Insight: Jewish Deception And Destruction

“Whatever you get, get insight. Proverbs 4:7

The world needs to acknowledge and deal with a number of lies and deceptions concerning today’s self-styled Jews, who have arrogantly placed themselves above the rest of humanity by crowning themselves God’s chosen people. In the process, they’ve made a mockery of the spirit of brotherhood our Lord Jesus commanded us to abide in.

“The trouble with lying and deceiving is that their efficiency depends entirely upon a clear notion of the truth that the liar and deceiver wishes to hide.” – Hannah Arendt

Let’s get a clear notion of the truth today’s self-styled Jews are trying to obfuscate through intrigues and stratagems.

Are Jews The Israelites Of The Bible?

From our CHURCH REFORM series

Even a cursory study would show that those today who are known as Jews are not remotely bloodline descendants of Abraham.

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Israel: Land Of Impostors

From our CHURCH REFORM series

Israel was created in 1948 based on lies. Since then there has not been peace in the Middle East.

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Why Israelis Speak Hebrew

From our RIPOSTE section

Question: If Jews are not Hebrews, how come Israelis speak Hebrew? Doesn’t that prove their Hebraic heritage?

Answer: No, it doesn’t prove their Hebraic heritage.

1) Non-Hebraic Rabbinists (followers of the Babylonian Talmud) have been using the “Jew” appellation since the late 18th Century in order to appear to be Judahite Hebrews – see How The Ashkenazi Jews Conquered the West.

That way people could see them as the Chosen People, while they endeavored to steal Palestine and create modern-day Israel without the objection of the Christian world, especially since they were Eastern-European Nomads seeking a new country following the loss of their homeland Khazaria.

Then they – who originally spoke Yiddish – resurrected the dead Hebrew tongue after thousands of years in the dustbin of oblivion to make it Israel’s official language. In so doing, they consolidated in the world’s mind the impression that they were Hebrews rightfully returning home, when in fact they were not.

However, in their lust to deceive the world they got blindsided and completely overlooked the fact that, following the destruction of the Kingdom of Israel in 721 B.C., not even the Hebrews spoke Hebrew. They spoke Aramaic, the language of Jesus.

That’s why Mel Gibson made the movie The Passion of The Christ in that dialect. In turn, the Jews became furious – still on a vendetta against him – because Mel made them look ridiculous, especially as they wanted to be seen as “kinsmen” of Jesus, which they’re absolutely not. See Are Jews the Israelites of the Bible?

Deception: Yids who faked their Hebrew names

Further, as Jewish land thieves disembarked in Palestine in the 1940s to seize Palestinian lands and homes that Zionist terrorist groups – such as the Irgun, the Stern gang, and Haganah – had stolen in order to turn the country into Israel, they adopted Hebrew names to complete their “Hebraization” process – not unlike what they did when they scattered throughout Europe and America and assumed European surnames. See Israel: Land of Impostors

“We all went ‘native’,” admits Uri Avnery, Israeli political commentator. “On reaching the age of 18, we all exchanged our Jewish names for Hebrew Names. (That’s how Uri Avnery came into being.) We started to think of ourselves as a new nation, with a new “soul”, connected to Judaism, sure, but mainly historically.”

2) Are all people in countries where English is spoken of English descent? No. Were all Catholics, who celebrated mass in Latin, Romans? No. A spoken language is not indicative of a person’s ancestry.

Judaism Or Pharisaism

From our JUDAICA section

Talmudic Judaism is not an Abrahamic religion.

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A simple Solution To The Israeli-Palestinian Problem

From our CHURCH REFORM series

Israel is an apartheid country that is revved up by the anti-Christ spirit of “Hate Thy Neighbor.”

“Israel is not a democracy but an ‘apartheid regime’ that enforces Jewish supremacy over all the land it controls,” writes The Guardian.

It has repudiated the Prince of Peace’s message of neighborly love and peace, and has embraced the genocidal spirit of conquest, terror, and subjugation, which has injected into the Middle East a cesspool of conflict and hate that has begun to metastasize worldwide.

