last biblical prophecies that materialized occurred in and around 70 AD. As for the end of the world, read Where is Satan Now? for a look at how it will come about.

4) The bible is not only a historical and literary work, it is also a sacred writ intended to redress the sinful spirit of man. Therefore it can only be fully grasped by a regenerated spirit, which the Holy Spirit of God guides into all understanding. That’s why degenerated souls are at a loss to fully comprehend it, thus making and inventing all sorts of malicious theories about what the bible is and stands for.

5) The entirety of Scriptures is composed of 66 books by about 40 different writers of various backgrounds, who lived during a period of about 1,600 years. Yet, it presents one coherent message: God’s love for the world manifested in Jesus, the prophesied Messiah. And if you commit to reading three chapters daily, you should be able to go through the entire Bible in one year and discover said truth for yourself.

6) There are some words and verses that are badly translated from the Old Testament Hebrew and the New Testament Greek in all current available versions of the bible. Get acquainted with them here, that way you can make a mental rectification when you come upon them in your study of the word.

Of all the mistranslations the one that stands out the most is the word Jew, which is what is printed in all currently published bibles, instead of Judahite or Judean as it should be. However, in the 1985 New King James version, published by Thomas Nelson, Inc., there’s a glaring discrepancy:

“…the Judeans, who both killed the Lord Jesus and their own prophets, and have persecuted us; and they do not please God and are contrary to all men.” 1 Thessalonians 2:15

That’s the only place in that version where the word Ioudaios is rightly translated as Judean instead of the conspicuous word Jew.

Which prompts the following questions:

Did Jews bribe Thomas Nelson, Inc. to do it? If so, what did they stand to gain? And do the editors at Thomas Nelson, Inc. actually know that the word Jew is NOT in the bible?

All in all, it simply is deliberate manipulation. Because, simply put, the same Greek word Ioudaios is oddly translated two different ways in that version.

And the only place where it’s different is in that very uncomfortable and crucial verse where we are being led, like sheep to the slaughter, to envisage “Jews” (of today, of course) as not contrary to all men and not the killers of our Lord; while the “Judeans,” of the tribe of Judah, were the actual contrary ones who crucified the Lord and persecuted Christians.

Still, in other verses where the word Jew is maintained throughout, the Talmudic Rabbinists (aka Fake Hebrews or Jews) get to be seen as the Hebrews of old – a misappropriated appellation that is full of benefits for them, including the theft of Palestine to create modern-day Israel.

Consequently, yes, the editors at Thomas Nelson, Inc. do know that the Word Jew is NOT in the Bible, and yet they keep using it. Discover more Bad Translations.

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The War On Christianity

C H U R C H   R E F O R M   S E R I E S

By Biblicism Institute

First and foremost, the war on Christianity is a spiritual war.

Flagellation of Christ

The public flagellation of the Lord Jesus Christ

“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” Ephesians 6:12

It manifests itself in our physical world through various tentacles.

Tentacle 1. Expunging the word Judahite from the Bible and replacing it with the word Jew.

See The word Jew is NOT in the Bible.

This seemingly unimportant mistake is meant to be interpreted as innocuous, though its impact is far-reaching.

The principalities of hell want us to believe that the New Covenant is a sham. If the “Jews” are still around, then God is not done with them. After all, God’s gifts and calling are irrevocable.

“…for the gifts and the calling of God are irrevocable.” Romans 11:28

And if God is not done with them, they are still the elect and as such do not need Christ and His salvation. Consequently, if one group can reject Christ and still be chosen, how necessary and expedient can the blood of Christ really be? The divine blood that was shed for the salvation of all is in the end not for all. As a result, Christ is a liar and His plan of salvation the biggest Tartuffery ever concocted.

However, one thing is for sure. The tricks and lies of hell’s cohorts always crumble under close scrutiny. And this one is no different, especially since it stinks of pure sulfuric manure.

Those who today are known as “Jews” are NOT the elect Judahite Hebrews of the bible with whom God had the Old Covenant. See A Brief History of the Kingdoms of Israel and Judah.

They are the non-Semitic Ashkenazic, Sephardic, Samaritan, European, and African Jews – all simple converts (hence the word “Jew” for the converted) to the faith of the Pharisees of old, a subset of the ancient Judahites (the real word in the non-translated Bible), and therefore NOT the chosen Judahite Hebrews. See Jews are NOT the Israelites of the bible.

The once elect Hebrews (Judahites included) are all irrevocably dead, their land inheritance buried with them. Thereupon, God does NOT have two covenants at play. Only one. The New.

“God is not the author of confusion…” 1 Corinthians 14:33

Tentacle 2. Creating the Modern State of Israel.

See Israel is the Problem.

To further cement the above-mentioned fabricated reality, the principalities conspired in the false “recreation” of the Old Covenant, by bringing back from the depth of Sheol the once biblical country known as Israel in order to undermine the New Covenant. Being the deceivers that they are, they established it on the stolen land of Palestine in 1948.

Disappearing Palestine - Map 2

Disappearing Palestine

They’ve been tormenting that land for over 2000 years for having brought about Jesus, the Prince of Peace. But in order to fully bring back the Old Order (i.e., the Old Covenant), they’re hell-bent on totally erasing Palestine.

The West Bank of Palestine is the true biblical Judea and Samaria (i.e., the Kingdoms of Judah and Israel), not modern Israel’s current configuration. That’s why the Israelis have been making any peace deal with the Palestinians impossible, by stealing as much land as they can as fast as they can. The West Bank is the only true biblical real estate.

