The Demonization Of Arabs And Muslims

C H U R C H   R E F O R M   S E R I E S

By Biblicism Institute

The vilification of Arabs and Muslims did not come about as a naturally occurring phenomenon. It was carefully planned and executed.

“Israel has been demonizing Muslims for 60 years and has created the image of Muslims as terrorists wearing suicide bombs,” revealed Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury.


Dayan and fake dangerTo set the stage for their defamatory propaganda, Israel enlisted Jewish-dominated Hollywood to depict Arabs in a very unflattering light – something Tinseltown has since been doing faithfully for decades.

Arabs must be seen as the villains and the Jews as the good guys in order for Israel to tighten its grip on the stolen territories of Palestine and on those of Syria (Golan Heights) and Lebanon (Shebaa Farms and KfarShuba Heights), while its people commit crimes with impunity.

“The villain of choice today is the Arab. To be an Arab in America today is to be an object of contempt and ridicule by television under the guise of entertainment. To me this anti-Arab image on entertainment manifests itself in the politics of America,” wrote Professor Jack Shaheen.

For instance, Bill Maher, an unabashed Jewish cheerleader for Israel, never tires of painting Arabs and Muslims with a racist and denigrating brush on his HBO program, Real Time with Bill Maher, every time he gets a chance.

Here’s a sample of how he unflinchingly slings his choice venom: “I mean it’s [Judaism is] certainly not as dangerous as Islam and Christianity. Those are warlike religions.”

It seems that the hypocrite Bill Maher always chooses to conveniently ignore two important facts.

Fact # 1

The foul hatred that is ensconced in his own heart and in the hearts of a great many of his fellow Jews.

“The only way to fight a moral war is the Jewish way: Destroy their holy sites. Kill men, women and children (and cattle),” gushed Rabbi Manis Friedman.

“The Palestinians are beasts walking on two legs,” spewed Menahem Begin in Israel’s Knesset in 1982.

Jewish Racism

The anti-Christ spirit of Hate Thy Neighbor

For more disturbing Jewish racist and hateful quotes click here or here or here.

Fact # 2

Converted Jews of today are NOT the Hebrews of the Bible, and therefore have NO DIVINE RIGHT to Palestine.

We Ashkenazi Jews are neither born of the tribe nor part of any ancient (biblical) history. That was concocted by some story tellers and fakirs,” explained Ashkenazi Jew Dr. Steve Pieczenik, Former Deputy Assistant Secretary of State. “We were nomads in the Pale region of the Ukraine, Poland and Russia. The rest is just that—myth making and weaving a nonsensical  story of entitlement.”

In other words, Jews are not the chosen Hebrews of the Bible with whom God had the Old Covenant, and as a result cannot claim Palestine as their Abrahamic inheritance.

Subsequently, resurrecting the dead Hebrew tongue after centuries in the dustbin of oblivion, in order to make it modern Israel’s official language, won’t change those facts, much like parking a Subaru in a Lamborghini dealership won’t turn it into a Veneno Roadster.

Read A Brief History of the Kingdoms of Israel and Judah to see what happened to the real Hebrews.


Fortunately, God has a sense of humor and is no respecter of persons. While many racist Jews were clamoring their hatred of Arabs to the world, and simultaneously claiming that Israel was a bastion of technological and democratic achievements (yeah, right) in a backward part of the world (yeah, right), God sent into the world a man named Steve Jobs.

Many may not know that Steve was the progeny of one Abdulfattah Jandali, a Syrian Arab. This picture alone tells what Israel and its apologists never will about the man who changed the world in a way (techno-cultural) no one else did.

Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs, the son of an Arab, did more for the world than all of Israel combined. The genius Moses of our time!

Is it any wonder that no Hollywood movie about his life – out of the three made so far – ever mentions his Arab origin? However, if Steve’s biological parents had been Jews of Ashkenazic or Sephardic ancestry instead of Arab stock and Muslim, at least one of those movies (if not all) would have begun his story in a synagogue where Steve’s young parents would have discussed their adoptive options with a “wise rabbi,” just to flaunt his “Jewishness” – without revealing of course the rabbi’s warning “not to give the baby away to dirty and dumb goyim.”

In addition, here are the top 10 Arab and Muslim inventions that shaped the modern world:

1. Surgery 2. Coffee 3. Flying Machine 4. University 5. Algebra 6. Optics 7. Music 8. Toothbrush 9. The Crank 10. Hospitals — plus the “1,001 Inventions of the Golden Age of Muslim Civilization.”

“Then Peter began to speak: ‘I now realize how true it is that God does not show favoritism.’ ” Acts 10: 34


Recently, the demonization of Arab and Muslims has taken a turn for the worst. Middle Eastern refugees in Europe are being deceitfully depicted as rapists and terrorists, courtesy of the propaganda division of the Israeli Mossad.

The reason for all those lies and this constant bashing and hatred is simple. It’s easier for Zionist Jews to steal Arab lands by hoodwinking and misdirecting the world in pointing their accusatory finger away from themselves and towards their victims, even though they’re the guilty party.

Moshe Dayan, war criminal of the usurping, apartheid state of Israel, in his address to the Technion, Haifa – as reported in Haaretz, April 4, 1969 – explained how his fellow Jews destroyed and stole Palestine:

“Jewish villages were built in the place of Arab villages. You do not even know the names of these Arab villages, and I do not blame you because geography books no longer exist. Not only do the books not exist, the Arab villages are not there either. Nahlal arose in the place of Mahlul; Kibbutz Gvat in the place of Jibta; Kibbutz Sarid in the place of Huneifis; and Kefar Yehushua in the place of Tal al-Shuman. There is not a single place built in this country that did not have a former Arab population.”