Palestinian fortitude in the face of Israeli aggression

Israel also deceptively insists that the Israeli-Palestinian conundrum is the fault of the Palestinians, when nothing could be further from the truth.

The Israeli-Palestinian problem can be easily solved because the solution is very simple. It would be settled tomorrow if Zionist Jewish leaders were not such bloodthirsty thieves.

Continue reading here.

How Rabbinists Became Known As Jews

From our WISDOM FOR TODAY series

Of the 12 Hebrew tribes, Judah was the most faithful and the most active in making converts, especially after they teamed up with the Levites.

“For the Levites left their suburbs and their possession, and came to Judah and Jerusalem: for Jeroboam and his sons had cast them off from executing the priest’s office unto the LORD.” 2 Chronicles 11:14

Their converts became known as the proselytes (i.e., the ones who prayed to Jehovah, the God of Judah).

“Judahites and proselytes Acts 2: 11

The other 10 tribes, collectively known as Israel, separated from Judah and always did evil in God’s eyes.

“Ephraim compasseth me about with lies, and the house of Israel with deceit: but Judah yet ruleth with God, and is faithful with the saints.” Hosea 11:12

So while Judah was helping the priests in the implementation of their office, Israel was basking in evil. Thus Judah became the one that carried the torch of God’s light unto the nations.

It was a process that would culminate with the advent of Jesus the Christ and His church assembly. Because, just like the Christian Church, the Judahite Hebrew nation was a proselytizing nation that wanted people all over the world to know and pray to the true God of the Universe; even though, at one point, the conversion process had become totally corrupted because of the pharisaic teachings. Let’s hear Jesus:

“Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye compass sea and land to make one proselyte, and when he is made, ye make him twofold more the child of hell than yourselves.” Matthew 23:15

Later on, those proselytes, who obviously were not Judahite Hebrews and adhered to the pharisaic teachings, became known as Rabbinists, while their religion was called Pharisaism/Rabbinism, and their “holy writ” was entitled the Talmud, a Babylonian book full of lies and superstitions.

In the 18th Century, those very same Rabbinists hijacked the words Jew and Judaism, in order to change their appellation along with that of their religion (just like when Blacks didn’t want to be called Negroes no more). A change that was purely cosmetic, as their beliefs, which are still found in their enduring and cherished Talmud, did not change one iota.

The idea behind such superficial name changes was to deceive the world into thinking they were the Judahite Hebrews of the bible.

And what was their reason for wanting to hoodwink the world?

See How the Ashkenazi Jews Conquered the West.

Pray For The Peace Of Which Jerusalem?

From our CHURCH REFORM series

Jerusalem was NEVER the capital of the ancient Kingdom of Israel.

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Jew Focus

From our RIPOSTE section

Question: Why don’t you have anything extensive about Islam? Like you do about Judaism?

Answer: For the same reason we don’t have anything about Buddhism, Hinduism, etc. We preach the ONLY truth: pure Christianity. That’s enough to get all those of different faiths to ponder on what they should adhere to.

We, however, zoom in on Judaism/Pharisaism and Zionist Israel because they have infiltrated the church with their anti-Christ spirit; the other religions have not.

“They shall raise their voices against the serpents (or malicious ones)…” Mark 16:17

Therefore, we must be obedient to God and raise our voices to warn of the destruction that follows in the wake of Bolshevik/Zionist/Neocon Jews (a parasite by any other moniker is still a parasite):

Jesus’s peace and morality had been steadily increasing throughout the world, until that deadly, persistent Talmudic Ashkenazic Khazarian (aka Jewish) virus, which invariably hates the Prince of Peace and His followers, craves immorality, and engenders wars, began its assault on Christian civilization. But it won’t win.

“The Son of God appeared for this purpose, to destroy the works of the devil.” 1 John 3:8

A few decades from now, a generation will look back and label this anti-Christ period of Jewish influence and manipulation as a New Dark Age.