“Israel takes more land [so] that the Palestinian state will be impossible . . . the Israel policy is to take more and more land day after day and that at the end of the day we’ll say that is impossible, we already have the land and we cannot create the state,” admitted Israeli Minister thief Tzipi Livni.

Occult Hexagram

Head of the Beast within the Star of David

However, the ultimate goal of hell’s cohorts is to annihilate Abraham’s only surviving biological descendants, the Arabs throughout the Middle East, using Israel as their military base. By eliminating Abraham’s entire Semitic bloodline and removing all physical vestige of the kinsmen of the One who beat their boss Satan on the cross, they can showcase to the world God’s inability to keep a promise.

“By Myself I have sworn, declares the LORD… I will greatly multiply your descendants as the stars of the heavens and as the sand which is on the seashore. And in your [Abraham’s] seed [Jesus], all the nations of the earth shall be blessed because you have obeyed My voice.” Genesis 22:17,18

These Arabs, especially the Arab Christians, represent a line in the sand, a true embodiment of the obsolete Old Covenant which Satan cleverly used to kill Christ, but is now rendered void by the resurrected Messiah.

By somewhat “reconstructing” the Old Covenant close to its original location, these hellish fiends have pushed the Middle East on the edge of the abyss through various conflicts, with an eye toward completely depleting the area of Christians and of the true biological descendants of Abraham.

These conflicts have given birth to many terrorist groups whose targets are innocent civilians, including Christians who are fleeing in droves.

Isis Killing Christians in the ME

ISIS terrorists crucify Christians in the Middle East

Strangely, these so-called Muslim terrorists appear to only nurture a blood lust for Christians and Muslims, but not for Jews. Not once have they tried to infiltrate the state of Israel in order to kill Jews whom they supposedly hate with a passion.

That’s because all these terrorists are directly supported by the head of the Beast, the terrorist state of Israel.

“[Israel is] double-dealing with ISIS,” explained Dr. Steve Pieczenik, Former Deputy Assistant Secretary of State. “For as long as I have known the Israeli security apparatus—part fantasy/part braggadocio—they have always been in partnership with a host of terrorist groups from the very day that these groups were even conceived.”

Netanyahu and ISIS Terrorist

Love all around: Terrorist Israeli PM shakes hand with ISIS terrorist rescued on the Syrian border

Just like the demons of hell deceived the Ancient Hebrew leaders into killing Christ, they’re now playing the Ashkenazic leaders of Israel like a fiddle. They’re the real fiddlers on the region’s roof. They don’t want peace, only endless war against all Arab and Muslim countries.

Jolie QuoteAnd if you doubt the hatred that has been carefully nurtured and managed against Arabs, especially in the past decades, then you’ve been living in a hole. See The Demonization of Arabs and Muslims.

The Israeli lobby AIPAC succeeded by involving the US in all current Middle East conflicts: Iraq, Syria, Libya, Yemen, and Iran. Conflicts that have so far resulted in over 59 million refugees and displaced people and 27 million dead, including Christians – not unlike what their fellow Jewish Bolsheviks did in Soviet Russia in the 1910s, when they killed 66 million Christians, including 200,000 members of the Christian clergy, and destroyed 40,000 churches. After all, killing non-Jews and burning churches are legitimate under Pharisaic (aka Jewish) laws.

And Islam is the problem? No, Israel is. See Addendum below.

It is an apartheid country that is revved up by the anti-Christ spirit of “Hate Thy Neighbor.” It has repudiated the Prince of Peace’s message of neighborly love and peace, and has embraced the genocidal spirit of conquest, terror, and subjugation, which has injected into the Middle East a cesspool of conflict and hate that has begun to metastasize worldwide.

Indeed, it has become the nerve center of the War on Christianity and has set itself against God and Jesus whom He sent. Therefore, it is a burden and a curse on America, and on those in the Church who worship it.

Those who aid and abet it are none too pleasing to God.

Tentacle 3. Removing Christianity from the public square in the West.

The principalities of hell have been using The Bully Pulpit to publicly flagellate Christianity and its virtues.

“Whatever we once were, we’re no longer a Christian nation,” proudly declared President Obama.

Even observant foreigners understand what’s truly going on.

“Many Euro-Atlantic countries have abandoned Christian values that form the basis of Western civilization and have adopted policies that put a large family on the same level as same-sex partnerships, and faith in God on the same level as faith in Satan,” remarked Putin at Valdai 2013.

And it’s not just Obama. Former President George W. Bush unabashedly celebrated many a Christ-less Christmases when he was President, a slap in the face to all Christians considering that officially he won the Presidency (by stealing it really) with the support of millions of gullible Evangelicals.

It seems that as American politicians – Republicans and Democrats alike – sell out the Lord for thirty pieces of Jewish silver and disdainfully remove Christ out of Christmas – under the guise of separation of church and state – they have no quarrel with lighting the religious Menorah in Washington DC every December. A brazen act that now takes precedence over Christmas as a public religious exercise. See How the Ashkenazi Jews Conquered the West.

Menorah in DC

The lighting of the Menorah on the ellipse in front of the White House

God forbid that the Nativity scene is actually displayed under the Washington Christmas tree. The horror of it would be ubiquitously plastered in the Jewish-dominated media, which shamelessly champion the removal of Jesus from all overtly public Christmas celebrations – unless it’s the lighting of the Menorah, then it’s perfectly alright.

