Zionism Vs. Judaism

C H U R C H   R E F O R M   S E R I E S

By Biblicism Institute

No Criticism Allowed

“To see who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” -Voltaire

To better understand Zionism and Judaism, one must first grasp the fact that those who today are known as Jews are NOT the Israelites of the Bible.


Shlomo-Invention  Shlomo -StoppedBeingAJew

Jewish Historian Shlomo Sand unearths the origin of his fellow Jews. His findings can be explained in one word: conversion.

In other words, Jews are not the Judahite Hebrews of the Bible with whom God had the Old Covenant (the Hebrews are all dead).

This is how he explains it in his book The Invention of the Jewish People:

“The most significant mass conversion occurred in the 8th century, in the massive Khazar kingdom between the Black and Caspian seas. The expansion of Judaism from the Caucasus into modern Ukraine created a multiplicity of communities, many of which retreated from the 13th century Mongol invasions into eastern Europe. There, with Jews from the Slavic lands to the south and from what is now modern  Germany, they formed the basis of Yiddish culture…

“Then there is the question of the exile of 70 AD. There has been no real research into this turning point in Jewish history, the cause of the diaspora. And for a simple reason: the Romans never exiled any nation from anywhere on the eastern seaboard of the Mediterranean

“But if there was no exile after 70 AD, where did all the Jews who have populated the Mediterranean  since antiquity come from? The smokescreen of national historiography hides an astonishing reality. From the Maccabean revolt of the mid-2nd century BC (on)… Judaism was the most actively proselytizing religion

“Until about 1960 the complex origins of the Jewish people were more or less reluctantly acknowledged by Zionist historiography. But thereafter they were marginalized and finally erased from Israeli public memory. The Israeli forces who seized Jerusalem in 1967 believed themselves to be the direct descendents of the kingdom of David rather than – God forbid – of Berber warriors or Khazar horsemen.”

Zionism a diseaseZIONISM

Zionism  is the belief – in most Jewish circles – that Jews have the right to steal the land of Palestine by brute force and convert it into Israel, even though they are not the descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob (i.e., they are NOT the chosen Hebrews with whom God had the Old Covenant).

”Most Zionists don’t believe that God exists, but they do believe he promised them Palestine,” explained Ilan Pappe, a Jewish historian.

Not a Jew-HaterWhen facing criticism and condemnation for their barbaric policies towards the Palestinians, the tactic of the Zionists is to hurl the accusation of anti-semitism in order to cower their opposition into submission. Furthermore, it doesn’t hurt that said accusation also camouflages their non-Hebraic, non-Semitic ancestry by making them appear to be Semites when they’re actually not.

Why non-Semitic Zionist Jews would use the term Semite to describe themselves is intriguing, to say the least. However, upon close scrutiny the truth reveals itself.

They must pretend to be the Chosen Semitic Hebrews of the bible – the real Hebrews are all dead – in order to steal the land of Palestine and treat the Palestinians as Untermenschen.

“…those liars who say they are Judahites but are not…” Revelation 3:9

Evil Zionism In Action

Zionism PicPalestinians map

Gaza GenocideGaza Genocide 2

In stealing Palestine, the Zionists didn’t just hurt the Palestinian people, they scarred the world as well, are scarring it now, and will probably continue to do so until the world puts an end to it.

World War 1: Britain was losing the war against Germany. The Zionists stepped in and manipulated President Wilson to get the US into the war to help them. In return, the Jews asked the British Empire to deed them Palestine to create Israel. Their wish was granted in the form of the Balfour Declaration of 1917, which cost the world 18 million dead.

During that same period, the Jewish Bolsheviks, who took over the Russian government in the 1910s, killed 66 million Christians, including 200,000 members of the Christian clergy, and destroyed 40,000 churches.

World War 2: The Zionists fomented that war (just like they’re doing today with Iran and other countries in the Middle East), so that European Jews could feel threatened. The deception worked as European Jews fled in droves to Palestine and took over the homes of Palestinians, who were evicted at gunpoint and then either massacred or driven out of their land into neighboring Arab countries. With enough Jews on the ground, Israel was created in 1948 at a cost of 80 million dead.

World War On Terror: Jewish neocons, in cahoots with their bought-and-paid-for politicians in the US government, perpetrated their act of terrorism on 9/11. Then they conveniently blamed it on Muslims so as to obtain a green light to destroy the Middle East using the armies of the US and NATO and the terrorist groups they finance, with the ultimate view to creating Greater Israel. So far, the death toll is 27 million, including Christians.

World War 3: With Russia protecting Syria and Iran from Israel’s Machiavellian design, will the Zionists succeed in bringing the world once again to the brink of disaster to create Greater Israel? If they do, will it instead bring about their downfall?