“Of the increase of His government and peace there shall be no end…” Isaiah 9: 7

Israel’s Dark Age Of Terror

From our CHURCH REFORM series

Zionist Jews introduced terrorism in the Middle East, built Israel with it, and are taking the world for a ride using it.

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Was Einstein Really A Genius?

From our WISDOM FOR TODAY series

Albert Einstein’s name has strangely become synonymous with “genius.”

But we couldn’t find one thing that man invented or came up with that made our lives better or that was not a fraud. NOT ONE THING! Even the equation E=mc^2 that is attributed to him is apparently from an Italian named Olinto De Pretto who published it in the scientific magazine Atte in 1903.

Yet everyone knows who Einstein is. His face and name are plastered on everything that hints at “sheer ingenuity.” Even his so-called “accomplishments,” besides being theories to begin with, were unsupported conjectures that amounted and led to NOTHING – especially his Theory of Relativity, stolen from mathematician Henri Poincare and physicist Hendrik Lorentz, along with the GPS & Relativity myth. Nikola Tesla, a real scientific genius, categorized said theory as “the greatest historical aberration of scientific thought.” See Puzzled Scientists.

Here are some true scientific geniuses and visionaries: Johannes Gutenberg, Nikola Tesla, Isaac Newton, Auguste and Louis Lumiere, Charles Babbage, Reginald Fessenden, Guglielmo Marconi, Thomas Edison, Karl BenzWilhelm Conrad Röntgen, Wright Brothers, Jack Kilby & Robert Noyce, Tim Berners Lee, Alexander Fleming, Louis Pasteur, and Steve Jobs,  just to name a few.

All of them either invented or contributed to the invention of not useless theories but of things that improved our lives and catapulted humanity to a higher level of productivity. Yet none of them is uplifted like Einstein. Then again unlike Einstein they were not and are not Jews (some are still alive), so the Jewish-controlled media inflate their own to godlike status – even when they’re fake – in order to propagandize their misappropriated appellation of God’s “Chosen People.” See How the Ashkenazi Jews conquered the West.

The War On Christianity

From our CHURCH REFORM series

Zionist Jews are mostly behind it.

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The Destroyers Of The World

From our WISDOM FOR TODAY series

“We Jews, we, the destroyers, will remain the destroyers forever.” – Maurice Samuel

If one truly believes the Zionist/Jewish-dominated media, their fake news, and their constant barrage of “Holocaust” movies, one genuinely thinks that there’s only one group of people that everyone on earth hates: Jews. That’s how effective the brainwashing has been.

However, when one wakes up from the media’s induced stupor one realizes that Zionist Jews are themselves the victimizers of the world who camouflage themselves as victims.

Bolshevik Revolution: The Jewish Bolsheviks, who took over the Russian government in the 1910s, killed 66 million Christians, including 200,000 members of the Christian clergy, and destroyed 40,000 churches.

World War 1: Britain was losing the war against Germany. The Zionists stepped in and manipulated President Wilson to get the US into the war to help them. In return, the Jews asked the British Empire to deed them Palestine to create Israel. Their wish was granted in the form of the Balfour Declaration of 1917, which cost the world 18 million dead.

World War 2: The Zionists fomented that war (just like they’re doing today with Iran and other countries in the Middle East), so that European Jews could feel threatened. The deception worked as European Jews fled in droves to Palestine and took over the homes of Palestinians, who were evicted at gunpoint and then either massacred or driven out of their land into neighboring Arab countries. With enough Jews on the ground, Israel was created in 1948 at a cost of 80 million dead.

World War On Terror: Zionist/Jewish neocons, in cahoots with their bought-and-paid-for politicians in the US government, perpetrated their act of terrorism on 9/11. Then they conveniently blamed it on Muslims so as to obtain a green light to destroy the Middle East using the armies of the US and NATO and the terrorist groups they finance, with the ultimate view to creating Greater Israel. So far, the death toll is 27 million, including Christians.