In addition, they brainwashed our society to view Christmas as pagan and to use “Happy Holidays” instead of “Merry Christmas” during the Christmas holidays.

Jewish columnist Burt Prelutsky bluntly explained it in his 2004 column “The Jewish Grinch who Stole Christmas“:

“I never thought I’d live to see the day that Christmas would become a dirty word… Schools are being forced to replace ‘Christmas vacation’ with ‘winter break’ in their printed schedules…

“How is it, one well might ask, that in a Christian nation this is happening? I blame my fellow Jews. When it comes to pushing the multicultural, anti-Christian agenda, you find Jewish judges, Jewish journalists, and the American Civil Liberties Union, at the forefront… But the dirty little secret in America is that anti-Semitism is no longer a problem in society — it’s been replaced by a rampant anti-Christianity.”

Thus, by openly and publicly flaying (once again) Jesus the Messiah, the demonic forces, using their Pharisaic minions, hope to demonstrate: 1) how weak and impotent Christ is, and 2) how hollow the New Covenant is compared to the (obsolete) Old Covenant which is seemingly trumping it in every aspect.

Mistakenly, they forgot Christ’s promises:

“I will build my assembly, and all the powers of hell will not conquer it.” Matthew 16:18

“Behold, I will cause those of the synagogue of Satan, who say that they are Judahites and are not, but lie– I will make them come and bow down at your feet, and make them know that I have loved you.” Revelation 3: 9

In order for Christians to have a spiritual victory, there must first be a spiritual war.

“In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.” John 16:33

Tentacle 4. Causing Christianity to rot from within.

Satan and his cohorts are masters of false doctrines. They’ve been at it from the very beginning. Their expertise is to twist God’s word in order to make it mean what God did not intend.

“Now the serpent was craftier than any of the wild animals the LORD God had made. He said to the woman, ‘Did God really say, ‘You must not eat from any tree in the garden?’ ‘ “Genesis 3:1

Christianity today is littered with false dogmas:

Church Services

Church Tithing

Christian “Leadership”

Israel Of 1948 As Fulfillment Of Biblical Prophecies

Rapture Doctrine

Just War Doctrine

Modern Apostleship

Divorcés Can Remarry

Jesus Was A Jew

God In 3 Persons

Mary, Mother Of God

And the list of these horrors goes on and on. [Find the complete list in our Church Reform section.]

All these false doctrines are destroying the Church from within, and the ensuing rot is visible to all: the Church in Europe is in a coma, while the Church throughout the Americas is paralyzed and fast slipping into irrelevancy.

“For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; and they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.” 2 Timothy 4: 3,4

Tentacle 5. Annihilating the Christian West.

The demonic forces have their eyes set on bringing their play to the next level: annihilate the Christian Western world by whatever means necessary.

a. Engineered crises, such as the Covid-19 ‘pandemic’ with the use of lockdowns, air-restricting masks, and deadly vaccines, while pitting neighbors against neighbors and making sure western economies everywhere are destroyed. Read The Dirty Secrets Behind Covid-19.

b. Pushing for World War 3. The only ones who could have been opposing it (i.e., Christians) are already dealt with. They have been brainwashed with the erroneous Just War Doctrine – as if any war could be just.

As a result, many Christians now applaud the barbarity that is war, a disposition that is absolutely antithetical to everything Christ taught.

“Thou shall not kill.” Exodus 20:13

“They will beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks.” Isaiah 2:4

Then Jesus said to him, ‘Put your sword back into its place; for all those who take up the sword shall perish by the sword.’” Matthew 26: 52

“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.” Matthew 5:9

Even today, these so-called Christians clamor with great excitement that the coming great war involving Israel will be the result of Biblical Prophecies (i.e., the Great Tribulation of the ridiculous Rapture Doctrine). Thus, the demonic forces have managed to get many of the “followers” of the Prince of Peace to cheerlead their planned upcoming war.

What a sad state of affairs!

With World War 3, these satanic forces hope to finish off the real Abrahamic Semites (i.e., the Arabs) and devour the Western world which Christian civilization has brought about. Basically, kill two birds with one stone.

But to engulf all Christendom they have to involve the Israeli Ashkenazim‘s arch nemesis, Russia, which holds an arsenal of about 8,000 nuclear missiles. To really understand this, please see The truth about the conflict with Russia.

Israel would start the war by attacking Hezbollah, Syria, and/or Iran (Lebanon’s Hezbollah is an ally of Iran and Syria, and both Syria and Iran have a mutual defense pact) and would likely ensnare other Arab countries such as Palestine and Jordan, possibly even Egypt and the Gulf states. The conflict in Ukraine would be fiercely rekindled as a way of luring Russia into the fight. In turn, these boiling cauldrons would cause Russia, Europe, and the US to get involved in all fronts.

Here’s how satanist Albert Pike saw things (as quoted by William Guy Carr in his book Satan: Prince of This World) :

“The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other. Meanwhile the other nations, once more divided on this issue will be constrained to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual, and economical exhaustion…

“We shall unleash the Nihilists and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the bloodiest turmoil. Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass or direction, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view.

“This manifestation will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time.”


If the forces of hell have their way, the spiritual War on Christianity will culminate with a major physical war, a war that is being called the War to End all Wars.

In reality, it is a war that is aimed straight at the heart of Christendom. It would leave the Middle East and the Western world in nuclear ashes.

That’s why the demon-possessed mammonish toads and warmongers are endlessly blabbing in the mainstream media about defense spending, terrorists, preemptive wars, war on terror, and nuclear first strikes.