US Fight for Israel

“Destroy all Arab & Muslim Countries in the M.E.!”

Consequently, what better way is there for a low-life thief (i.e. World Zionism) in cahoots with the crooked local sheriff (i.e., the Anglo-American Empire) to steal someone’s belongings (i.e., Arab Lands) than to claim that the victim (i.e., Arabs) is a retrograde monster and a vile criminal, whose possessions never belonged to him in the first place; and that if, God forbid, the victim decides to fight back he’s automatically a terrorist?

“These terrorist attacks, if that is what they are, are extremely convenient for Washington and Israel,” continues Dr. Roberts. “France had just voted with Palestine against the US/Israeli position… Among Europeans sympathy was rising for the Palestinians… Now France is back under Washington’s foreign policy umbrella, and European sympathy has shifted from the Palestinians to Israel.”

And so, with false flag terrorism and the help of sycophantic western governments, Israeli Jews are thus able to cover up their constant theft of Arab lands, along with their Apartheid regime and their genocidal crimes against the Palestinian people.

Palestinian Victims

Palestinian victims of thieving and genocidal Israelis


If one truly believes the Jewish-dominated media, their fake news, and their constant barrage of “Holocaust” movies, one genuinely thinks that there’s only one group of people that everyone on earth hates: Jews. That’s how effective the brainwashing has been.

However, when one wakes up from the media’s induced stupor, one realizes that Zionist Jews are themselves the victimizers of not only the Arab Palestinians but of the world as well (see addendum below). As befitting the deceivers that they are, they camouflage themselves as victims.

Unfortunately for them, the world’s consciousness is being stirred, and everyone will soon realize who they really are: impostors, liars, shameless thieves, and blood-thirsty barbarians.

Nevertheless, the greatest SHAME is the fact that many “Christians” (including the leaders of the “Christian” media who sold out Jesus and His Love-Thy-Neighbor command to Israel for 30 pieces of Jewish silver) and the great western powers justify Israel at every turn.

“He who justifies the wicked and he who condemns the righteous are both alike an abomination to the Lord.” Proverbs 17: 15

Appeal: Every conscientious individual should implement a personal boycott of Israel and everything made there.


The Destroyers of The World

“We Jews, we, the destroyers, will remain the destroyers forever.” – Maurice Samuel

Bolshevik Revolution: The Jewish Bolsheviks, who took over the Russian government in the 1910s, killed 66 million Christians, including 200,000 members of the Christian clergy, and destroyed 40,000 churches.

World War 1: Britain was losing the war against Germany. The Zionists stepped in and manipulated President Wilson to get the US into the war to help them. In return, the Jews asked the British Empire to deed them Palestine to create Israel. Their wish was granted in the form of the Balfour Declaration of 1917, which cost the world 18 million dead.

World War 2: The Zionists fomented that war (just like they’re doing today with Iran and other countries in the Middle East), so that European Jews could feel threatened. The deception worked as European Jews fled in droves to Palestine and took over the homes of Palestinians, who were evicted at gunpoint and then either massacred or driven out of their land into neighboring Arab countries. With enough Jews on the ground, Israel was created in 1948 at a cost of 80 million dead.

World War On Terror: Jewish neocons, in cahoots with their bought-and-paid-for politicians in the US government, perpetrated their act of terrorism on 9/11. Then they conveniently blamed it on Muslims so as to obtain a green light to destroy the Middle East using the armies of the US and NATO and the terrorist groups they finance, with the ultimate view to creating Greater Israel. So far, the death toll is 27 million, including Christians.

World War 3: With Russia protecting Syria and Iran from Israel’s Machiavellian design, will the Zionists succeed in bringing the world once again to the brink of disaster to create Greater Israel? If they do, will it instead bring about their downfall?

Sequitur: As befitting the deceivers and murderers that they are, the Zionist VICTIMIZERS of the world shamelessly camouflage themselves as VICTIMS, with Israel, their monstrous spawn, carrying on their blood-filled legacy. Indeed, apartheid Israel is a scourge, a cancer that needs to be dealt with.

Read also: Jesus was not a Jew

Read also: Israel is the Problem

9 thoughts on “The Demonization Of Arabs And Muslims

  1. I always wondered why Hollywood always portrays Arabs as terrorists. Never gave it much thought really. I guess that’s how propaganda works. Thanks.


  2. Great Article. I also noticed that about Hollywood movies always portraying Arabs as backwards and terrorists. I also love the bit part about Steve Jobs vs Israel. Buuuurn! Truth is truth.


    • First of, Christians must understand what Islam stands for. It’s here:


      Second, Christians must pray for and reach out to them IN LOVE to correct any misconception they may have in their faith – not with hatred as zionist-compromised “preachers” have been teaching.

      The Christian mandate is LOVE. “Love one another”. “Love your neighbor”. “Love your enemy”.

      That’s the view.


  3. Agree. All those so-called terrorist attacks, including 9/11, are Israeli false flag operations to demonize Muslims and destroy the Middle East so they can control it and expand their own territory by stealing more Arab land.


  4. Muslims should not have any problems with Christians. I am Muslim. What a wonderful message Jesus gave to us. I think wars between Muslim and Christians in past were just political. It was age of empires and Kingdoms, where expansionary wars were economic necessity. Besides Islam and Christianity are not family based tribal religion like fake Jews. A true religion is always universal not gene based. This is big indication of fake KM religion. This is reason Muhammad Ali Clay who everybody knew were a nice man converted to Islam and lived happily among his Christian friends.


    • After few days of death of Ali there was a prompt false flag to level the good vibes from showing his personal life on national TV.


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