The Judahite Hebrews – not converted Jews – were chosen by God to be the forefathers and proselytizers of a faith that was the worship of Jehovah or Yahweh, the God of Judah. Many people throughout the world converted to their teachings. Today some of these proselytes are known as Karaite Jews, while others are known as Muslims.

However, later on the Judahite Pharisees developed their own doctrine based on occult Babylonian superstitions. Many people worldwide also converted to said doctrine which became known as Pharisaism. In more modern times, the name was changed to Judaism, while the proselytes were called Talmudic Jews, and the teachings themselves became the Talmud.

Those who are known as Jews are not the ancient Judahites. The confusion came about because the word Judahite in the bible has been wrongly translated and replaced with the English expression Jew.

Jews are people from nations other than the 12 Hebrew tribes who practice the religion known as Judaism/Pharisaism. They are not a homogeneous group, racially or religiously.

Faith-wise, the various Jewish denominations fall under 3 distinct umbrellas: 1) the majority known as Talmudic Jews who practice what is known as Pharisaism, the pagan Babylonian doctrine of the ancient Pharisees; 2) a tiny minority called Karaite Jews who reject Talmudic traditions and observe only some of the laws of the Old Testament, since they don’t perform animal sacrifices therein commanded; and 3) another minority categorized as Torah Jews who supposedly observe the Pentateuch (the first 5 books of the Christian bible) but apparently don’t, as Michael Hoffman explains:

“ ‘Torah’ is Orthodox Judaism’s spurious badge of authority. The rabbis proclaim that they have the Torah, have mastered the Torah, base their laws on the Torah and that they are ‘Torah-true’. Yet these rabbinic claims are a deceptive play on words, for the ‘Torah’ upon which they base their laws is not the Old Testament, but the counterfeit Torah SheBeal Peh. Hence, when the rabbis are acclaiming their relationship with the ‘Torah’, Christians are deceived into imagining that the rabbis are harkening to their allegiance to the Old Testament (Torah SheBichtav), when Orthodox Judaism’s laws emanate from the man-made Talmud Bavli, which is the ‘Torah’ they regard as supreme.”

Race-wise, 95% of all Jews today are Ashkenazim, Sephardim, and Samaritans; with the remainder 5% being Europeans, Africans, Indians, etc.

All of the above are converted Jews and not the Hebrews of the bible. The Hebrews are long dead.

Peaceful Non-Zionist Jews In Action

Non-Zionist Jews do exist. Unfortunately, they form a small minority.


Isaiah posted this quote on his Facebook page:

I am a Jew (period)   

Israel is NOT my state (period)    

Judaism does not equal Israel (period)

Jews Condemn Apartheid

Boycott Israel



Jews Stole the name Israel

Rabbi Weiss


From the Jewish Voice for Peace, a spark of HOPE:

jvphope-palestine2 No to Occupation


First Picture: Hedy Epstein, Center – Second Picture Hajo Meyer – Third Picture Reuven Moskovitz

Hedy Epstein - center Hajo Meyer



Right of Return Right of Return 3 Right of Return 2


“Those who cling to fear, mistrust or greed are under the false assumption that Palestinians and Israelis have a choice other than to live as equals. But it’s inevitable – the wall must come down, and the two people must be allowed to live as equal citizens in their shared homeland. Refusing this means condemning future generations of Israelis and Palestinians to ongoing mayhem and violence.” – Miko Peled, son of an Israeli General


It’s a shame that Jews who stand up to Zionism form a minority. The well-financed and extremely powerful Zionist movement, revved up by a foul and racist ideology, drowns out their voices.

Zionists of all stripes – secular, religious, political – have no concept of God’s commandment to love thy neighbor. Instead, the anti-Christ spirit of hate thy neighbor permeates their souls with a sulfuric stench, while Israel remains the undiluted expression of said diseased spirit – a scourge,  a cancer that needs to be dealt with.

Appeal: Every conscientious individual should implement a personal boycott of Israel and everything made there.

Read also: Jesus was not a Jew

Read also: Is America Cursed Because of Israel?

Jaffa, Palestine Palestine Money

4 thoughts on “Zionism Vs. Judaism

  1. The lie of Zionism in its creating Zionist Israel in Palestine would never have happened without the West’s aid.

    Zionist Israel has so far been the curse on reality as well as humanity; on account of Zionist Israel, mankind itself has become mendacious and false down to its most fundamental instincts-to the point of worshiping the opposite values of those which along would guarantee its health, its future, the lofty right of its future.


  2. I have learned a lot from your website… It’s well past time for the truth to come out. Christians have been deceived for way too long.

    My forebears were “Jews”. My great-grandfather was one of ten men who founded the synagogue in Nashua, N.H. His tombstone is in Hebrew. I actually had my DNA tested because I wanted to see my connection to the “Jews”.

    The trail ended NOT in Israel but in Lithuania.


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