But wait, there is still hope. We can change things.

Fish SymbolTo extinguish the War on Christianity this is what we need to do:

1) Church Reform Now – click on the link for a to-do list.

2) Vigorously fight the planned engineered crises, along with their premeditated tyranny, now and in the future.

3) Replace Apartheid Israel with the Spirit of Christ (i.e., Apartheid Israel needs to be supplanted with a Palestine where Christians, Jews, and Muslims have equal rights in the land). In other words, it needs to be replaced with love and peace. That’s the only way to exorcise it. That’s how God did it when He scrapped the Old Covenant and established the New. And that’s what we who carry His torch must do now.

4) Diffuse all demon-orchestrated geopolitical hostilities, including those that are now brewing in Ukraine and Asia, especially in the Middle East, and demand that our government representatives agree only to peaceful solutions. No more wars!

“We are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works (Ephesians 2:10),” so don’t sit and do nothing.

Get busy with the good works.

And I saw as it were a sea of glass mingled with fire: and them that had gotten the victory over the beast, and over his image, and over his mark, and over the number of his name, stand on the sea of glass, having the harps of God.” Revelation 15:2

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The Heart Adjustment

For Perfect Everyday Living
C H U R C H   R E F O R M   S E R I E S

By Biblicism Institute

“Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.” Matthew 5: 48

The very essence of Christianity is Service, and at the very core of a true Christian is the perfect heart of a Servant.

Jesus serving the disciples

Jesus washes the disciples’ feet

Unfortunately, the word Service has been somewhat corrupted by its liberal use in the labeling of the erroneous principle of “Church Service.” See Church Services are NOT biblical.


Service implies that Christians become Servants.

There are a great many bible verses about becoming a servant, but here Jesus spells out the most important one.

“…whoever would be great among you must be your servant.” Matthew 20:26

To be a servant is to be of use.

“For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.” Ephesians 2:10

From a Ministry standpoint, Service is understood by most to be within the confines of the five-fold Ministry – explored at length in Understanding the Duties of Ministry.

However, there is the forgotten Everyday Life Ministry. The very one that Jesus lived and practiced constantly. The one where every instant becomes an opportunity to serve and display the fruit of the Spirit.

The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Against such things there is no law.” Galatians 5: 22-23

With these everyday moments God catches us unaware and pushes us to walk in the kind of service He has prepared for us.

There are myriads of them. They usually go unnoticed because they are simply needs. But just like Jesus, we only have to look around to find them.

“He [Jesus] got up from the meal, took off his outer clothing, and wrapped a towel around his waist. After that, he poured water into a basin and began to wash his disciples’ feet…” John 13:4,5

Feet washing is a service. The disciples’ feet were dirty and needed to be washed. So Jesus, without complaining and lecturing, took care of it. Mary Magdalene, who washed Jesus’s feet with her tears, also performed said service. (Luke 7:38)

Now all we have to do is look for similar opportunities, and we too will be in the Service Business – sorry, Ministry. 😉


1. take out the trash;

2. don’t leave the shopping cart in the parking lot, take it back;

3. visit a sick friend or relative (read Of Healing and Miracles before you go);

4. be courteous and responsible while driving;

5. pick up your boss’s clothes at the cleaners if he asks, or volunteer if the need arises;

6. cook dinner once in a while for someone who’s always busy;

7. babysit your siblings’ kids so they can have a night off;

8. bake your mother-in-law her favorite cake even if she hates you, or do your mother’s nails, or cut your father’s or brother’s hair;

9. serve the clients/customers in your business by going the extra mile;

10. mend broken family relationships;

11. help a family member or a trustworthy friend jump start his career;

12. give some money away. See Who Should Christians give their money to?

And the list goes on and on.

There is no need to fuss about how we can be of service, it bobs up incessantly. Let us catch the opportunities and run with them.

Whether our acts of service are acknowledged or reciprocated and whether gratefulness is expressed or not are irrelevant.

Peter reacted arrogantly and poorly to Jesus washing his feet, and yet Jesus kept at it.

“ ‘Then, Lord,’ Simon Peter replied, ‘not just my feet but my hands and my head as well!’ ” John 13:9

However, when we serve we must not complain. Here’s what happens when we complain.

“The people started to complain about their problems. The LORD heard them. He became very angry. He sent fire. The fire burned among them and it destroyed the edges of the camp.” Numbers 11:1

God is none too happy with such an attitude. All it does is create fiery conflicts. If we are griping and grumbling, it means that the disposition of our hearts is not that of servants but that of arrogant sinners with entitlement issues.

If such is the case, a heart adjustment is sorely needed.


“Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.” Proverbs 4:23

When our hearts are not right (and they usually aren’t), God has no choice but to fix them. Just remember that He has a very strange way of regulating them.

He uses something that we do not plan for. Something that doesn’t fit neatly into our preconceived idea of what Service or Ministry should be. Something that at first glance seems like nothing God would ever resort to. Something like this:

“As the Midianite merchants were passing by, the brothers pulled Joseph out of the cistern. They sold him to the Ishmaelites for eight ounces of silver. The Ishmaelites took him to Egypt.” Genesis 37:28

Well, how would we have reacted in a similar circumstance?

Many Christians in Joseph’s stead would have performed the binding-and-casting-out-the-Devil routine, and they would have prayed mountain-moving words of faith in order to pry themselves out of such a predicament. Unfortunately, it would have been to no avail.

