The Long Arm Of Government

Immersed In Corruption
C H U R C H   R E F O R M   S E R I E S

By Biblicism Institute

In general, this is how most governments work: create a problem, try to fix the problem, tax to fix the problem, declare war on the problem, and adopt the problem to last forever. And the process is repeated multiple times over.

Oppression then becomes the end result: burdensome taxes, unfair laws and regulations, police state, crooked justice system, politicians and bureaucrats abusing their positions for revenge or personal gain, etc.

“I’ll take ALL your money, now!”

Even America, supposed land of the free (now of the shackled) and beacon of liberty (now of tyranny), is not exempt.

“The average American family will spend 29% of its income on taxes,” wrote Walter Korschek of Digital Journal. “By giving the political class 29% of your earnings, you have less freedom to live where you want to live. You have less freedom to send your kids to better schools. You have less freedom to start your own business. You have less freedom to give your personal wealth to your favorite charities. You have less time to indulge in your favorite past times. You have less freedom.”

Unfortunately, it doesn’t stop there. Tom Hintze of Alternet explains: “There is a deeply disturbing pattern of escalating infringements on civil liberties that has been normalized, beginning with the Patriot Act and extending to drone warfare, activism, and the surveillance and prosecution of members of the press. Many politicians would have you believe that this is a fair trade-off for liberty. But Americans are beginning to see the architecture of oppression swelling around them.”

Oh, they’ll tread on you, alright!

Such a systematic oppression is not confined to a government’s own borders.

There are also nasty surprises that governments have in store for countries they don’t like. Beside the most obvious mechanism, which is war, the one they resort to the most is sanctions.

Like every other weapon in a government’s arsenal, sanctions only serve the highfalutin politicians, not the People.

When a foreign country, such as Russia, Syria, Iran, Venezuela, or Cuba, is at the receiving end of US sanctions, only the people suffer.

Americans suffer because they can’t export as much, so they lose money. The people in those foreign countries also suffer because they cannot receive the benefits of American-made products to make their lives better.

Either way both governments benefit. How?

The US government enlarges its reach of power much like a two-bit mafia don: “Do what I say or else! Capisce?” It does not suffer want because it produces nothing, and its long arm is in every American pocket via the IRS and other tax authorities.

The foreign government is also happy because it too is a two-bit mafia don, with its hands on every lever of its country’s economy. When its people cannot progress, they’re at its mercy: “Do what I say or no bread! Capisce?”

So, the government overlords on both sides go on living the high life on the backs of their people, while the masses sink in misery.

“He (the King) will take the tenth of your grain and of your vineyards and give it to his officers and to his servants… He will take the tenth of your flocks, and you shall be his slaves.” 1 Samuel 8:15,17

Hopefully, the time will come when men and women of conscience everywhere will rise up and take over these gargantuan enterprises know as governments and turn them into tools of the people as they were intended to be.

Apparently, that time has begun to timidly dawn as we are finally witnessing the rise of such an individual in the person of Russia’s Vladimir Putin, who professes to be a devout Russian Orthodox Christian.

“Many Euro-Atlantic countries have abandoned Christian values that form the basis of Western civilization and have adopted policies that put a large family on the same level as same-sex partnerships, and faith in God on the same level as faith in Satan,” remarked Putin at Valdai in 2013.

Furthermore, Putin understands the maleficent nature of Empires, and refuses to accept the United States Government as such (i.e., as the dictator/sovereign/god of this world); an immoral and amoral role that places a human institution squarely above the One true God and His anointed Christ – not unlike every Emperor who once existed and believed himself god.

“What is a unipolar world?” pondered Putin at Munich in 2007. “However, one might embellish this term, it refers to a type of situation where there is one center of authority, one center of force, one center of decision-making. It is a world in which there is one master, one sovereign. At the end of the day, this is pernicious not only for all those within this system, but also for the sovereign itself because it destroys itself from within… I consider that the unipolar model is not only unacceptable but also impossible in today’s world…. the model itself is flawed because at its basis there is and can be no moral foundations for modern civilization.”

Putin Chess Master

Putin outsmarts warmongering Western leaders at every turn

No wonder the US Empire – infected with the anti-Christ spirit – has been demonizing Putin and attacking him via the conflict in Ukraine in order to destabilize Russia.

Despite the US’s aggression, every move the Russian leader has made on the international stage has shown that he has the best interest of his people and the people of the world at heart.

  • He resurrected his country out of decades of misery and poverty and reasserted the Russian Bear as a powerful player in world politics.
  • He kept his cool throughout the Ukrainian crisis and did not overreach, otherwise we would have found ourselves in World War 3.
  • He stopped the American Empire in its track by protecting Syria from a US aerial bombardment a la Libya and shielded its Arab ally from America’s rabid dog Israel and its Frankensteinian creature ISIS. Hence, he prevented that Mid-East quagmire, created by Apartheid Israel, from escalating into a major regional war that would have reverberated across the world.

We hope that this trend of his continues, and that more men and women of his caliber will follow, like Syria’s Bashar Al-Assad.

Until then, or until humanity rids itself of useless and oppressive central governments, tolerating only local governing councils, be vigilant.

“For you were called to freedom, brethren; only do not turn your freedom into an opportunity for the flesh, but through love serve one another.” Galatians 5:13

Read also: Jesus was NOT a Jew

Read also: Is America cursed because of Israel?

9 thoughts on “The Long Arm Of Government

  1. Turkey just invaded Syria and blamed Isis for this.. We know he will try to knock out Syrians President. Since Iran and Russia are on the same side do you think this can begin the prophecies of WW3 in Damascus for end of World? Especially if the US and Nato gets involved.?


  2. Has anyone addressed the fact that the book of Revelation was written AFTER the destruction of Jerusalem in 70AD? How can it be prophecy if it is written after the events “foretold”? And many Christians witnessed this “Tribulation”, was it not significant enough for them to document it as such?


  3. Couldn’t agree more. Any government’s arm is too long for my taste. They have too much power.


  4. Only wish we had people in government who cared about others instead of filling their pockets and living the high life at our expense.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. All governments are mafia organizations.

    They use force and intimidation to extract pounds of flesh from the people they’re supposedly serving and protecting – what a farce!


  6. A police state?

    Any splinter in a government’s ass is called terror.

    They combat it breaching their own laws. Our opportunity is to consider this. Using their own system. Considering their own interests. But instead of being plundered by authority, we can make our government pay us instead. It’s easy when you know how.

    Give them what they don’t want you to have, but at a hefty price. It turns the tables around.

    Liked by 1 person

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