World War 3: With Russia protecting Syria and Iran from Israel’s Machiavellian design, will the Zionists succeed in bringing the world once again to the brink of disaster to create Greater Israel? If they do, will it instead bring about their downfall?

Conclusion: It’s a shame that Jews who stand up to Zionism form a minority. The well-financed and extremely powerful Zionist movement, revved up by a foul and racist ideology, drowns out their voices.

Zionist Jews of all stripes – secular, religious, political – have no concept of God’s commandment to love thy neighbor. Instead, the anti-Christ spirit of hate thy neighbor permeates their souls with a sulfuric stench, while Israel remains the undiluted expression of said diseased spirit – a scourge,  a cancer that needs to be dealt with.

Appeal: Every conscientious individual should implement a personal boycott of Israel and everything made there.

Jews And History: Lies Galore

From our CHURCH REFORM series

There are two historical events where Jews went all out with their lies and fabrications: the Bar Kokhba revolt and the Holocaust.

Continue reading here.

The Hebrew Disease

From our CHURCH REFORM series

There are 4 groups today that are pretending to be Hebrews. Jews are only one group.

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Anti-Semitism Is A Trick? Oh Dear!

From our CHURCH REFORM series

Jews are NOT Semites. So what’s really behind the Anti-Semitism label?

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What’s Really Going On In The Middle East

From our VIEWS OF NEWS section

Many are under the impression that the chaos that is spreading throughout the Middle East is to protect the petrodollar and secure oil resources for American and Western companies.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

First, the petrodollar is backed by Saudi Arabia and the other Arab countries. Yet, the US Congress recently passed a law that allows victims of “terrorism” to sue the Saudis. See this Post here.

That’s not how one maintains the hegemony of the petrodollar. Besides, if the petrodollar was the concern, Israel would be the first country to go, as most Arab countries do not support the theft of Palestine by the Zionists.

Second, oil resources are available all over the world, including the US; so there’s no need for war to control them. At the beginning of the oil rush it might have been a truism that war was necessary, not anymore.

“Oil and gas are abiotic, [and] can be found deep below the surface of the earth in most parts of the world and in very large amounts,” wrote Vinod Dar in Abiotic Oil and Gas

In general, it is true that wars waged by the US are mostly for American control of natural resources, territorial expansions, and the benefit of the Military Industrial Complex. It is also true that all US imperialistic moves are always meant to benefit the country’s most influential elite of the time.

For instance, the Vietnam war was to favor the elite that controls the Military Industrial Complex, whereas the banana wars were engineered to secure control over banana plantations in South America and the Caribbean for another segment of the American elite. The most blatant of the banana wars were in Honduras where the US intervened seven times between 1903 and 1925. None of these wars was about the US dollar.

Today, the US’s most demanding and most pernicious elite are the Jews, who are only satisfied when Israel takes center stage in US foreign policy.

“It does not take a genius to figure out that the United States is deeply involved in a series of seemingly endless wars pitting it against predominantly Muslim nations even though Washington has no vital interests at stake in places like Syria, Libya and Iraq,” explains Philip Giraldi, former CIA officer.

“Who is driving the process and benefiting? Israel is clearly the intended beneficiary of a coordinated effort mounted by more than 600 Jewish organizations in the U.S. that have at least as part of their programs the promotion and protection of Israel. If America goes to war with Iran, as is increasingly likely, it will be all about Israel and it will be arranged by the political and financial services Washington-Wall Street axis, make no mistake.”

So for the first time in America’s history, US-led wars are being waged to benefit a foreign nation, Israel, by wagging America from within, using the Jewish AIPAC as its whipping mechanism and bribe money as its corrupting influence.

Still, the US does want to maintain hegemony of the US Dollar. It does so through American control of powerful financial institutions worldwide, bribe, globalism, coups d’état, assassination, etc.