Something more profound was in the works: the making of the right heart, of the obedient and grateful heart.

“Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me.” Psalm 51:10

“Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” 1 Thessalonians 5:18

Joseph was sold into slavery in order to turn him into an obedient and faithful servant.

“Potiphar liked Joseph so much that he made him his trusted servant.” Genesis 39:4

A true servant nurtures within the core of his soul the virtue of obedience, and no egregiously unfair circumstance will turn him against the will of his God.

So when Potiphar’s wife made a sexual advance, the fruit of said virtue, buried deep within Joseph’s soul, showed its true colors.

“… you’re his wife. How could I do such a wicked thing and sin against God?” Genesis 39:9

To adjust our hearts, God has to instill in us the true spirit of obedience. Unfortunately (or fortunately), the way He goes about it is by placing us between a rock and a hard place, where He squeezes out the impurities.

“Although He was a Son, He [Jesus] learned obedience from the things which He suffered.” Hebrews 5:8

If Jesus, who did no wrong, had to suffer in order to learn obedience, how much more we who are all sinners.

None of us is perfect and everyone needs a heart adjustment. Without said adjustment no plan or dream of ours will bring forth fruits worthy of God’s Kingdom.


Joseph had a dream, a great dream. It was his dream. Or so he thought.

“Joseph had a dream and when he told his brothers, they hated him even more… Then his brothers asked him, “Are you going to be our king or rule us?” They hated him even more for his dreams and his words. Genesis 37:5,8

No matter the size of a dream or plan or goal, if it is from God it will meet opposition and face great hardship. But fear not!

The purpose of adversity is to mold us into Christ’s perfect image before God can make our goal a reality.

By dream or plan or goal we are not talking about marriage and such. Different situations require different biblical approaches. Let wisdom be our guide. See The Biblical Marriage Blueprint and Of Authority and Christians.

What we’re talking about is the plan or goal that will cause us to deal with the world outside our own little world, like Joseph’s unexpected new environment as pertained to his destiny which was set in motion by his God-given dream.

When we execute such life-changing plans or goals, different scenarios might take place.

1) If a plan is not of God, we may still meet hardship. In turn, we will get discouraged and abandon it, or it will quickly succeed and then crash.

2) If it is from God, it will materialize. But if adversity causes us to abandon it, somehow it will, in spite of ourselves, become a success, especially after having put a lot of hard work into it. Still, that doesn’t mean it won’t fail later on.

“When times are good, be happy; but when times are bad, consider this: God has made the one as well as the other. Therefore, no one can discover anything about their future.” Ecclesiastes 7:14

The vicissitudes of life and the pressures thereof are God’s tools to constantly adjust our hearts. A grateful heart welcomes them like David did.

“It is good for me that I was afflicted, that I might learn your statutes.” Psalm 119:71

Is it any wonder that God loved David?


No plan or goal is bigger than a regular act of service. King David stepped into his destiny while performing a simple act of kindness, caring for his brothers.

“Now Jesse said to his son David, ‘Take this ephah of roasted grain and these ten loaves of bread for your brothers and hurry to their camp...’ He reached the camp as the army was going out to its battle positions, shouting the war cry… David left his things with the keeper of supplies, ran to the battle lines and asked his brothers how they were… As he was talking with them, Goliath, the Philistine champion from Gath, stepped out from his lines… David asked the men standing near him, ‘What will be done for the man who kills this Philistine…?” 1 Samuel:17,20,22-23,26

In reality, God’s plan for our lives, once implemented, is itself also an act of service. Joseph’s dream was not for his benefit.  It was to be his opportunity to serve by saving the lives of others, including his family’s.

“I am Joseph, the brother you sold into slavery in Egypt! Now, don’t be sad or angry with yourselves that you sold me. God sent me ahead of you to save lives.” Genesis 45:4,5

In fact, it would have been so much easier for Joseph to hate his brothers than to forgive them.

“If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Are not even the tax collectors doing that?” Matthew 5:46

So, Joseph heeded God’s voice and chose forgiveness and love. In other words, Joseph effected a heart adjustment and thus recognized that he was simply a servant of God.

Every plan or goal must be looked at from the angle of serving others, without regard to race or faith, lest we’ve concocted it just to satisfy our own ego, greed, and ambition.

“When you ask, you do not receive, because you ask with wrong motives, that you may spend what you get on your pleasures.” James 4:3

By taking real stock of how we plan to serve, we come to understand that the riches of God’s Kingdom and of our inheritance can only be measured by how much love we have one for another.

“A new command I give you: Love one another.” John 13:34

Love is not a feeling. It is an act of service, a sacrificial deed, a heart adjustment.

“Show me your faith without deeds, and I will show you my faith by my deeds.” James 2:18

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Anti-Semitism Is A trick? Oh Dear!

C H U R C H   R E F O R M   S E R I E S

By Biblicism Institute

Converted Jews of today are NOT Semites.

“…it is impossible to change the genetic make-up from Caucasian to Semitic; which automatically nullifies their claim to be returning to Israel, the land of their forebears, because their forebears were never in Biblical Israel,” explained Benjamin Disraeli, a former Jew who converted to Christianity and a Victorian Prime Minister of Great Britain, referring to the Ashkenazi Jews who were migrating from Russia and Eastern Europe to Palestine, with a view to turning the Arab country into Israel.

So why do they call themselves so?


Arabs, including cultural Arabs such as Chaldeans, Akkadians, Assyrians, Aramaics, Phoenicians, and Syriacs,  are the only living bloodline descendants of Abraham and the only true Semites, not converted Ashkenazic, Sephardic, Samaritan, African, European, and Indian Jews.

Why non-Semitic Zionist Jews would use the term Semite to describe themselves is intriguing, to say the least. However, upon close scrutiny the truth reveals itself.

They must pretend to be the  Chosen Semitic Hebrews of the bible – the real Hebrews are all dead – in order to steal the land of Palestine and treat the Palestinians as Untermenschen.

Miko Peled

Miko Peled, son of an Israeli General

When facing criticism and condemnation for their barbaric policies towards their Palestinian victims, their tactic is to hurl the cry-wolf accusation of antisemitism in order to cower their opposition into submission.

It doesn’t hurt that said accusation also camouflages their non-Hebraic, non-Semitic ancestry by making them appear to be Semites when they’re actually not.

“It’s a trick, we always use it,” admitted Israeli Minister Shulamit Olani.


The antisemitism trick is strengthened by the spurious “Holocaust” which converts it into a carte blanche for Jews to do whatever they want, while they effectively utilize it to scare away those who dare point out the following facts:

  1. Jews have no divine right to Palestine because they’re not Hebrews;
  2. Israel is an apartheid state;
  3. Jews privately control the unconstitutional Federal Reserve;
  4. Jews have committed more atrocities than any other group;
  5. the “Holocaust” is a dubious historical event full of holes.

Jews also use the antisemitism trick to remove the Jesus-killer stigma. They bribe compromised preachers, such as John Hagee, and compromised publishers, such as Thomas Nelson, Inc., to brainwash the Christian flock into believing that to say Jews killed Jesus is an antisemitic act, and that only humanity’s sins did Jesus in – when the bible is quite clear on who actually killed the Messiah.

“…the Judahites, who both killed the Lord Jesus and the prophets.” 1 Thessalonians 2:14.

Consequently, these impostors, who are pretending to be Judahite Hebrews, get to keep their “chosen people” status, while avoiding culpability in the killing of our Lord. In other words, they enjoy the benefit of being something they’re not without taking on the guilt (i.e., they have their cake and eat it too).


If one truly believes the Jewish-dominated media, their fake news, and their constant barrage of “Holocaust” movies, one genuinely thinks that there’s only one group of people that everyone on earth hates: Jews. That’s how effective the brainwashing has been.

However, when one wakes up from the media’s induced stupor, one realizes that Jews are themselves the victimizers of the world (see addendum below) who camouflage themselves as victims.

That’s how they a) keep control of the Federal Reserve, and b) preserve the satanic state of Israel – the twin linchpins by which they subdue America, the world’s greatest superpower: they wag all US financial institutions using the Fed’s domination of the US money supply; while Israel’s intelligence agency, the Mossad, spies on American politicians, blackmailing them with their dirty laundry at the same time that AIPAC continuously bribes them, thereby securing Jewish dominion over the US Dollar, the world’s current reserve currency.

But are there those who hate Jews?

Of course.

Just like there are those who hate Christians, Buddhists, Muslims, Hindus, etc. There will always be bigots as long as there are humans on this planet.

Racist Israeli Jew

A Racist Israeli Jew

The Jewish Marxist Bolsheviks, who took over the Russian government in the 1910s, killed 66 million Christians, including 200,000 members of the Christian clergy, and destroyed 40,000 churches, according to famed Christian Russian writer Alexandr Solzhenitsyn.

Now that’s hate! And a real Holocaust!

Yet, compared with the spurious Jewish “Holocaust,” we don’t get brainwashed with it day in and day out. There’s no school curriculum about it, and there are no laws against those who deny its accuracy like there are in Europe. No Christian Holocaust Memorial has been built in Washington DC for these victims, and Jews are not labeled Christian Haters.

So why don’t we Christians do like the Jews? Implement a similar Holocaust propaganda campaign and cry wolf every time we get a chance?

There are two reasons why we won’t do so.

1) The only death worth commemorating is the death of our Savior Jesus Christ who defeated death by rising from the dead. Actually by memorializing His death we are really celebrating His resurrection. Therefore, there’s no point in solemnizing or even worshiping death since it’s already vanquished.

O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?” 1 Corinthians 15:55

2) The only way to eradicate bigotry is with love.

In His Amrs

In Jesus’s arms, only love

“Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.” Romans 12:21

“‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ On these two commandments hang all the Law and the Prophets.” Matthew 22: 37-40

“But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you…” Matthew 5:44

“If you love those who love you, what credit is that to you? Even sinners love those who love them.” Luke 6:32


Zionist Jews of all stripes – secular, religious, political – have no concept of God’s commandment to love thy neighbor. Instead, the anti-Christ spirit of hate thy neighbor permeates their souls with a sulfuric stench.

Unfortunately, many in the West – especially brainwashed Christians, poisoned by compromised preachers and their false teachings in reference to converted Jews being “God’s chosen people” – became infected with said diseased spirit as well. Their unabashed hatred of Arabs and Muslims to please the Jews is shamefully evident to all.

“The companion of fools will suffer harm.” Proverbs 13:20

Still, these infected Christians don’t even blush when they disgracefully call Jesus their Lord. To them we say, “Don’t be surprised on that Judgment Day!”

“Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.” Matthew 7: 15, 22-23

Appeal: Every conscientious individual should implement a personal boycott of Israel and everything made there.