However, all current wars, conflicts, and fabricated terrorism in the Middle East are only to benefit Israel, destroy its perceived enemies, and facilitate its expansion plan.

“The fact is, we don’t have to be in the Middle East, other than we want to protect Israel,” said Donald Trump. “We’ve been very good to Israel. Other than that, we don’t have to be in the Middle East. You know there was a time we needed desperately oil, we don’t need that anymore. We have more than they do, isn’t that nice?”

Americans had better wake up before it’s too late! The Israeli parasitic infestation of the US government has reached critical mass.

“That (Jewish) stranglehold has got to be broken or this country is going down the drain,” explained Evangelist Billy Graham to President Nixon.

Urgent Appeal To Christians Who Support Israel: Don’t!

From our WISDOM FOR TODAY series

We know deep down no real Christian would support evil.

IDF Sniping Palestinian kids

Notice the Israeli Sniper’s bullet right through the heart of the deceased Palestinian boy

Doing so would be antithetical to everything our Christian faith stands for. Besides, we know that many of you were fed a bunch of lies concerning the ungodly State of Israel, which in turn caused you to sanction its demonic actions that are all contrary to God’s commandments.

Converted Jews of today are NOT the Hebrews of the bible. They’re Eastern European nomads who lost their country Khazaria and were in search of a new land. So they stole Palestine and renamed it Israel pretending to be Hebrews, when all Hebrews are irrevocably dead. See A Brief History of the Kingdoms of Israel and Judah.

a) Modern apartheid Israel is not comprised of the 10 Hebrew tribes like in scriptures; b) the country’s current geographical demarcation is not as delineated by God in the book of Joshua; c) the nation would be called Judah instead of Israel, with the Levites sheltered therein, if Jews today were of the tribe of David; and d) the modern impostor state of Israel is made up of Jewish converts who are not Semitic descendants of Abraham, and more specifically not descendants of Abraham’s 12 grandsons who formed the 12 Hebrew tribes and whose offspring were all cousins to one another.

“To your (Abraham’s) descendants I give this land….” Genesis 15:18

Therefore, as you shake off the falsehoods you were brainwashed with, we ask the following of you.

Gaza Christians mourning their dead

Stop encouraging the US Government to fund Israel to the tunes of billions of dollars a year out of America’s coffers for Israel to wage war and oppress another people, while millions of Americans go hungry, jobless, and homeless.

Stop organizing fund raisers for the Zionist “settlers.” In so doing you’re actually helping these land thieves steal another people’s land, while empowering them to kill the original inhabitants in the process.

Stop lobbying the US government to provide the Apartheid criminal state of Israel with diplomatic cover in the international community.

For the sake of peace, start doing the opposite.

Call your political representative and give him/her a piece of your mind: that Israel should no longer get away with murder, and that Israel should accept a Palestinian State. Then organize mission trips to the West Bank and Gaza. Stop these pussyfooting “Holy” Land tourist trips. Go and help the oppressed. That’s the Christian mandate.

“Learn to do good; seek justice, correct oppression; bring justice to the fatherless, plead the widow’s cause.” Isaiah 1:17

Unfortunately, many of you, poisoned by compromised preachers and their false teachings in reference to converted Jews being “God’s chosen people,” are infected with Israel’s anti-Christ spirit of hate thy neighbor, especially you leaders of the “Christian” media who sold out Jesus and His Love-Thy-Neighbor command to Israel for 30 pieces of Jewish silver. Your unabashed loathing of Arabs and Muslims to please the Jews is shamefully evident to all.

“The companion of fools will suffer harm.” Proverbs 13:20

Remember the words of our Savior when you, with that anti-Christ spirit, call Him Lord – so don’t be surprised on Judgment Day.

“Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.” Matthew 7: 15, 22-23

However, you can cure yourselves.

“If you do what is right, will you not be accepted? But if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your door; it desires to have you, but you must rule over it.” Genesis 4:7


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Read also: The 11 Commandments

Read also: The Consequences of Sin