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The Chosen People Syndrome

C H U R C H   R E F O R M   S E R I E S

By Biblicism Institute

The Chosen People Syndrome is an offshoot of the Hebrew Disease. It is a spiritual ailment that afflicts many Jews who actually believe that they are Hebrews – the real Hebrews are all dead – and therefore superior to all other races, the Untermenschen.

Holocaust IndustryThis false projection causes them to reject their various origins (i.e., Ashkenazic, Sephardic, Samaritan, African, European, etc.) and entrench themselves in the Rassenhygiene 2.0.

Stop Killing PalestiniansThe disease’s by-product is a kind of Stockholm Syndrome, courtesy of the incessant drumming of the Holocaust Industry: Jews are special and therefore can get away with what the Nazis couldn’t (i.e. racial superiority; invasion and occupation of other people’s lands; indiscriminate bombings of innocent men, women, and children; etc.). And if one dares to condemn their actions, one is slurred with the cry-wolf accusation of anti-semitism.


Those afflicted with this syndrome fail to understand why God chose the Ancient Hebrewsnot converted Jews – in the first place.

1) He wanted a group of people to serve as Light unto the Nations (i.e., to make converts by propagating the news that there is only one God and His name is Jehovah). The Hebrews were a complete failure at that, though they did manage to make many disciples worldwide.

“Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye compass sea and land to make one proselyte, and when he is made, ye make him twofold more the child of hell than yourselves.” Matthew 23:15

2) The entire exercise or raison d’être of the 12 Hebrew Tribes was just God’s way of nurturing for Himself an earthly home and family for when He decided to visit in the person of Jesus, the Savior of the world.

“And thou, Bethlehem Ephrata, art a little one among the thousands of Judah: out of thee shall he come forth unto me that is to be the ruler in Israel: and his going forth is from the beginning, from the days of eternity.” Micah 5:2

Jesus was born of the Virgin Mary in Bethlehem, Judah (and was crucified in Jerusalem, Judah). And only Jesus’s going forth could have been from the beginning, from the days of eternity because He was conceived by the Holy Spirit and was Emmanuel, God with us (God made flesh).

“Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is God with us.” Matthew 1:23

From the very beginning, God’s plan was to always include all the nations of the earth within His family once the Messiah had arrived.

“And through your [Abraham’s] offspring [Jesus] all the families of the earth shall be blessed because Abraham obeyed me…” Genesis 26: 4

“The scepter shall not depart from Judah [Jesus was born in Bethlehem, Judah], Nor the ruler’s staff from between his feet, Until Shiloh (Messiah) comes, And to him shall be the obedience of the nations.” Genesis 49:10


The Chosen People Syndrome affects many.

1) Virulent Zionist Israeli Jews suffer the greater affliction. It’s like a drug to them.

Stockholm SyndromeWithout it they have no viable excuse as to why they stole Palestine, especially since all the real Hebrews irrevocably died in 70 AD, their land inheritance buried with them.

The end result of their addiction is a severe case of Stockholm Syndrome, whereby as recent victims turned oppressors they want to wipe out the ones who are now their victims, the Palestinians.

2) Brainwashed Jews and Christians are the ones who as they get wiser realize that they’ve been fed a bunch of hooey. Unfortunately, not all of them have woken up.

For instance, the Jewish creators of The Big Bang Theory TV series, who never depict Christians in a good light and never miss an opportunity to attack Christ through the eccentric Sheldon character and his hypocrite “Christian” mother, often have the show’s Rajesh (Hindu) and Wolowitz (Jewish) say idiotic things like “my Hebraic friend” and “my people wandered in the desert,” when in fact Ashkenazic Jews are not Hebrews and never got close to the desert until they stole Palestine.

However, the saddest creatures of all are the Brainwashed Christians of the CUFI variety, who in fact should know better. Unfortunately, they’ve been poisoned by the likes of John Hagee and their false teachings.

Hopefully, the whole lot will someday snap out of their miasmatic somnolence.

No Criticism Allowed

No Criticism & Truth Allowed

3) Politicians and Zionist “Christian Leaders” who are either symptomatic, or most likely are just faking it simply because they are wolves in sheep clothing.

In other words, those who are faking it smell money. What better way is there to bilk Afflicted Wealthy Zionist Jews than to side with them in order to gorge at the trough? A classic case of outfoxing the fox?

4) Some Former Jews who are now Christians still hang on to it because it makes them feel special. Apparently, Jesus is not enough for them. They want to be set apart. Unfortunately, that is totally  NOT biblical.

“There is neither Judahite nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all ONE in Christ Jesus.” Galatians 3: 28

They don’t want to assimilate with other Christians. Instead, they choose to separate themselves by pretending to be Judahites (i.e., by pretending to be more important than the rest of the Body of Christ). They are thus abiding in sin.

“…those liars who say they are Judahites but are not…” Rev 3:9

They even call themselves Jewish-Christians, conveniently ignoring the fact that being Jewish is being part of a religious group and not part of the once chosen Hebrew race which no longer exists as a people.

Talmudic Judaism is an evil religion that rejects Christ and used to be known as Pharisaism. How they figure they can be both Jewish and Christian is beyond comprehension. It’s like a Satanist who becomes a Christian and decides he’s now a Satanist-Christian. Jews For Jesus should be Former Jews For Jesus, just like it would be Former Satanists For Jesus. Can you imagine Satanists for Jesus? Ridiculous, right?

Unfortunately, that’s what the disease does. It removes all trace of logic, common sense, and compassion.


Another side effect of the disease is the lack of biblical or spiritual understanding. The afflicted ones cannot properly understand the Bible.

1) Brainwashed Biblical Scholars wrongly kept the English expression “Jew” in the Bible. The word Jew, as it is understood today, does not mean Judahite as the Hebrew/Greek word in the non-translated Bible indicates.

Its modern connotation points to someone who follows and adheres to a faith similar to that of the Pharisees of the tribe of Judah, but is not of the tribe and stock of Judah. In other words, Jews today are people from nations other than the 12 Hebrew tribes who practice a religion known as Judaism/Pharisaism.

2) The afflicted ones strangely forget that the Judahite Hebrews kept God’s covenant with Moses by slaughtering and eating a lamb for Passover. Jesus performed it with his disciples. The lamb was killed and eaten in a private home.

The sacrifice of the Passover Lamb in the Hebrew home was God’s very covenant with each individual ancient Hebrew, and that’s why Jesus fulfilled it with his disciples in order to introduce the new covenant.

“Tell the whole community of Israel that on the tenth day of this month each man is to take a lamb for his family, one for each household.” Exodus 12:3

Jews don’t kill a lamb for Passover in their homes to keep the old covenant alive, and most of them follow the Talmud (the real Satanic Verses), a man-inspired book full of Babylonian superstitions.

Bible Book3) Brainwashed Christians do not realize that the Epistles and the Book of Revelation were letters written by the Apostles to their contemporaries – many addressed to their fellow Hebrews and not to the converted Jews of today – admonishing them, warning them, and urging them to prepare for what was to come.

And what was to come?

The Destruction or Genocide of the entire Hebrew race, otherwise known as the Apocalypse, the Tribulation, the Desolation, the Armageddon, and the End of the Age of the Old Covenant and of Satan’s dominion upon the earth.

“But when you see Jerusalem surrounded by armies, then recognize that her desolation is near. Then those who are in Judea must flee to the mountains, and those who are in the midst of the city must leave, and those who are in the country must not enter the city.” Luke 21: 20,21

“From the time that the daily sacrifice is abolished and the abomination that causes desolation is set up…” Daniel 12:11

“And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” Matthew 28:20

In essence, from the time of Christ’s crucifixion in 30 AD to 70 AD, God gave the disobedient Hebrews 40 years to repent and accept Jesus as the Messiah. The reason He patiently waited was because:

“…they are beloved for the sake of the fathers; for the gifts and the calling of God are irrevocable. For just as you once were disobedient to God, but now have been shown mercy because of their disobedience, so these also now have been disobedient, that because of the mercy shown to you they also may now be shown mercy. For God has shut up all in disobedience so that He may show mercy to all.” Romans 11: 28-31

Basically, the Apostles were urging all disobedient Hebrews to accept Christ and to live accordingly. Their epistles were all written prior to 70 AD.

“The Lord is not slow about His promise, as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing for any to perish but for all to come to repentance.” 2 Peter 3:9

Progress of Roman Army during Jerusalem Siege

Roman Army Progress: Jerusalem Siege 70 AD

But, in 70 AD, after waiting 40 years, God dropped the hammer on all those who did not repent. He dispatched the Roman Army to Jerusalem where all the Hebrews had come up from all the country and the world to the feast of unleavened bread.

The desolation or the end of the age of all the unbelieving and disobedient Hebrews finally materialized. However, those who accepted Christ  obeyed the Apostles’ warning and fled beforehand. Thus those Christian Hebrews who escaped embodied “all Israel shall be saved”‘ of Romans 11:26.

The reason God eliminated the entire Hebrew race was because His gifts and calling are irrevocable (Romans 11: 28-31). So He had to irrevocably kill all the remaining non-Christian Hebrews, otherwise he would have had to keep the Old Covenant alive, and thereby undercut and undermine His Son’s New Covenant.

“By calling this covenant new, he has made the first one obsolete and what is obsolete is outdated.” Hebrews 8:13

“And I will silence in the cities of Judah and in the streets of Jerusalem the voice of mirth and the voice of gladness, the voice of the bridegroom and the voice of the bride, for the land shall become a waste.” Jeremiah 7:34

“Behold, your house is being left to you desolate!” Matthew 23:38

And just like during Ancient Israel’s 40-year wilderness wandering, God was not about to lead the unbelieving Hebrews into the promised land of the New Covenant. They all had to die so He could start anew. Discover the Sequence of Events here.

“Your sons shall be shepherds for forty years in the wilderness, and they will suffer for your unfaithfulness, until your corpses lie in the wilderness.” Exodus 14:33


Fortunately, there are many Jewish groups along with many individual Jews who are not infected with the syndrome. They are trying their best to educate their coreligionists.

DNA Study AE

Ashkenazi Jews = Europeans

We’ll leave you with quotes from two of them.

We Ashkenazi Jews are neither born of the tribe nor part of any ancient (biblical) history. That was concocted by some story tellers and fakirs. We were nomads in the Pale region of the Ukraine, Poland, and Russia. The rest is just that—myth making and weaving a nonsensical  story of entitlement.” –  Dr. Steve Pieczenik, Former Deputy Assistant Secretary of State.

“It is certain that there is no ethnic or racial continuum between the Biblical Israelites and the (Ashkenazic) Khazarians who lead the Jewish state.” – Gilad Atzmon, Jewish writer and musician.

“Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves. Therefore be as shrewd as snakes and harmless as doves.” Matthew 10:16

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